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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. BBQ. your new wallpaper, Disonance, is very striking! I love all your wallpapers, though...
  2. @BBQ, Disgruntled1, Red and Max...thank you so much!! Your comments are so appreciated. I love horses and I could have kept on and on...but the pack was getting kind of big.... Max, I hope they're chocolate chip!!
  3. A quick picture made with a shape from my new 'Equine Bliss' shapes pack. Enjoy!!
  4. I'm back with another shape pack! I call this "Equine Bliss', dedicated to my favorite large animal. A variety of horse shapes, including manes, tails, a set of wings, a unicorn horn... Build as you like or use the completed shapes in the pack. Please have fun with them!!
  5. Congrats Pixey and MJW! Well-deserved! A nice lot of entries. Thank you DrewDale for hosting!
  6. Thank you for the kind words about my tutorial butterfly8000. Please see Pixey's reply on where to put the xaml file. Thank you, Pixey!
  7. I also see the same thing as you, BoltBait. Shapes cut-off in preview and handles in wrong place. Running version 4.0.9. All other shapes seem to be okay.
  8. Boy, ya sure miss a lot in 2 weeks. I've been battling a severe head cold which spread like wildfire throughout my workplace. This coming Monday will be week 3. I hope I feel better soon...I'd have rather had the flu! I'll throw this out there. It's a yet unnamed technique I've been experimenting with for my stained glass. Made at 150x500, so there's no bigger pic to view. At this size a lot of detail just gets lost.
  9. Congrats MJW! A superb sig...nicely done. And congrats to everyone!
  10. I haven't had a PDN crash until I started playing with the stained glass pics. If you ever figure anything out...let us know. Maybe Rick knows why....
  11. Nice try, mackenzieh! Looks good. I see you opted to use something other than the gradient bars, which gives you a more uniform look. Good job!!
  12. Sorry I got your initials transposed, MJW! I was typing fast (I'm at work). I read a thread not too long ago on how PDN uses memory....and I'm not saying I totally understand it, but using your method I thought would stop the crashes. I've crashed it myself many times fooling around with this stained glass stuff. At some point when I would go to the next step on a piece of 'glass' I would get the error message "invalid parameter" or "parameter not valid", then PDN would close. All my crash reports say insufficient memory. This is way beyond me, so I just save frequently; like after every step, when I'm doing stained glass pics. BTW...I do merge layers much more often now; all those layers were making my head spin! Thank you for the input, MJW!
  13. Yes, even MJW's way crashes it. But maybe stick to that method, as you're only working on one layer of 'glass'. When I did my original waterlily, I had every piece of glass on it's own layer and it got pretty confusing real quick...not to mention the crashes! Good luck! **I am a bit distressed that this tutorial crashes PDN, but I have no solution for this**
  14. This tutorial is known to cause PDN to crash. It's an 'insufficient memory' problem. It has crashed on me several times. It'a a labor-intensive tut and you have to work on each piece of 'glass' separately to achieve the proper effect. I simply save my work frequently.
  15. Hi mackenzieh! I've attached a pdf to the first post. Thank you for the kind words. Try it!
  16. Hi Ishi...nice to see you back! Gradient Bars are just another method to use. They happen to look good for the 'streaky' stained glass effect. Give it a go! Thank you!
  17. @Max....I think if the 'lead' lines of the picture were done a little differently, it would look more like stained glass. (Make them thicker and more prominent.) Yes? Otherwise, it is a great attempt. Nice tiger pic....
  18. I'm still in a bit of a psychedelic mood, but I toned it down a bit with this. Just a quick little animation to wish everyone a Happy Easter! **I used Pixey's egg basket from her Easter shapes pack. Thank you, Pixey!
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