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Red ochre's diabolical drawings - update 18th Aug 2024 (last page)

Red ochre

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@Red ochreI really like the guilty_filament creation. The decoration in itself is graceful but coupled with the gold it really creates a beautiful decoration for like a door to a castle.

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Click HERE to see my Pictorium of images I have worked on.



You were once wild here. Don't let them tame you.

 ~ Isadora Duncan

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Wow @Red ochre this one bL2Ekfj.pngis so beautiful, the texture is astonishing 😲


Is your website down?  I see some of your images on the first page are not working properly 🤔


P.S.  I fixed the link on this one for you. It had one digit too many and didn't open properly tVPXbfQ.png

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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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All of them are beautiful, Red!  ❤️  You got a 'crystal' thing going on a couple of them (haha)...


Love 'Dryad5wayBrooch3' and 'hexgrid5'; really colorful and eye-popping!  The 'Flourishes' and 'goldenspiral' are great, too.  🤗


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Woot!  I can see your new images now @Red ochre :)  I must have had a server problem yesterday on my end.  Wow - those flourishes are amazingly colored and textured, as well as the spiral.  Excellent works  t4529.gif 

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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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On 5/27/2012 at 9:28 PM, Red ochre said:


Hello all,

I've been using PDN for ages now!. Here is my gallery.

The order is roughly newest nearest the top. All done with PDN. I don't use stock images, do sometimes use my own photos, sometimes draw on paper and scan images in and I do use my own plugins! (link in sig).

A big thank you to Rick for creating the program, and all the plugin writers, admins and artists that share their knowledge on the forum.

Clickable thumbnails (hopefully).


Flourish_Aardvark2Thumb200.png  Flourish_guilty_800Thumb200.png  dryad5wayBrooch3Thumb200.png  hexgrid5_tileableThumb200.png  goldenspiralexp3Thumb200.png


Older ones below here------------------------------------------------------------

badmoonrisingreaperThumb200.pngtVPXbfQ.pngbL2Ekfj.pngXigwyrB.pnghTxBnKM.pngvw2FVXg.pngcfQ7LJO.pngtKXnEi6.pngfsApeAR.pngBVfyPl6.pngrnHL3io.pngoVSXHpq.pnghOgLs7d.pngbFckclj.pngdq4nNqr.pngOnHrNXc.png nFNxjbc.png j0KmKIC.png Qq5KHzX.png JgusGBy.png lfrwJLL.png N6b44Cv.pngP1MEcWd.pngP2REacM.pngunCXDCm.png26D6PkJs.png nImgV62s.png rDwlmo3s.png i50xKNns.png wK9hB4Ds.png WkngZOks.png v6z6Lxbs.png g5q0klgs.png dvQQXFvs.png 8N2SQcTs.png NV653Dms.png CcjDCY3s.png 48slX0Ns.png ac3TPADs.png jgLMvm4s.png H9Imuvus.png dtzhQqYs.png OVSImjAs.png fVCO7tcs.png fyFYm9Hs.png 3TxbFH8s.png XrNPvzds.png XX8wvaTs.png khIyBWEs.png W89Su2Qs.png OknjAdO.png KaWAAtVs.png BnsYvCrs.png 3mzmpq1s.png uUINfu1s.png BUPQXJPs.png SoBegpBs.png mXE8lUIs.png Vt6wUxAs.png w0ockZ6s.png kMBzDqbs.png AW0gmFcs.png yDB6FX9s.png rpwOVrrs.png 3gSPqC2s.png UgdoP84s.png ADjUVKbs.png ez6swy7s.png sUiSmaOs.png 0p1pLRCs.png hKYK6K0s.png wjMg6G5s.png kAGCjRQs.png zmwrMSFs.png r2j8YChs.png UpRWxqFs.png nb4Sc8fs.png bvodfwBs.png 4WaplC0s.png fuHaoLXs.png X3KVrZ2s.png hl3lLfAs.png se1NSDks.png FYTRi6rs.png Kkmime1s.png geoJjEUs.png l5Z0rsIs.png bSjceues.png ktiFkTZs.png 8tcATs8s.png 5UJCwQBs.png wyybYAYs.png zbWJuWLs.png k8h5AbYs.png qz3OoCLs.png W2bfLIEs.png 0hbgsp5s.png uFhmEuds.png jyICnuCs.png Qfljri0s.png 5S88kVxs.png tfhA6Uns.png 7gy4NN9s.png WQ0z7wns.png Y1Rnzngs.png WkyRVPQs.png 496V8Vss.png swrAzcss.png SGTm1wns.png JkiFIB9s.png ULv5bWDs.png NXgGTEgs.png f3KXzQVs.png D9uwSUcs.png msCiEG5s.png FtLu9NYs.png byUNOSjs.png MioyQaDs.png NURNSA6s.png HNSVzJ0s.png qfLZuiTs.png MQd2pJvs.png RmDVJiUs.png YBWvCbks.png C1cLrNos.png kkvVS6cs.png xecRPwQs.png 79Lm3vHs.png epNrMujs.png RJRRauZs.png CJuLGaps.png kR92cINs.png uKqkEres.png wbTH5mWs.png Cil5F4bs.png y4e0bbcs.png u28aYkCs.png xF3os1ms.png gHgvaHms.png RGZ4JrCs.png

