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@bark - howd you do it?

I made a bunch of random shapes using various plugins to make it look grunge'ish and then I added a new layer and filled it with white and made a solid black border. Then I blurred that layer and changed the blending mode to "Multiply"


Here is something I just made...



Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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well here is my very first image using the tuts form paint.net looking forward to your coments good or bad. :)

http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z92/ ... anet2a.png

very good for a first, might I suggest fixing up the planet on the right, it looks bleh...

and just a suggestion, maybe try removing the picture of the eagle, as in instead of the pure black, you see the background (stars, rest of the planet, etc.) and just have the "fired" shape of the eagle, it might work out.


Site: RIP =(

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@bark - howd you do it?

I made a bunch of random shapes using various plugins to make it look grunge'ish and then I added a new layer and filled it with white and made a solid black border. Then I blurred that layer and changed the blending mode to "Multiply"


Here is something I just made...


Awesome siggy.

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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@one4u Me likey a lot. My personal opinion with the eagle is: I like that there is a sillouette (the black part) because it helps define what it is. If you wanted to merge it with the space scene better, maybe you could nebulize the black part.

@ash I like the retouched version of your tiger (or big cat of some sort) a lot more.

@barkbark love the abstract stuff! And the rock type texture too.

@aralox nice sig!

@ben R R The one with the rivets looks better IMHO. Like the texture.

@aile Way trippy photo mod! Cool!

Everybody posts such good stuff I can't cover everybody if I don't post for a few days! I think I was able to use the word like enough times :lol:

Anywho I threw together a new sig, lemme know if you see something jumping out at you saying "fix me, fix me!"

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Hey, I am a long time Paint.Net user, yet I have never registered onto these forums so here I am. Paint.Net is a really good program and one of the best

things about it is that it feels a lot more friendly then other graphic applications

i.e photoshop etc. And since Rick actually replies to messages, and accepts

feature requests, and helps out users of Paint.Net, it makes everyone feel

very well looked after. And, it's free! So thankyou to the Paint.Net development

team. Anyway, here are a few things I have made since I first downloaded the

Hey how'd you do the purple eye?


Check out my DeviantArt gallery.

All my photomanips are made with PDN

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You're a ghost?

v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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Well, mustang maverick, there aren't that many stars. I guess you could be somewhat close to a city, but if you were in the country then you would see a lot of stars. (I live in a small town in Mississippi and there are a lot of stars at night!)

Hi. This is my signature. :)

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you know, what i do is add noise with the settings intensity 255 color sat 0, dupe the layer, add a cross blur at 25 degrees on one layer and and whatever is directly across from that on the other


"No. Dreaming is illegal."~Pyrochild

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Haven't post any new images after Sabertooth tiger....

About time for a new one :)

Using the method in my New tut....+Lens flare plugin by Madjik.

(I would've thought more people would be using that plugin now, since so many have asked in the past)


Oh yeah, watch out for Crocodiles :lol:

Hope you like it.

Have a nice weekend! 8)


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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