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Image Umbrella: Signatures, Avatars, Logos & Text


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soul41:It's very nice, there's only thing I can think of that you can improve on, the back round to me kinda looks like water, and to me that doesn't look right in the picture.

I don't know about anybody else. :?:

tmds3: How long did this take you?

To me it looks maybe......simple?

Add some layers, effects, and change the back round, the back round is somewhat bland. I suggest a gradient of some sort.

Though I like the glow on the top edge of the water. :D

You did good for your first image though.(nice creativity)

"The truth is just an excuse for having a lack of imagination."

Photobucket sucks!
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Soul41: I agree that you have to improve the text but it's really good.

Nice Colours and effect.


Blooper: Very nice applied effects and simple.


And now my current one:

I'm still learning, trying to get better.

Critics, even bad ones, help me.

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thanks for the rating, I wasn't really asking for it but I appreciate it anyways. :)

You need a better understanding of composition. I don't know if you're more interested in the Photoshop-style tags you'll see in GFX forums or the less theoretic style we get here, but either way, you'll want one (usually) or two (hard, more common here but not necessarily done well) focal points. A focal point is the most interesting part of your piece; it should attract the viewer's eye immediately. That's why it's hard to have two strong focal points: eyes can only look in one place. In my case, my focal point is the young woman. In your case, you could make the statue less covered up with gray and add the text (make sure it's no wider then 150px) to attract the eye.

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My turn!

After about one hour of messing on PDN i made this:


(Should be smaller, I have it somewhere!)

Then, after a week of "What does this button do? What does this button do? What does this plugin do?" I managed to make this:


Hope you like it! :mrgreen:



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Nice Button, I like the lighting effect you chose. Putting on my critic hat, the text at the bottom of the sig is barely legible. Was this a deliberate effect? If not, choose a colour with more contrast to the background, increase your kerning and try lower case to up legibility. Maybe use a block font like helvetica or computer, this will accentuate the flamboyance of the SWALSKI font.

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Alright what you all think of this new sig of mine Better or worse then the last?


P.s Might be hard to notice due to the resize but there is a matrix picture in the background and everything is supposed to be slightly transparent so you can see it but it's hard to notice :(

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