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Image Umbrella: Abstract Images


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@ Zieon Eslador : wonderful piece of work :)

@ Ryberg 360 : the works you have posted are great, i love the mouse work , very creative :)

@ Ancient Shed : nice work on the sig, and i like that way off thinking :)

This was the outcome off a challenge to create and use bars in a work, it ended up a tribute to van Morrison's

Moon Dance :)


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Ryberg360: Interesting picture, I like pictures where concrete things are used to make up an abstract image.

At first I didn't really like the colors, still not completely sure how I feel about them :P , but I guess they kinda add to the image mood/feel somehow :)

Don't usually make abstracts and this was mostly just the result of playing around with some of madjik's texture plugins:


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@Soka girl Lingo Ding is a very fun looking piece of art. Made me think of blackberries, so I had to go to the kitchen and have some berries and yogurt. You are killing my diet. :lol:

@Ryberg360 as i told you on the other forum I love this style and can see you doing so many side track images from it.

@Olav that's not too shabby for an abstract. The colors are nice together, very uplifiting. I'd say its a good base to build more into I'd definietly like to see some other elements added so you can get some shadows for more depth.


I don't often show you all my abstracts but here is one I've been working on.

One of my daughters and I sometimes get into real deep conversations, about how life is such a journey, and what would be at the end of life. Would there be a crossing over to the other side? She often thinks in terms of light rays, and me I imagine beauty and sparkles, an explosion of colors, and peaceful joy.

thumb full size can be viewed in my gallery pg 82

"Crossing to the other side"


ciao OMA

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@ Sokagirl, Very nice and very purple. It almost looks like a water bug. Lovely !

@ Ryberg I just love your style. This is the best yet. Beautiful.

@ Olav, Wow that is really nice. Looks like quilted satin. Really like the colors.

@ Oma, Another brilliant abstract! Reminds me of colored cut glass. I hope I see something like this as I cross over. It would be a very peaceful journey.

This is a space abstract that I did last week. I was working on a fire cave and when I made a little mistake on a blend mode for one of the layers, I went wow, that is pretty, I think I'll save that out to a new image. I never did get back to the fire cave. :lol:

Into the Nebula



SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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:shock: :shock: Wow Possum , you did some parts of the cave in the background no ? I can see bits of it which makes this piece ever more awesome and unique .. You gotta love those blend modes , they always give you something unexpected :mrgreen: thanks for the comment :wink:

Yes you can, upper right corner. :D You never know when something you do creates something unexpected. Sometimes it is too much to resist to move forward with and the original gets left behind for a time.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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I thought I posted this but it is not showing up in my posts and I don't see it here. This was my first attempt at making an abstract image using Paint.NET. I took the image I got playing around with the kaleidoscope plug-in and used the metallic plug-in on it.


When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, sure 'tis like a morn in spring.

In the lilt of Irish laughter you can hear the angels sing,

When Irish hearts are happy all the world seems bright and gay,

And When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, sure, they steal your heart away.


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Some of the images are not showing up for me.

olav.k.m be careful madjik's plug-ins as well as abstracts can be addictive

Ryberg360 I think that is beautiful

Possum Roadkill you have so much going on in that image but there is something appealing about how busy it is, the colors are great.

hippotipus looks like that would be a great screen saver

myoriah kaleidoscope is one of my favorites, that is what I used to make the images I am posting

I have not posted in here for a while, Happy Valentines to all

Which color do you like best? I started out doing some hearts but the star took over.




"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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Here is an automatic drawing I did with two different textures being used as background. I did the drawing with my eyes closed. :lol: Good thing it was done on my computer or I would have had paint,pencil or crayon all over the wall.



When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, sure 'tis like a morn in spring.

In the lilt of Irish laughter you can hear the angels sing,

When Irish hearts are happy all the world seems bright and gay,

And When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, sure, they steal your heart away.


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a little something i made

got a little bored

Nice colors and good swirl effect. I like how the red part looks. Do you mind if I make a suggestion? If you work with the circular text plugin a little more you can get the text to be more circular around your spiral. You might even play around with some of the other plugins that come with the circle text and see what you can do with it. For just doing something while being bored, it's pretty cool.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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