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Image Umbrella: Realistic Images


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@YM that foam roller is awesome, i have one in the cupboard under the stairs somewhere just like it :lol:

@Possum Ahh thankyou for starting a H'ween theme and are those ants lol? actually a good basis for a manakin for people :) . Great picture

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Kemaru, welshblue, flip, Possum Roadkill and nemo, thanks everybody for your comment.

Hey guys, don't rely on that roller, it is a cheap one, try to use lambskin, to have a better work for paint.

@ welshblue, oops sorry, may be the waves just passed by my place. It happens because all of us are in same boat and think almost in same direction, so it is not strange, don't worry.

@ Possum Roadkill, thanks man, it is a crack, look at it again to see why did that happen :D, take it as a cartoon-ish image. Btw I like that image of the pumpkins, looks so funny, very good job.

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@ Yellowman : Quality work as per usuall

@ Possum : The Pumpkins look great, strange how the children in Scotland now make lanterns out of pumpkins instead of the tradinional way which was to use a turnip.... times change i suppose :)

This is the lastest landscape, not everyones groove but i get a lot of pleasure from doing them :)


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@ afg the texture i used on my paintbrushes would go great on those fence posts if you pm i will tell you how i did it :D

@ ace star its a bit to contrasted lighten it up. Also check out flip's planet tutorial its really good.


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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@ 007 Nab, Axle, nemo : thanks for the comments

@ Chad : im always interested to find out about new methods and techniques

@ yy10 : thanks for the comment, i dont think the T-Rex is a failed piece it just needs the white areas taken out and maybe change the background to more foliage based (plants/trees), love the eagle it would look good perched on one of my fence posts :)

updated version with lighting adjusted and fence posts blended in a bit more :)

EDIT: this is the second update the sky went very dark for some reason when posting the first and the sheep are now of to market :lol: :?


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They are both really good but i am torn. I really love the tecture of the ground, its like a oil painting :) , but in the same picture the fences are a bit bland. Having said that the second (third) update is equally as good, especially as the sky is sorted BUT the ground is too dark on the right corner to see :?

Dont get me wrong, they are both brillaint

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@A Fleeting Glimpse that landscape is magnificent. I find that the sheep are distracting because they are so white and immediately draw your eye to them when the rest of the picture is so restful and muted colors. .

perhaps one or two sheep closer to the fence would be a better composition and give them more of a dirty beige color.

that's my critique now my wish..... I want to be able to do a landscape 1/2 as well. great job as always.

ciao OMA .

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@ Oma : the sheep have been rounded up and are now off to market :lol: and ive just discovered getting the right mix of colour for dirty sheep is quite a difficult task, the actual colour used was Hex D6D3C0 yet it showed up like pure white..

And I thought they were geese. :shock: I don't think they would have been distracting if there had been one or two closer to the observer. Just enough detail that you could tell they were sheep and the others that are far away would have been recognizable and not at all distracting.


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@AFG: I love it, It's talent I'll never have...I think the sky should be a bit blue-er but that's just my opinion.

@yy10: It's not failed at all! It just seems like you put a lot of work into the dino, and then jut made a background in five minutes. work more on the background.

Anyone have comments about my newest piece? I havent done a great background, but I want to be completely happy with the chick first.



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