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HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS/General Plugin Troubleshooting Thread


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Burninate.dll shows up in the Paint.NET menu as:

Effects > Render > Flames


Color Balance will show up in the Adjustments

menu rather than the Effects menu.

Adjustments > Color Balance


Threshold is part of the Ed Harvey plugin pack.


Your "directory tree and main folders" post is unclear to me.

Any effect plugin .dll files not directly inside the Effects folder

can't be expected to work.

Edited by Sarkut
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You assume? Have a look into your About Paint.NET window. You'll find it under Help -> About. Now have a look which version is given. [For example mine is Paint.NET v3.5.5 (Beta Release build 3.55.3742.31372)]

If yours isn't 3.36 or 3.5.4, have an update to one of this (I recommend the 3.5.4 version boltbait.wink.png )

This is my version (on the Help screen about panel)

Paint.NET v3.5.4 (Final Release build 3.54.3708.31975)

Copyright © 2010 dotPDN LLC, Rick Brewster, and contributors.

Portions Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This is the version you get if you go to Paint.Net as of now (April 8th) to download it.

Are you saying that Baitbolt's plug ins don't work with it?

Edited by honeyrose
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query from a complete "technophobe" here..trying to install "madjik pack 336" got it to my effects folder and its showing as a "file folder" all other plugins just showed up as what they are..what have i done wrong?

any help would be appreciated

regards j.d.

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thanks for the prompt replies sarkut and madjik

one more stupid question though..when I open file folder, do I individually move each item to effects or just the entire folder?

sorry for sounding so "WTF" but I really have the technical know-how of a frog!!

thanks again

regards j.d.

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Your "directory tree and main folders" post is unclear to me.

Any effect plugin .dll files not directly inside the Effects folder

can't be expected to work. Sarkut

The first part of my post was what I found, after I downloaded and unzipped Boltbait's latest plug-ins.

The directory tree is c\:Program Files\Paint.Net\Effects\ then a list of .dlls including burninate.dll (basically all the .dlls in Boltbaits latest plug in).

So they appear to be there and stored in the Effects folder.

The second part of the post was happened when I opened up the main Paint program and clicked on Effects - ie I got a drop down menu with the options I listed. This looks like the standard set of options. I could not see how or where, if anywhere, it had been updated with Boltbait's plug ins.

For example how would I access burninate?


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Click on Effects, then on Render, then on Flames.

Burninate is the .dll name, but the effect shows as

Flames in the menu.


Is this an item in the Effects folder?


If so, it should be removed.

Edited by Sarkut
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. I'm having some trouble with the Plug-ins. I've decided to get back into using Paint.Net, and I got the same problem that caused me to stop: Whenever I download the plug-in and unblock ALL of the files I got, the Plug-in doesn't show up, so I can't use it. Can you help me figure out what's wrong? I put the files in the effects folder, unzipped the zipped file so the plug-in could work, etc...

Edited by Mark The Espion
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Download the zipped file to your Desktop or Downloads folder.

Open the zip by left-clicking it.

If there is a folder inside the zip, open the folder.

Copy/paste the plugin files to your Effects folder.


Have you upgraded To Paint.NET v3.5.4?

What plugins specifically are you currently trying to install?

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There's a folder specifically for downloads? I'm using a 7 year old computer with Windows XP on it. Here's what happens: I choose to Open the zip file, and then un-zip it. Then I go through every folder to unblock each file so it'll work. That's when I save the files to the effects folder. The only reason I'm asking this is because it didn't happen on version 3.4, and now it did and does on versions 3.5.1 and 3.5.4, which made me go away, cause it's pretty not worth it without tools like Zoom Blur +, Gradient Bars, and most importantly, Align Object, which I'm trying to download, and the zip file for it has several different folders, all with at least one file in it, and then there's the sub-folders, wich are the same. Is there only one file that I sould do, delete the rest? Maybe it's cause I save them directly into the effects folder, I think I remember something about that in the first version I had, 3.4.

Edited by Mark The Espion
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Hi Mark,

The process for installing plugins has not changed between the versions you mention.

Most of the plugins you download (from this forum - I hope) should not contain nested folders, they should just contain one or more *.dll files and possibly some supporting files.

It's the *.dll files that need to be copied into the \Effects\ folder.

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Download Drop Shadow zip to Desktop or Download folder.

Left-click to open zip.

Click on - Install.exe.

Remove checkmarks from any Effects that you don't want.

Click - Install.


Boltbait plugins:

Download the zipped file to your Desktop or Downloads folder.

Open the zip by left-clicking it.

Copy/paste the plugin files to your Effects folder.


Best to install plugins with Paint.NET closed.

Edited by Sarkut
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I'm having some trouble installing plug-ins. I have a feeling it's something simple I'm not doing, but I can't for the life of me figure out what. :(

I'm using Windows Vista, and Paint.NET v3.5.4 (I'm assuming that's the latest, since I haven't had any recent prompts for updates).

Specifically I'm having trouble with Custom Brushes. I've followed the instructions in both this thread and the Custom Brush plug-in thread. According to the list under my files, the Brushes are under the Effects folder. But when I actually open the program and go to find them in my Effects Folder, there's nothing there.

Did I miss a step somewhere? I unzipped everything, and put them where the thread suggested, but the program must not have got the memo. :/


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