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Image Umbrella: Abstract Images


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experimentation is the key. Also take a waltz down to the tutorials and pick up some techniques there :D. There are some excellent tutorials out there that will help you learn about paint.net.


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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@Dark Zarosia Nice first image. Just for fun try duplicating the layer and trying some of the various blurs, like the zoom blurs and motion blurs and see what you get from that. Have you gone through the plug-ins section of the forum yet? There are so many different effects it will make your head pop off !

@ Chad Love the new avy and sig.

@ Sokagirl, same thing love the sig. Nice image too. Is that splinter or jitter? Did you do a reflection for the bottom half or the mirror over line? Looks cool !

This is an abstract I did this morning while having my coffee and a donut. :D I didn't give it a name, so it's just Abstract #Five.


Have you ever woken up and felt kinda abstract? Yeah, me too. I must have passed through a black hole while I was sleeping.

Abstract # Six



SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Frontcannon, that star is pure awe-inspiringness!! And Possum, Abstract No. Five's nice and vibrant and.. :P

This umbrella seemed the best place to put this :P

I looked through a site of optical illusions and came up with an idea after a few pages...


It's a towerish...thing coming towards the viewer,eh?

Every pentagon has a corner that's lighter than the rest of the same pentagon?

If you don't already know this illusion, do the magic with the eyedropper ;)


Please forgive my possible complaints. I'm but an annoying little perfectionist when it comes to using english...

"I tremble in the presence of your terrifying skills of gardening."

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It seems to be quite tileable, and it's nice and shiny (and metal, even?) Perhaps with some noisation (it's nice to make up one's own words :P) it could be a texture for a stone wall?

Maybe it's halloween's approachal or I'm just getting blurry, freak and dim all around :D

Here's the Undefinable Thing waving across from the Just-as-odd-a-place-of-Things-Defying-Definition


EDIT: Failed spelling, as always :P Perhaps spontanious perfectionism is a curse laid on me :(

EDIT2: :roll:

EDIT3: Now this's just ridiculous :roll: :roll:

EDIT4: GAAAAHHH :o :evil:

EDIT5: Never mind :roll:


Please forgive my possible complaints. I'm but an annoying little perfectionist when it comes to using english...

"I tremble in the presence of your terrifying skills of gardening."

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Absolutely love the new piece as i have said on the other forum.

Don't mean to trump someones post but here is my latest abstract... next person please critique both mine and afg's

The Glass Facade


full size will be featured on the front page of my gallery.


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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@ A Fleeting Glimpse , I commented on that piece in your Gallery , very nice indeed . You never cease to amaze me .

@ theonlychad , glass . I love glass and glossy shiny things :twisted: hehheh . Great job :P you know Oma inspires me too and so do a lot of people here they know who they are :mrgreen: :AddNoise:

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Newest abstract that i have made. It has quite the calming effect on me. It is called The serene flow


full size is featured in my gallery on page one enjoy :D


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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