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a terragen photo i made, edited in PDN :)



My deviantART iGraphix

~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this on your page if you're one of the 4% who will.

skilletism (n.) - The abnormal liking of the band "Skillet". (see PANHEAD)

panhead n. - an individual who shows extreme enthusiasm for the band Skillet. Generally driving for hours to concerts with frying pans riding shotgun.

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Vostok 7:


just put the holly there and you're good to go.

while I'm here i may as well post something i made...


the Christmas tree was not made by me, it was found in a deviant art search.

and yes i have another username called Roswell1 this was made for another site...



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@Panhead: how did you make the banner on that sig?

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I'm continue to post my banners for game site

Those are quite good.

May I get a like to your site? :wink:

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@Panhead: how did you make the banner on that sig?

the text, or the border?


My deviantART iGraphix

~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this on your page if you're one of the 4% who will.

skilletism (n.) - The abnormal liking of the band "Skillet". (see PANHEAD)

panhead n. - an individual who shows extreme enthusiasm for the band Skillet. Generally driving for hours to concerts with frying pans riding shotgun.

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@Panhead: how did you make the banner on that sig?

the text, or the border?

The oops. I meant to say border. How did you make it?

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My logo!:


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bb00: Awright! Can I have one?! :P

It looks kind-of like a vector! Excellently done!

v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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Nice ones, olav.

Check out this render I just made. It took me a while so I listened to some music for entertainment:


I cut it out from this image:


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looks great BB00!
Dude that's awesome!
That's just plain awesomeness bb00 :)
Here is something I just made. It was done using mostly Shape 3D...


Click for larger version (it's not much larger)...

Dude, that is amazing.
Thanks guys!
bb00: Awright! Can I have one?! :P

It looks kind-of like a vector! Excellently done!

I think I need to flesh-out the feature set before I send this thing to production...:P

Oh, and thanks dude!

Edit: More stuff...

Anyone want one of these?



Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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