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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. Woodsy, congrats on your Galleria nomination!
  2. Two very wonderful pictures Helen! So detailed! Love the glossy globe!
  3. I second that!! Would love to see how you created them.
  4. Nice work Shochi...love the snowflakes and the creative use of MJW's plugin.
  5. Woodsy, that is just beautiful! Love it...I want to reach out and turn it on.
  6. Yes...start doing some of the tutorials. That is a quick way to learn!
  7. Thank you for the nice comment Collagemaster! You must take your time with gifs to get them just right.
  8. Thank you, MJW! I'll give the 'improved' version a go. I use it quite often.
  9. A cute little gif for your consideration:
  10. @Woodsy...that is just beautiful! The pic is just stunningly peaceful. I've done my share of camping in the mountains and nothing beats it! Let me close my eyes....
  11. @doughty...just loved your entry; so did my son. Congrats on your win! @Pixey...great whimsical entries. Congrats to your (2) second place wins! @MJW...loved your dragonfly. Congrats on your 3rd place win! And a big thanks to @DrewDalefor hosting!
  12. Thank you dear Seerose! I thought of you when I realized it looked like a lotus. At the beginning of the project, I didn't know what it would be.
  13. Love your latest posting of new pics...some are very eye-catching!
  14. @Rickhum love the texture...makes it really stand out!
  15. WOW Pixey...what a beautiful ring! I could slip it on my finger right now. Excellent work!!
  16. I don't login everyday. When I do, I comment or rep you. Your animations are fantastic! Keep it up!
  17. Guys and gals....thank you so much for the wonderful comments!! Another piece where everything just 'fell' into place...it's actually kinda scary!
  18. I was going thru some older tutorials and found Yellowman's 'Centipede Rose'. What a great tutorial! It has so many possibilities! My intent was to follow it through to the end, but I veered off course early on and just did my own thing with it. So, I now present... THE MYSTICAL PEARL LOTUS Hope everyone enjoys it!!
  19. That's a great video Woodsy! Art can be very therapeutic. I joined the forum while I was recovering from surgery and now I can't stop making stuff!
  20. You're very good at animating Rickhum. Both are great!
  21. Some more wonderful images Shochi...like your new sig.
  22. Rickhum...you have some very imaginative pieces! All are excellent. You definitely have your own style going on. Thanks for sharing!
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