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ShapeMaker - by the Dwarf Horde (Jan 30th, 2016)

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Hi, I saw this pic, and I love the heart shape. Is there a properly functioning fill version now? And is it available for download?  






Cc4FuzzyHuggles and doughty...there is already a pre-loaded heart shape in Shapemaker.


No need to make your own!     :)

Edited by lynxster4
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a .xaml file 43kb will jam up Paint.Net (freezes from initial opening of PDN ...


This has been fixed for the next Paint.NET update. It's a performance bug on the Paint.NET side. For now ... I dunno, either be patient or don't do that? :)

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Thanks for the links Doughty.


Zagna's shape is 51 kb and works fine for me, (just tested), so perhaps there is another problem with the shape scrapbook made?


Zagna's shape also works for me...though it took a few seconds...


Set outline color to red and fill to black....simply stunning!

Edited by lynxster4
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Cc4FuzzyHuggles and doughty...there is already a pre-loaded heart shape in Shapemaker.


No need to make your own!     :)



I know there is already the default heart shape in paint.net, if that's what you are talking about. But I liked the shape of the heart in that pic more, it's a little more curvy. If it's not available for download somewhere then never mind, I was just wondering.

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Welcome Mr. Ochre.

CC4, Sorry, I went on to something else. I did use it to play with Midoras GIF tools.

Techno, Aww shucks.

Lynxster, I made three different hearts. The first one was wonky on purpose (fatter on one side) copied from another project. Nothing wrong with it. The other two? I don't know what I did.

Racerx, That way of making a heart looks interesting.






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Lynxster, I made three different hearts. The first one was wonky on purpose (fatter on one side) copied from another project. Nothing wrong with it. The other two? I don't know what I did.





It could be any number of things. Did you close the shape properly? Did you go back and edit a piece of the shape? Oh boy, that's where I get in trouble. The 'Link with Previous Line' button can be a shape wrecker! I've had to start over a few times. Once those diagonal lines appear, for me, it's a do-over. 


Shapemaker is not easy, as I am finding out. If you're going to use Outline only, then tracing is pretty easy. If you want it to look good in all 3 modes, it takes a lot of thought. A lot.


Here's a heart I just made using only one path, the cubic spline.




Here's the code:


<ps:SimpleGeometryShape xmlns="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.UI.Media;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework"
                        DisplayName="Lynx-Heart Curvy"
                        Geometry="M 249.88,135.5 C 256.42,121.18,262.97,106.86,274,94.5,285.03,82.14,300.55,71.75,315.5,66,330.45,60.25,344.85,59.15,358,59.5,371.15,59.85,383.06,61.67,396.5,69,409.94,76.33,424.92,89.17,435.5,103,446.08,116.83,452.27,131.63,454.5,148.5,456.73,165.37,454.99,184.3,450.5,201.5,446.01,218.7,438.77,234.17,425.5,251.5,412.23,268.83,392.91,288.02,379,301,365.09,313.98,356.57,320.76,345.5,330.5,334.43,340.24,320.8,352.93,311,362,301.2,371.07,295.25,376.5,287,385.5,278.75,394.5,268.22,407.06,261.5,416.5,254.78,425.94,251.88,432.27,249.5,432.5,247.12,432.73,245.28,426.86,237.5,416.5,229.72,406.14,216.02,391.28,204.5,380,192.98,368.72,183.64,361.01,173.5,352,163.36,342.99,152.41,332.69,141,322.5,129.59,312.31,117.73,302.23,107.5,292.5,97.27,282.77,88.67,273.4,80.5,262.5,72.33,251.6,64.61,239.16,58,226.5,51.39,213.84,45.91,200.95,44,183,42.09,165.05,43.77,142.03,50.5,124,57.23,105.97,69.01,92.91,80,83.5,90.99,74.09,101.17,68.32,113.5,64.5,125.83,60.68,140.3,58.81,152,59,163.7,59.19,172.64,61.45,182.5,65.5,192.36,69.55,203.13,75.4,211.5,81.5,219.87,87.6,225.82,93.96,231.5,102.5,237.18,111.04,244.13,124.38,249.13,135.5 Z

Hope this helps you in some way... :)



I'd love to know how to use the 'Hidden Content' feature. I can't find it anywhere... :(

Edited by lynxster4
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I'd love to know how to use the 'Hidden Content' feature. I can't find it anywhere

First click the 'switch' at the top left of the post editing window (above the Bold  B B)).

