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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. Very nice happierhannah! Simple, but effective!!
  2. This is cool. Have to figure out how to effectively use it, though. Doesn't work on solid colors...need something varying or gradient-like perhaps. Or use layers. I need to experiment. Thank you, MJW!! EDIT: Works great on textures!
  3. Seerose...some more eye-popping compositions! I love colorful abstracts. The second one keeps catching my eye! Wonderful!!
  4. Ooohhh, I absolutely love this idea! I use Red's method to show the file extensions, always. But I still have to get my face up close to the screen sometimes to see which one I'm picking. They both start with 'P'! Ha! The eyes aren't what they used to be. Having the PDN logo or something similar would be great. Def looking into!
  5. Nice set of images, Disgruntled! I am especially impressed by the chest of drawers....it looks like it's right out of a catalog; so realistic! A very good start! Keep it up!
  6. Thank you, Ishi! That is so kind of you to think it is suitable for framing!
  7. Ha! What a discerning eye you have Disgruntled! I used a small rose, heavily beveled, and made a texture with TR's Custom Random Filler. I liked the way it looked and used it! Thank you for the nice comment!
  8. Hi everyone! Still fooling around with stained glass. I modeled this pic after a panel I saw on the web. I made my own texture for this and used it in a few different ways. Please let me know what you think!
  9. Nai, this one was fun, too! What a totally cool effect. I changed it up a bit and came out with this: Thank you for the tutorial, Nai!
  10. Nai, I've been wanting to try this tutorial. I've finally made some time to do it. Here's my try at your 'cool' tutorial! Thank you for making the tutorial!
  11. Congrats MJW! Also, Pixie and Disgruntled1!
  12. All the images are fantastic Cc4! I especially like the 'Warm Colors' siggie....what font is that? It's very fancy. The rose pics are beautiful, too. I love the 'Inset Box Shadow' plugin....it's so versatile! Great job!!!
  13. Skullbonz, that will be one cool train layout! Love the skull at the top of 'mountain'. My father had an HO layout that he hand-made; nowhere near the scope of yours, though. It brought him great joy. Really like 2nd space picture (with cityscape in the back). I hope that's the closest I get to hell!!
  14. Very nice Red! Mind-bending, as usual!! We'll all wait patiently.....
  15. Nice EER! It's just like a small executable called Pivot that I used to play around with. It also saves files as *.stk. Nice plugin!!
  16. @Ishi....you are too hard on yourself....I like the 'spacescape' pic. Well done!!
  17. @Disgruntled1, Eli, Pixey and Seerose....thanks so much for the positive comments!!! Another picture where everything just kind of 'fell into place'. I'll catch everyone later, I ran out of reps last night!!
  18. @Red....thanks so much for the nice comment about my work! I was looking at some of my earlier work today and I had a few good laughs! Joining this forum was the best thing I ever did...I've learned a lot in the past few months. I know what you mean about adding many more options in your plugin. I feel that way about my shape packs...sometimes I get carried away...but you have to draw the line somewhere! I dislike scrolling also...your plugin is great the way it is (for now... ). Though, if you did add 'hearts', I'd probably use it!! (And I'll patiently wait for that kitchen sink... )
  19. Here is my latest creation. I hope everyone enjoys it!! All textures were made by me. The frame is from Pixey's tut 'Make a Rope', manipulated a bit, and applied with TR's Paste Frame.
  20. Sorry a little late, Red. Just saw it. WOW...this is rainbows of fun!!! I use this plugin a lot. Now it's even better. Thank you!
  21. Here's my try at this fabulous tut....a malachite brooch. I made it a brushed gold effect. I see many, many possibilities... Thanks, Pixey!
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