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I had a similar approach to Ash's. However, it looks as if you used Surface Blur, correct Ash? The blob of shadow on the right (image right) of her nose seems to suggest that. For mine, I used my favorite plugin, GREYCstoration, since it's not blurring, but smoothing via adaptive resampling (averaging nearby pixels, not smooshing similar pixels).

I also duplicated the layer, then used Overlay on the duplicate to increase contrast range and saturation. I masked out her eyes and used Additive on the isolated eyes to increase their definition.


[ Full Size ]

Three most important things for professional-looking images:

1. Image Quality: Make sure that jaggies (digital compression artifacts) are at a minimum. Surface Blur or GREYCstoration are good for correcting this of present.

2. Framing Composition: Follow the Rule of Thirds to keep an interesting composition. This image was well-framed to begin with, so that's a plus. In the case the the image with which you're working is not, you may have to crop creatively or isolate and move the subject and replace the background.

3. Color and Contrast Range: Pretty self-explanatory. This image had decent color to begin with, and usually it's the fault of the camera or lighting if the image looks washed out. Layer Blending Modes are good for increasing Contrast Range and saturation.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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I had a similar approach to Ash's. However, it looks as if you used Surface Blur, correct Ash? The blob of shadow on the right (image right) of her nose seems to suggest that. For mine, I used my favorite plugin, GREYCstoration, since it's not blurring, but adaptive resampling smoothing (averaging nearby pixels, not smooshing similar pixels).

I also duplicated the layer, then used Overlay on the duplicate to increase contrast range and saturation. I masked out her eyes and used Additive on the isolated eyes to increase their definition.

Yes, you are correct (Surface blur). :)

GREYCstoration....I didn't know about this. :P

Gonna check it out now :)

EDIT: No images on this plugin page...no wonder I didn't remember about this :P

Learn something new everyday :lol:

I did the eyes totaly different...I will give your method a try later on :)

EDIT2: And I just got my effects down to a piont where I don't see the top and bottom arrows :? Now I have the arrows again :cry:


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Yeah, I must admit I'm not entirely pleased with the way the eyes turned out in mine... Too much brightness, not enough contrast.

I'll have to have another go.


I re-uploaded the images, so the new ones are up there (you may have to reload without cache to see). What ended up working was taking the eyes, inverting the color, and setting the blend mode to Overlay.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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well I'm still working on my oriental man

I asked for some help with the face and Ash sent me a website with some great oriental masks this was my inspiration piece


my computor attempt to draw the above


and insert into my picture modified from my drawing further with boltbait ink sketch. (not sure I'll keep the ink sketch sort of like my drawing better sorry boltbait. usually love this plug in but think its not quite correct for this application.


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Hey, how would i try and make this picture look more professional? lol

*not the background, i cant find a background to flow with the tint of her skin and everything*

just, her... lol


This is something I've done with a lot of pictures of my family members - turning them into what looks like a studio portrait, using BoltBaits fantastic Portrait plugin.


I personally think that black and white (or mono) portraits look more professional. However, instead of the traditional greyscale b/w I prefer to use the Adjustments > Sepia instead.



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I personally think that black and white (or mono) portraits look more professional.

Bah! Greyscale is just for people who are too lazy to manage color matching! :P

Alright alright, I'm just grandstanding to mitigate my embarrassment for neglecting to mention this in number 3 back there. In the case of greyscale, color becomes much less important, naturally, so all the importance rests upon the contrast range to define the image.

By the way, nice smooth edges on your cutout. Did you use an Alpha Mask for that?

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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and insert into my picture modified from my drawing further with boltbait ink sketch. (not sure I'll keep the ink sketch sort of like my drawing better sorry boltbait. usually love this plug in but think its not quite correct for this application.

I'm not offended. It is really more for photographs. I feel that Ink Sketch is one of my best plugins--maybe not the most often used, true. But, I think it definately has a place in my toolbox.

cjmcguinness, NICE job with the Portrait plugin! Glad someone is getting some use out of it.

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...but if you look below her left eye in the corner...

You mean this part:


If so, yeah, that does look a little off. I believe that's simply a case of bad shadow, exacerbated by the increased contrast.

Here's a version with that extra darkness / redness lessened:

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b37/c ... teprof.jpg

I isolated the spot around the eye, used Hue / Saturation to make it more yellow (helps cancel out the red when set with the blending mode) thereby increasing the brightness, blurred the layer, and set the blend mode to screen.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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...but if you look below her left eye in the corner...

You mean this part:


If so, yeah, that does look a little off. I believe that's simply a case of bad shadow, exacerbated by the increased contrast.

Here's a version with that extra darkness / redness lessened:

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b37/c ... teprof.jpg

I isolated the spot around the eye, used Hue / Saturation to make it more yellow (helps cancel out the red when set with the blending mode) thereby increasing the brightness, blurred the layer, and set the blend mode to screen.

That looks a little better. I'll try working with the clone stamp, or doing it pixel by pixel to finish up that part.

Boltbait, not that i had a hard time finding it, just that I'm the only one that never knew it existed, or just totally forgot about it... hah

EDIT: OR... Not, maybe i do suck at pixel by pixel changing... lmao, man i hate blending... i'll keep trying...

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and insert into my picture modified from my drawing further with boltbait ink sketch. (not sure I'll keep the ink sketch sort of like my drawing better sorry boltbait. usually love this plug in but think its not quite correct for this application.

I'm not offended. It is really more for photographs. I feel that Ink Sketch is one of my best plugins--maybe not the most often used, true. But, I think it definately has a place in my toolbox.

cjmcguinness, NICE job with the Portrait plugin! Glad someone is getting some use out of it.

Oh I use this ever so often

and guess what boltbait found a way to use in this image after all.

I just used my drawing on two layers made the bottom one in ink sketch then made the top one fairly transparent this gave me exactly what I wanted. I'm working on the background this week so will post with some further updates later on.


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^^ Good.

I actually haven't tried it yet.

v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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This Shape3D plugin makes us lazy! Normally, it'd be an accomplishment if you'd be able to create a nice orb. Now, it's plain simple. I like being lazy. :D

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By the way, nice smooth edges on your cutout. Did you use an Alpha Mask for that?

No, never quite got the hang of using the Alpha Mask. I simply cutout the image and feather. Perhaps I should practise using the Alpha Mask more often; might produce some even better results.

cjmcguinness, NICE job with the Portrait plugin! Glad someone is getting some use out of it.

Both your Portrait and Feather plugins are indespensible for photo manipulation. Just got a new digital camera and I am producing some fantastic results using both of them.



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alright. i made two images using relatively the same method. actually the story goes that my friend and i were having a competition: who could create a cooler image. i was trying to prove that PdN was just as good as photoshop because he used ps and i use PdN. So, he created something like the two i will post and then i lost because mine was worse. i decided to try to make something like his and he gave me a hint so here are my results (yes, i like the top one more too, but it took twice as long to make and it had 32 layers most of which i combined to get an effect):





if anyone wants me to, i can create a tut on how to make something like the lower one.

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