Thank you for visiting, drop by again. Feel free to comment, question and criticise ...(please don't drag me off to the witch-ducking stool - it's only meant as fun!).



Wow are you talented! I am impressed. Nice work.

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  • 5 months later...

WOW! @Red ochre  That is just magical. The 'fire' is excellent. You captured it perfectly.  Well done!  <3 🤩


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

A long, long, long, time ago, before computers, before central heating, before planning authorities, there was a competition, a celebration, a feast, to drive away the bleak winter days.
One tribe, two teams, would drag the biggest stones they could find over the muddy, possibly icy ground and float them on barges up the rivers to the site of their annual feast ... because they could. Young males could impress females in the gathered clans with their determination, fortitude, teamwork and problem solving skills.
No-one really knew what to do with these megaliths, so the druids were called in to decide. "Let's create an enigma" ... and they all laughed at the half-witted intellectuals to come in future millennia. This is what the meeting looked like as far as I remember 😉



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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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10 hours ago, Red ochre said:

. and they all laughed at the half-witted intellectuals to come in future millennia.


Spot on @Red ochre 👍


What a beautiful/amazing/very clever scene you've created with your plugins You are the quintessential artist through-and-through :OilPaintingEffect:

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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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What a superb image @Red ochre!  I can almost hear the Druids laughing in the stone circle. The 'ponding' water or lake looks so forlorn and lonely.

The ripples from the raindrops are perfect. The master strikes again!  🤗 👍 💐

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@Vagabondi, @Pixey, @midora, @lynxster4

Many thanks for the positive comments, very much appreciated!


@Vagabondi - Actually I produced the ripples in the water by making a layer with circles using Pyro's Random shape fill
... then repeatedly used Overblur to produce concentric circles
... then tilted the layer and used this as a base to distort the reflections using clipwarp*.


* I do have a better version of clipwarp but I need to fix a problem before releasing it.

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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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  • 2 months later...
  • Red ochre changed the title to Red ochre's diabolical drawings - update 13th Feb 2022 (last page)

@Red ochre they are magical - and diabolically charming. 😈


I recognize TGAngle (one of my fav magic tools) and Facet for the rocks, right?


The Dragon Family portrait is so alive and artistic (just LUV the metallic touch and the eggs in the fire). Blue Dragon is really fly. 😉 Your attention to details is something else. Fruit manipulation looks like a fairy tale painting.


Today is 13th - lucky number! 🤘

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my gallery is  here


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WOW! @Red ochre  All three are amazing. Your attention to detail is unmatched. All the dragons have an iridescent glassy texture to them!


Is the Family squabbling? 😆    Love the coloring of the sky in Blue Dragon and the dragon is positively magnificent.


I don't even have words for the fruit image except to agree with @Ladybug that the fruit has a wonderful 'waxy' look. The way you used a plugin to give the setting a 'glossy' look really highlights the piece.  Well done, Red!!  💖 🤗

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Absolutely stunning renditions @Red ochre The dragons are incredible, one looks like metal, one looks so glossy and wet. And the fruit so silky and soft.  You have outdone yourself. I especially love the two dragons discussing their offspring over the fire.  Fantastic work t2037.gif

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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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