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One bug-bear though, there is a one or two pixel line on the very top of your signature just behind the King, is it meant to be?

Yea, that was annoying me too... I think I fixed it.

I also made the font more readable .

And thanks all for the wonderful comments!

@ jpope: I really like that tiger one, nice job! I also went to the zoo the other day and got some pics:



Those two are my favorite pics, but nothing as clear and beautiful as yours.

Oh, and here's my tiger one from the beginning of the summer:


[click for larger images]

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Nice, what kind of camera do you have?

It's a Nikon N75. Someday I'm gonna step up to a nice digital but I still enjoy using film. (Of course, having a stack of film that needs developed is not all that enjoyable :D )

@ jpope: I really like that tiger one, nice job! I also went to the zoo the other day and got some pics...Those two are my favorite pics, but nothing as clear and beautiful as yours.

Just remember, these were edited with PDN so some of that clarity and beauty came from that. Try this: Open your picture, duplicate layer and set top layer to multiply. Adjust the opacity of the top layer where you like. I find that this really brings out the color of photos. For example:


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Just remember, these were edited with PDN so some of that clarity and beauty came from that. Try this: Open your picture, duplicate layer and set top layer to multiply. Adjust the opacity of the top layer where you like. I find that this really brings out the color of photos.

Thank you all.

Yes, I do that quite a bit too :)

Nice pic btw.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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What exactly is that? :P

Whatever they are, they look good. Like... Gooey, cosmic energy orbs or something. :)

This next one's just for Rick. :wink: Well, I guess I get the benefit of having a new desktop background, so It's kinda for me too...


[ Full Size 1280 x 800 ]

Started of course with the image mentioned in Rick's blog post, used GREYCstoration to quell the noise, and implemented my handy Alpha Masking tutorial method (shameless plug... <_<) to cut out the surrounding white. Then a copy / resize / paste and a copy / paste to a 1280 x 800 image, a bit of Unfocus blurring in the background, some random translucent bars, and all that was needed to finish it were a few Bleeding Cowboys.

Cheers! :mtdew:

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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This is probably the most recent picture of me:


On the left is my very good friend, Elyse. Isn't she pretty?

Here's the original...


(in case you were wondering, Dragon Man is a crazy guy who lives in eastern Colorado. He has massive property, and on it there is his workshop, where he works on motorcycles and shtuff, including the one on the shirt, which is where he got his name. He has an amazing war museum with all kinds of goodies, including several of Hitler's personal possessions. Mainly, however, Dragon Man is known for his paintball range 8)8)8))


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Dang, pyro, I think your hair's actually longer than mine!

I don't have a digital camera of my own, but a friend of mine snapped a cap of me a few days ago and I made him promise to email it to me... I'll have to talk with him about that...

And yes she is, by the way.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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Dang, pyro, I think your hair's actually longer than mine!

That pic is from the last day of school. May 24. So it's almost 2 months old, and I still haven't gotten a haircut. So if you think it's longer than yours in that pic, you know it's longer than yours now :D


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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The Saint-Linnenned-Pineapple of Turin

Just before he was sliced and used as a marinade, Saint-Pineapple, the very reincarnation of the all mighty PineappleQc on earth, was washed and dryed with a linen cloth. By a certain miracle, though, the image of Saint-Pineapple was magically printed on the linen cloth. Until rcently, nobody really noticed it. But recent examinations and a negative image of what became known as the Saint-Linnenned-Pineapple of Turin showed that the linen cloth really had the body of the Saint printed on it!


Here is the original image, left untouched.


The same image, but with a negative effect applied to it. You can now distinctly see the image of Saint-Pineapple on it.

I think this is my final images, unless I find a way to make it look like it's been folded. I'd like to use it as an animated GIF avatar with the image going from normal to negative and vice-versa after a couple of seconds, but I don't feel like downloading UnFreez again... If someone is willing to convert it for me, I'd be very grateful! I'll post the avatar-sized images for it soon.


"Ah, i love it when huge pineapples try to take over the world, it makes me sentimental :')"


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just a bit of technique practice last night. wanted to try for a shaped frame around the little robot. think those cut aways worked well could be used for some nice frame work on old heritage photos in my digital scrapbooking. tried diferent variations of the outline object to acheive the golden glow behind object. also tried to get dimension in the borders using white paint and radial blurring.



first try at giving you all a link to my deviant art page for updated larger view. sorry may need to edit again if I do this incorrectly. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/59919622/

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see my smile! you have to be one of the funniest people around.

The Saint-Linnenned-Pineapple of Turin Oh that is so devious. you need to add that one to your deviant art account. just love it.

Thx. I don't have any deviant account yet but I think it's worth creating one now that I have a couple of images. I'll come back on this.


"Ah, i love it when huge pineapples try to take over the world, it makes me sentimental :')"


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I downloaded paint.net about a month ago, and have never done anything with computer-graphics or art before, decided to try and learn something.

Despite the screw up on my avatar (too lazy to fix lol), I'm learning some new tricks each day.

Props to the all of the creators of the plugins and paint.net itself for making it such an enjoyable experience to use.

***Some of these picks have a transparent background, so your forum color-choice may conflict or add on to the appearance of the image.

Here's my best thus far:

Dimensional Thread


Embodiment of the Soul


Mother Earth


Sheika's Demon


Foundation of a Dimension (5)



"There is no such thing as death, there is a higher version of yourself waiting to say hello."

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