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:lol::lol: thinking cap now on.

Oma, make a picture of a thinking cap.

:wink: I'm too busy wearing my winter cap... its minus 40 degrees with the windchill tonight. brrrrrrrrrrrr.

actually I'm trying to draw something tonight and its not working out too well. :lol::lol::lol:

Excellent job on that sword Oma. I'm almost inspired to do something similar.


looking at it now I can see some things I'd probably do differently. But that was one of those late night projects when I couldn't sleep and just went with what ever I came up with.



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Awesome work. Ironic, since we were talking about daffodils in school yesterday. Now put it in a field of grass along with a few others, drop in a blue, cloudy background... :wink:

It looks so realistic that I wanted to pluck it and bring it to my face. Nice job! :wink:

The praise is clear, but, ah, you might not want to do that; contrary to their appearance, daffodils do NOT smell very good. :wink:

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Oma, I am like you, I hate the winter and the cold. It looks lovely on the mountains and the tree, but when the wind hit, it just make you shiver all over.

Your "daffy" was great. Good texture, but I noticed right away was the angle of the flower. It seem a little off, like LFC was saying.

And to agree with Goonie, I did thought you made something related to Duffy Duck.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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I love it, yellow is my favorite color, I think you are not finished it yet, right?In addition to what other friends said I have some comments:

-The stem and leave needs shadow

-Can you please correct The left-up petals shadow?

-Add the stigma and the stamen(even if some small circles better than empty)

But the whole piece is beautiful especially the Idea ,well done OMA.

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wow, that is great. I just saw this on deviantART :D

@Gamer_World14 thanks, LOL! I saw the minor debate he's a she. LOL!

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That`s so realistic! Brilliant.
When I saw `Daffy' in your subject title I was expecting Daffy Duck! :lol::lol:

@ Goonfella LOL!

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I love daffy, but the leave should be more narrow at the bottom of the flower

@Boude yes you are correct. but I've not finished yet. My cut flower in the vase on my desk just looks the same hacked off at the bottom. We still have 3 feet of snow over my garden, so it will be awhile before my daffy's come up. All the images I google don't show clearly the bottom of the flowers. Most only show the head portion. I do plan to go to the conservatory today in hopes the spring flowering show has daffodils.
Failing a good look at one actually in growing stage I'll have to order a book thru the library.

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I love it oma :D It's so realistic when I first saw it, I put my hand on my heart and started singing this ...
Is that varicose I see ? :wink:

@Welshblue such a patriotic lad! do you see varicose? did you laugh until you dropped?

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The daffodil is wonderful, so realistic. Nice job Oma!

thanks Janettsue hope it made you smile.

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Oma, it's beautiful! It looks so realistic that I wanted to pluck it and bring it to my face. Nice job! :wink:

@ thanks Helen .... LOL! maybe it would be a good time to show them all the first attempt?
that was so sad looking. I originally looked for a tut on drawing daffodils and didn't find anything even remotely decent. so decided to attempt to draw one on my own.

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Awesome work. Ironic, since we were talking about daffodils in school yesterday. Now put it in a field of grass along with a few others, drop in a blue, cloudy background... :wink:

@Crimson see the one on my DA blue sky and here is your field of dreams


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Really like the daffodil. :) You should put all your flowers together and make a bouquet! :D

@Kemaru not a bad idea but did you know that the sap from daffodils in a vase usually make other flowers droop . They would have to be in separate vases. LOL!

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The daffodil flower itself is amazing. Really realistic, great textures, the list is endless. :)
I'm not liking the leaves though.. they sort of "extrude" at the end. It looks odd to me..
Otherwise, awesome stuff Oma! :D

@Crimson ...yes its not done yet. see comments I made to boude above

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Your "daffy" was great. Good texture, but I noticed right away was the angle of the flower. It seem a little off, like LFC was saying.

@Storm.Shadow angle off not sure what you mean? the trunpet of the daffodil usually points downward from shear weight.

