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Image Umbrella: Signatures, Avatars, Logos & Text


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Moderator's note:  One of these sigs contained adult language.  They are excellent sigs, but only click if you're okay with questionable words.


I don't know if these sigs are any good or not but I am quite happy with them. 


3 sigs Influenced and inspired by the work and video's from DarkShock. I thought I would give this art form (discipline) a go.Yeah, when I say discipline I mean not as easy as these great sig artist make it look. What an amazing learning curve this has been.I thought I knew about c4ds,brushes and using blending/opacity properties, well I know a lot more now.

Sadly this isn't the art form for me but what I have learnt here I will hopefully put into my own  style.



Moderator's Note:  I thought these sigs were excellent, but the Bender one was using language not allowed on this board.  If you black out the word in question, feel free to edit this post to place the image back in.

Edited by david.atwell
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I don't have any renders, C4D's or stock photos left on my computer. No Paint.NET plugins either. I'll download some later, but I made this sig using only parts of a single picture in different sizes. Negation/Difference. Rule #1 Blend modes matter





EDIT: Oops! I forgot to comment on the previous post.

I definitely see the DarkShock influence! Though, if you wanted to work on them more, you could try to add some light-to-transparent gradient layers to add some light and correct the colours so your subjects seem more like a part of their environment. I like the idea of a Van Gogh signature :DD

Edited by Kemaru

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.

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@dug: Whoa someone make sigs inspired by my videos! O.O And they came out awesome. Well done.



Rule #1 Blend modes matter

So true. That's something that took me some time to learn. And that sig came out very nice even with the lack of plugins.

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Thanks for the comments everyone! 


I haven't really visited any GFX sites in a while so I don't know what it's like nowadays (don't know if there's even a GFX scene anymore) but there weren't that many great renders when I was most active, around 2009. I've never really felt comfortable using them anyway.

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

That looks pretty cool to me but I'm no expert. If you get a chance have a look in Darkshock's gallery and check out his amazing videos.

Oh shucks. You're spoiling me.


@phenomenaldeath: It's great how the colors match, but I have to pointers for you. 1. Make the render bigger. It's supposed to be the highlight of the sig and the background is taking up about 80% of it. 2. The text. You should try to cut down on it. If you can't, try to make it smaller and more uniform. The text is on the bottom left, bottom right, and on the left coming down towards the render. If the text is all in a general area it won't look like a mess.

Edited by DarkShock

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  • 2 months later...

That looks awesome welshblue. It looks like cracked ice cubes spelling out your name. Well done!

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My first serious play around with Red O's Cobweb plugin ... trying for ice but don't think I quite cracked it.


Still liking the effect tho' ... pretty cool and the versatility of the plugin ... how many plugin authors can we vote for ??




May I offer my two cents?


Add a bit of tiny air bubbles here and there to pull off the cracked ice effect. It looks good as it is now, but I think if you were to add some air bubbles, and maybe a bit of shadow, I think you got it nailed.


Requesting an evaluation of my current sig...the blur is entirely intentional.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There's no mistaking who you are! ;D


I thought this might be interesting and contrasting. Got a glowing 'dented' curvy line and in the background I used the Bars plugin to make a 'rigid' feel.


Your sig reminds me of the sci-fi genre. Mostly 'The Matrix', without the binary code. If I didn't see the line well, I would have thought it was like those that appear on an EKG. But what is really catching about it is the green tones. It, also, makes me think about anything that's refreshing, like mint. :)


My first serious play around with Red O's Cobweb plugin ... trying for ice but don't think I quite cracked it.


Still liking the effect tho' ... pretty cool and the versatility of the plugin ... how many plugin authors can we vote for ??


It does look like ice. I like how every letter overlaps the other. It's an interesting style, even for glassy text. Also, I love the cracks. Not just the cracks from the text, but from the whole picture. They're similar to the ice I've seen in 'The Day After Tomorrow' (the CG effects for the buildings.) Finally, when I see this pic, I think of...cobwebs. *shrugs* Btw, I was not aiming for a joke. Honest. :]


Awesome Dug those are nice. I really enjoy looking at Bender and imagining his voice along with the picture.


Here is one I recently finished for a friend.


Your signature gives an air of mystery. Purple tones and black are a great combination for it. I'm not sure if that was your aim, but I like it. Also, the typography is great. The most catching is 'REBEL Serenity'. I'm very, very fond of clean, glowing text. X]

(Please, be careful. Some of the sites I'm on might not be family-friendly. 😱 )

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OK I have been like a fly on this forum ( buzzing around annoying people) for some time.  I have tried to enter constructive critiques and use terrible pithy remarks to compensate for my lack of any submissions. All the while continually being amazed and awed at the considerable talent present here. 


All this 64aec4dc.gif; is to preface my only and first cloddish attempt at a signature block.


 I  present  fireBall1_zps72352753.gif


I beg for your constructive criticism.   


Note:Please keep the gales of laughter at a minimum. it might overwhelm the servers


  Age is only  a number --in my case a Really BIG number, but there you have it

When the prefect paint.net image is created, I will still be wondering "How they Do that?"- sigh☺️


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