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The Pictorium! Post your created or edited images here!


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What program do I use to make my buttons real buttons?

You mean make them clickable? There are a number of ways, all depending upon within what medium you wish to use it.

You could make it a button in PowerPoint that takes the reader to page [x], or a clickable link in a Word document that launches your default browser. You could use a programming language such as C# to import the bitmap into an application and add an action to a mouse event. You could use HTML to make it a link on a web page. You could even store the image data stream in a SQL field and use PHP to output it and the requisite href anchor to make it clickable.

What exactly are you looking to do?

The site is php based and I would like to put a working example of some buttons up for the admin. What I understand so far is that mouse events trigger color change and that change is likely due to a secondary image or animation.and the click is coded to link to a page.

How that is accomplished is unknown to me.

Your right about secondary images. also a third image is often used to denote what page your on. I use Namo Web editor to do that stuff usually and then manually tighten it all up, but you can do it all manually from scratch. .gif images are what Namo uses if I remember correctly (to lazy to look right now)

OK the topic is started. :D

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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i use it in my movies like my pivots pivot is a stick figure animation program i used in a lot of these you dont realy need any artistics to use it so ya here it is in total i used the following programs


windows movie maker


heres my work


not bad... I remember pivot from way back when... here is a couple of old things I made (for the sake of memories)


http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b254/ ... ssfins.gif


http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b254/ ... erFAST.gif

http://s21.photobucket.com/albums/b254/ ... neslow.gif

and theres always my avatar... hope to see more of your work in the future :)

quoting myself quoting you from before, yea you did post it :D


id look at your album it would probally be awsome but you have it set to private

been meaning to change that, done and done.


Site: RIP =(

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I've really started getting into photography and photo editing recently and took some impromtu shots while at a friends wedding last week.

I've picked a couple and have edited/manipulated them. I'm planning on presenting the happy couple with framed copies as a present; what do you think?

Can I borrow your hat?





Son of the Father





*The trickest part of this was removing the large blue bottle from the foreground



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I thought this was an interesting shape.

I have been playing with the effects. The flowers are from a water color I did a few years ago.



"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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