Then surround the content you want to hide with the BB code tags (hide) and (/hide).But use square brackets  [.....]

Then use the preview post button to see if its worked! ;)

There is a list of BB code here.

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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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Lynxster, the lines are nice and smooth. Your heart is real nice. :star:


Part of my problem was that I didn't get a nice smooth curve.  My line connection had either a slight bump or divot. I gave up too easy. :(


I love what everyone else is doing.




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First click the 'switch' at the top left of the post editing window (above the Bold  B B)).

Then surround the content you want to hide with the BB code tags (hide) and (/hide).But use square brackets  [.....]

Then use the preview post button to see if its worked! ;)



Thanks Red ochre! I'll try it next time.    :)



Lynxster, the lines are nice and smooth. Your heart is real nice. :star:


Part of my problem was that I didn't get a nice smooth curve.  My line connection had either a slight bump or divot. I gave up too easy. :(


I love what everyone else is doing.


Thanks, doughty. I just let my hand and mouse 'flow' with the shape. Let your arm relax...if you tense up, the lines will be jerky. You'll do it!    :mrgreen:

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Hi, I saw this pic, and I love the heart shape. Is there a properly functioning fill version now? And is it available for download?  



What was the purpose of showing my shape in the graphic? Are my shapes not working the way you'd expect?

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@Cc4FuzzyHuggles...you're quite welcome!


I misinterpreted your original post. Didn't realize you were looking for a 'more curvy' heart.


Glad you like it. Enjoy!    :)  

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is perfect, I made a 'shape' a 70 degree line; now anytime I want to quickly draw a 70 degree line on a picture I just have to hold the shift key and I can make it any length.


There is something odd going on though, when I try to draw more complex shapes they don't line up; there is a whole section of the drawing area that I can't draw on.  I see some talk about dpi, I'm not sure if this is adjusted in the operating system, paint.net or the plugin.


Any thoughts would be appreciated.




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I've drawn the two rectangles as large as I can to the edges of the drawing area in SM, when the rectangles are transferred to the main display area the rectangles do not extend to the edges; looks like it's 25% of the screen on the right that's unavailable in SM, the drawing area in SM is square the main display area is rectangular.

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  • 1 month later...

Alright, the holidays are over and things are settling back into normal for me. So now I will update what I have learned about my current UI issues with this plugin.



Hello. :)

I forget when, but a while back one of the updates to shapemaker made my UI odd. Sorry for not mentioning this until now.

Anyways, here is a screen cap. There UI is big and has a blank area to the right.

The above image also shows what the drawing area looks like when I first open shapemaker and do nothing. Aside from the large blank area of the UI, the drawing area is normal, I think?
However, I took notice that I think my zoom is actually not functioning the way it should. I've had this zoom issue since the beginning, I just didn't realize that maybe things aren't suppose to behave the way they do for me.

Basically, when I first open shapemaker, the drawing area looks like my above image and what I've seen from pictures other people have posted, so I assume that that's what it's supposed to be like.
The issue happens when I zoom in and then zoom back out.

Here are my PC specs:

Hidden Content:
Application paint.net 4.0.6 (Final 4.6.5693.28)
Build Date Monday, August 03, 2015

Hardware accelerated rendering (GPU) True
Animations False
DPI 120.00 (1.25x scale)
Language en-US

OS Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601.65536)
.NET Runtime 4.0.30319.34209
Physical Memory 1,790 MB

CPU AMD Athlon II X2 215 Processor
Architecture x86 (32-bit)
Process Mode 32-bit
Speed ~2700 MHz
Cores / Threads 2
Features DEP, SSE, SSE2, SSE3

Video Card AMD 760G
Dedicated Video RAM 253 MB
Dedicated System RAM 0 MB
Shared System RAM 639 MB
Vendor ID 0x1002
Device ID 0x9616
Subsystem ID 0x360017AA
Revision 0
LUID 0x00008A39
Flags None
Outputs 1

And just as a reminder, I have my PC set to "Make things easier to see".


I have tested the scaling issue with changing my display settings to normal and 150%. Normal display had no issues, however, the 150% setting caused things to get drastically worse.


Here is an unedited, uncropped, screen capture....



So, I think that means the higher the DPI is, the worse things get. When this plugin first came out, I don't think I had this DPI issue. As I said previously, I'm sorry, but I don't remember which plugin update this UI scaling issue first occurred with.

However, I'm pretty sure the canvas zooming in and back out issue has been present from the start.

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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