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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. Wow, HyperMan! The animations are mind-blowing! Great job!! And great start to your gallery!!
  2. Nice photo manip, BBQ! What is on the center pieces of the flowers? Frost? Sugar? Another beautiful wallpaper! Thank you!
  3. Wow, Drydareelin...that is a great picture! I would swear Hubble took that photo! Great work! And I agree with BBQ...the eye immediately goes to that tiny planet (at least mine did)....it's placed so perfectly....love it!
  4. Thank you, Drydareelin for the nice comment about my work! Glad you enjoy the image.
  5. Thank you so much Pixey, glad you like the Flutterby! Yes, the second image is much better! Go for it, Max! You have many encouraging people behind you!
  6. Thanks BBQ....for the constructive critique and advice! It means a lot...
  7. Max, this why you need to start a gallery. Suggestions and advice can help make you a better PDN'er!! (see post #137)
  8. Aaahhhh....that's what's missing!! Thank you so much for the advice BBQ!! I'm glad you like the butterfly. I've implemented your suggestion and posted it...it makes such a big impact on the overall image....thanks, again!
  9. @Max....you really must start a gallery...I'd love to see more of your work! I'm sure we all feel that way sometimes....you can't let it bring you down...it should be fun!!!
  10. No link available...it's an old Webshots wallpaper photo.
  11. Thank you very much Disgruntled1!! Glad you like it! (we seem to have the same syndrome)
  12. Lovely sigs Seerose...good luck with them!
  13. I've been playing around with this piece for months trying to get it 'just right'. If I don't publish it now, I never will, so I present another stained glass technique that I think is realistic. Rippled Stained Glass: I hope everyone enjoys it!! I've followed BBQ's suggestion in post #137 and posted a revised image which really makes the butterfly 'pop'!
  14. Let's play ball!! A view of my city skyline from inside the ballpark. Taken from my photo here: http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah67/laproberts4/Gallery%20Pictures/Impressionism_PNC%20Park_03_dream-brite_signed_zpscvw2njej.png
  15. Taken from my photo here: http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah67/laproberts4/Gallery%20Pictures/Fallingwater%2075_zpsvxrulvx3.jpg Fallingwater house constructed by Frank Lloyd Wright - revised slightly
  16. Beautiful wallpapers BBQ!! Love them. Thank you for sharing them.
  17. Thanks dipstick, Seerose, Collagemaster, Eli and Pixey!! Glad you like the pack! Dipstick, I just love that picture...retirement here I come! Eli...haha....let's just hope nobody drowns! Pixey...I knew you'd appreciate it....I envy your view....but now I can just make my own! Thank you all for the wonderful comments!!!
  18. Hi Skullbonz! Better late than never. I was rummaging thru some old photos and found this pic of one of my dad's train layouts. I want to say this is mid 1990's....one of many layouts...they got smaller as he got older. It's an old Polaroid and didn't have a date on it. There's a small amusement park, village, oil tank, some construction going on, and the big tunnel is at the far end with elevated tracks and all. Looks like he had more than one train running, too. Ahhh.....brings back memories..... I hope you enjoy the picture. (Sorry, left the pic at full size because the quality is so poor.)
  19. Back with a Sun and Fun shapes pack! Here is a preview: Please enjoy it and have fun!!!
  20. All Shapes available in post 1. I'm going to make this a 'green space'....stay tuned.....
  21. Congrats Ishi. That was a superb entry! Max and SiBorg...congrats on your second and third place wins! Every image was unique...congrats to all who participated! And thank you, DrewDale for hosting!
  22. Not to worry Max...thank you so much for the congrats...it's really appreciated!!
  23. Collagemaster, I see you're enjoying my flowers shapes pack! Very nice picture; I like the Dents plugin, also.
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