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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. @Ryker, that would be great! I've been snooping around in the graveyard also, and wished there weren't so many 'broken' tuts. Some techniques never go out of style. Thank you! And if you need help, don't hesitate to ask!
  2. Pixie, do a search for 'enable spell check in firefox'. You do have to enable that feature per the instructions. Hope that helps!
  3. WOW! Sky's the limit with this plugin! Thank you for sharing these examples, ReMake!
  4. Pixey, you are so funny!..... I'm laughing with you...not at you. Maybe you had too many of Jimmy's mushrooms. (Hope you get that, I mean no offense...sometimes I have a wicked sense of humor)
  5. @Max, Limon and Pixey....thanks so much for the comments! I was in a psychedelic mood....
  6. Hypure, that is so good! The guy reminds me of Skinner on Simpson's. Great job! (Better late than never.)
  7. NEW PICS!! Need to walk away from stained glass for a bit. A caricature-type self-portrait... And MY PURPLE HAZE: Don't ask what I was doing when I made these....
  8. Limon, looks like they came out iridescent to me. I like them! (Mother-of-pearlish.)
  9. Limon, how wonderful! That is so good! I want to put it in my dining room somehow. (I have a Tuscan theme going on with grapes.) And.....
  10. Great set of images! You've captured a distinct feeling. Good work and welcome!
  11. Welcome to the forum, Wabbit! I, too, love the bird image...it's almost like a colored x-ray image. In the second one I see the upper torso of a female body with the bottom of her necklace showing up top. (At least that's what my eyes see!) The third one is very vivid. Good job!
  12. ReMake, this plugin is WONDERFUL! It's easy to use and with very little tweaking, it achieves a near flawless recoloring. It just looks so smooth.....no splotches! Thank you, ReMake!
  13. WOW! That is super! Looks so realistic! Fantastic job, Pixey!
  14. @CC....I think you did a great job 'aging' the photo. Superb! The ice cubes are 'cool', too!
  15. Thank you, thank you, Seerose! You're such a sweetheart. Thank you, Pixey! For the kind words. You're a sweetheart, too!
  16. Thanks, Max! Glad you like it! I'm wondering when you are going to try the stained glass tut! Now I'm thinking you are using an older version of PDN due to your computer. Do you have shapes? I can't remember....
  17. Nice work, butterfly8000. I'd like to see the first picture a little larger, though. You can't see enough detail. Welcome to the forum!
  18. Very nice, Red. You always come up with something totally different! They do have an 'old world' feel to them. Cheers!
  19. Hello friends! As I promised, here is the next installment of my exploration of stained glass. This is an example of Translucent Hammered Glass, which is semi-transparent and has a texture applied to one side during the rolling process. You can tell immediately I used the Crystallize Plugin. Fair enough; nothing too difficult about that. It's the work done on the color layer underneath that's important for proper highlighting. This took me about a week to get it 'just right'. Some layers are duplicated with 'multiply' or 'overlay' blend modes applied. Some are darkened, some are saturated and some are just left alone. I hope this picture conveys the subtle highlights (or not so subtle!) and the richness of color of the stained glass. Comments always welcome. Please enjoy! ***A side note: Every piece of 'glass' was done individually. Some pieces have multiple layers to them, all carefully orchestrated to create the effect.
  20. @ Pixey....this looks absolutely time-consuming. Brings back memories when the 'Atari' gaming system came out. Pong, Breakout, Space Invaders...We were living the life back then! Ha! Nice tutorial! Thank you for sharing.
  21. Love the way that is portrayed. Imagine one cube = one universe and 'there' is our multiverse! Nice work, Drydareelin!
  22. @ Limon....n-i-c-e. Walk softly and wear...workboots!
  23. Congrats, Pixey! Like that sig...hehehe And all who placed...
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