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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. Thanks, Max! I really appreciate the comment! Glad you like them.
  2. Thanks so much TR! I will consider it...I'd like to perfect it a little more, though.
  3. Thank you, Pixey! I had great fun making them. I am aware of that tutorial and I thought it was the best of the bunch! Thank you dear Seerose! I am so glad you like them...more to come!
  4. @FotoFactory....some really good images here! Keep up the good work.
  5. @ TR.....those are some pretty amazing morphs! I have yet to try the plugin...(I got side-tracked on something else) Cheers!
  6. Very interesting picture, Limon! I don't know why, but I immediately thought of an experiment in ancient Atlantis. (isn't that an odd thought?) Anyway, great portrayal!
  7. @Goonfella....New Frontiers looks so.....realistic! Or what I imagine another world would look like. Great job, I love it!
  8. Thank you, toe_head, the gold star is appreciated! I'm glad you like them.
  9. Pixey, the globe is just so beautiful and delicate-looking! Looks fantastic! Take your pick or indulge in all!
  10. Hi, my friends! I've been deeply involved in researching stained glass. I've watched and/or read many tutorials (mostly Photoshop) on the subject. I didn't care for most of the results, so I decided to create my own with the plugins we have on hand in PDN. I studied stain glass in person and looked at many pictures. How surprised I was to find out there are quite a few different types of stained glass. I will open with Opalescent Stained Glass, which is opaque, has subtle color variations and is smooth. Comments are welcome! Please enjoy. ***I will be adding more as I explore different types of glass***
  11. Congrats to SiBorg! Thank you, DrewDale for hosting. Another great set of entries!
  12. Nice technique! I'll have to try it out. Thank you, Nai!
  13. Pixey, actually I used Pyrochild's Trail plugin on the cross and inner ornamental. But of course, the 'frame' around the picture is toe's Inset Box Shadow. I'm just lovin' that plugin...it is so versatile!
  14. Nai, I think it looks great! Just a little smoothing around the outer edges and you have a wonderful iridescent gemstone!
  15. Holy cow, Lydia! What a great looking shapes pack! I'll need some time to try this out...haha!
  16. Very nice Easter shapes, Pixey! Happy Easter!!
  17. Thank you, toe_head! I'm sure I'll find a use for this... Eli, Beam me up!! (I'm a huge Trekkie...)
  18. lynxster4

    IRONs Shapes

    Nice collection of shields, Iron67. Welcome to the Shapes Subforum!! Looking forward to seeing more.
  19. Limon, that is absolutely stunning! I 3rd that....I want one and would definitely wear it. Can you mass produce that for us?? Everything is so perfect! (Give you a rep later...I ran out)
  20. What a wonderful plugin, Remake! Thank you so much for making it. The color option is great.
  21. Seerose....every time you post something new, I am stunned! You are so excellent at PDN!
  22. Like cotton candy in a rainbow! Beautiful! (My eyes hurt....)
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