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I love it, yellow is my favorite color, I think you are not finished it yet, right?In addition to what other friends said I have some comments:
-The stem and leave needs shadow
-Can you please correct The left-up petals shadow?
-Add the stigma and the stamen(even if some small circles better than empty)
But the whole piece is beautiful especially the Idea ,well done OMA.

@yellowman you are correct not even near finished with this piece yet. It was for my spring garden picture. The shadows are still not quite correct. I was waiting more until I had several more different type of flowers to really work on those. Just needed them to show the pre stage with some depth. Good call on the stigma and stamen, I've been reworking them....the original is what the horrible piece of brocolli came from.

thanks all
I guess its actually turned out better than I thought at this stage.

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thanks Helen great new word. I like especially when you use it to describe one of my drawings. :lol::lol::lol:

Topezia where in the world have you been? I've missed your witty repartee around the board :wink: I'm glad you are back, and look forward to seeing what you've been working on.

on another note.... I'm surprised no one noticed the little faces in my sig?

looks like our new smilies. :lol::lol::lol: (on the right side of the A and on the top center of the M

I made a boboo when I did the O i cut the little guy off. :oops:

ciao OMA .

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Wow, Oma! You even have a puzzle to solve in your images! :shock:

:lol: did you see the little guys staring out at you ..... they are my extra set of eyes to keep a watch on all you creative people. :wink:

I often stick little things into my pictures. not too many of you notice them. another OMA trademark is using polar inversion. I tuck it away and hide it quite often. :lol::lol::lol:

====================== new art work in progress ===========================

I need to work this into a picture. (10 min sketch)


work in progress


:wink: this is a test into placing bunny into garden.

note bunny has changed direction. Also I think he/she needs to be a bit plumper, after all he/she is the Easter Bunny and has been dipping into those choclate eggs a few too many times. :lol::lol: There is still much work to go on this garden picture.




I feel this is nearing completion. Now calling it complete. I've gone as far as my current skills allow. I will need to practice drawing more.!ie:

I am not happy with the tulips completely. They need to be joined to the stems with those little leaves under the petals. Fixed

A few little touches to background (not sure what yet). Fixed added the little bushes and some little flowers and some grass to a bald patch. :lol::lol:

I worked so hard on getting the nose looking more decent but see its getting lost against the background foilage. That really needs addressing but not sure how to fix that artistically.

Suggestions anyone on that ? Fixed.... just had to move the bunny up a bit and over. shift a bit of the background around to get a light color contrast behind.

The birdies I'd planned may not make it to this picture. They are just not up to where I want them standard wise yet so perhaps I'll save them for next art piece.

The bunny's tummy needs to be rounded out more since I've moved the arms/front paw position so he/she could hold the butterfly. The whiskers are needing beefing up on one side. etc etc etc. Fixed as good as I can do on those right now. :roll:

I'd say overall I'm very satisfied with how has turned out.. I see improvement in my drawing skills here, and I can see the flaws and areas I need to brush up on. So overall the picture has acheived the goals I set myself.

The last adjustments have been done. consider this one finished

I added in rounder cheeks per Topezia comment. gave the other arm something to carry per PM and added shadows under arms , brightened butterfly and anchored it to the hand with a shadow. by the way I've enlarged the nose as noted by Topezia as well. (good eye) , added the ridge along the top of the forhead, fixed the whiskers, although they still look a tad thin on one side. The are exactly same size. as they are flipped layer ???? not sure what's going on there. finally colorization at end looks better, sharper , cleaner.

The bunny in my garden


PS I love how the path turned out. those stones took a lot of figuring out. Not just a strip of color run across the page. They acutally look raised and textured.

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I have been around here and there, mostly here but also with some quick raids there, including your home country (Great Germany! I wish they will invade my Country, wanna send a letter to Angela Merkel to persuade her to do so) from where I came back with a "rich" german vocabulary which includes: Glühwein, weihnachtsmarkt, prost, eine Bretzeln bitte!

p.s. I can see two more little faces in your sig, but I probably need new glasses! :lol:

I love the rabbit, could be part of a tale like The Bremen town musicians :)


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