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Sozo's Old Gallery, Now Closed


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Excellent work Sozo! This is very impressive. This would make a superb image in itself. Can`t wait to see the finished one. Great textures on the planets but the best thing I think is the size of them. They are huge and it really makes the image special. I have found that bigger planets/moons with more detail look so much better in spacescapes and it really helps to give the impression that you are really there. Outstanding! ;)



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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Very nice indeed.

I would scale the planet down a bit, because the texture gets blurry in full size, a major deficit for me..

Great work nonetheless.

I came to this same conclusion after posting it on here, and it's been sized down some to improve the texture. :)

Frontcannon, Welshblue, Goonfella, csm725, Zwicky, and Barbieq25, thanks to all of you for your comments and recommendations. I appreciate them all. :D :D 

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beautiful scene, Sozo. Textures aren't your best, but decent nonetheless. Maybe bend the bright light gradient ever so slightly to give an impression of curvature, cos it looks like a straight up linear reflected gradient atm, unless it was that.. :P


Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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beautiful scene, Sozo. Textures aren't your best, but decent nonetheless. Maybe bend the bright light gradient ever so slightly to give an impression of curvature, cos it looks like a straight up linear reflected gradient atm, unless it was that.. :P


Part of it was. I can certainly work to correct that though. :)

The texture is looking better with the downscaling of the planet, and I'm going to try to fine tune it a bit. I should have another preview to upload in not to long. I've started trying to work on the background. Thanks to you and Sharp for stopping by. :D

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Very sweet looking image ;), the only problem I have with it at the moment is the bottom glow, it looks way too bright and draws all of the attention away from the other planet.


100% Paint.net

"I'm the evil fairy witch. Since I'm so evil, I'm locking this pointless thread" -Pyrochild

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Very sweet looking image ;), the only problem I have with it at the moment is the bottom glow, it looks way too bright and draws all of the attention away from the other planet.

I don't know that I agree with that. I think it adds some anticipation to the image, like you are getting ready to see something really bright as you move around the planet. Really nice Sozo ! Looking forward to seeing the finished image. Maybe someday you'll enter one in the SAC? Eh? Maybe?


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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It's good to see you are posting space scape. I don't care if your gallery is chock full of space scape, and not many people do it as well as you do, so keep at it.

Couple of things: I think the texture is too repetitious, and maybe a bit of sharpening with Sharpen+ or one of BoltBait's plug-in (Enhance Portrait, or something like it). Second, the planet on the bottom seem to repeat the same texture, and I think a bit of different style would add element of intrigue to your already awesome work.

Those are just my thoughts, and you can ignore them if you think I'm wrong.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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Ah, the promised update. Here is a new version of my new planet scene. I've expanded a bit on the planetary family, as you can see. Also making an appearance are some stars in the background!


Now, there are still plenty of things I need to do. The most noticeable will probably be the color gradient in the background, I'm going to change/fine-tune it because it's rather... I don't know, not right. I'm going to adjust the stars so that they roughly match up with the nebular background. I'm going to return to the foreground planet and make some colorful, glowy adjustments. Other things too, but they slip my mind at the moment.

@Falken: I see what you mean, but I think the glow is going to stay at roughly the same intensity for now. And that's a sexy sig+avatar pair you're sporting there. :)

@Possum: Yes! I've been meaing to enter the SAC, maybe I'll mosey over there after posting this.

@Goonfella: Thanks for the backup. ;)

@Lance McKnight: You caught me! I actually took the close-up planet texture from the same source I got planet 2's texture from. Variety is the spice of life though, I might change it, if I can photograph a few appropriate rocks. :P

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This is absolutely fantastic work, the texture on the large planet is wonderful, the best texture of you, and the best ever seen till now done with PDN, and the small planet is amazing too, well its not less than the large one, I love them both each has its own beauty and reality effect.

The background is beautiful, but not as the planets, I like how you made the reflection on the large planet from both sides of the background (blue and purple), only I can see some nebulae having shapes of regular clouds but this is OK, there is no standards for nebulae.

I agree with some of our friends comments here, especially the flat view of the earth, only thing I can add is the image needs some more depth feeling, I think you can achieve that by draging the large planet to the right side and show more space from the background, I just noticed that the large planet is cutoff from the left down side, but this is a technical issue and easy to fix up won't affect the the massive great work on this image, thanks for making me enjoying this wonderful view.

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Awesome work Sozo! I love the background and the new small planet/moon is excellent. I know most people won`t agree but I actually think the large planet is fine. After all if it is REALLY big , as is implied in the image, then the curve when you are close to it would be negligible. Whatever you choose to do I`m sure it will look stunning. You`re definitely top dog at spacescapes that`s for sure. ;)



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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The color is truly soothing, calming even, and this might be the "tonic" I need to look at when I need to unwind after a long day at work. The red planet's texture is absolutely breathtaking, I can see concrete effect, and that's a bit unusual in a planet. Then again, space holds a lot of surprise for us on this terrain ball.

I do agree with CSM that the glow line needs a bit of curve, but not too much of a curve. It should be subtle, but our eyes can detect it. Maybe, and I'm going out on a limb here, use Tube Oblique to pull that effect. I think the bottom planet could use a bit of "depth of field" blur if it hasn't already been done.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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Just plain beautiful :mrgreen: <-(Green with envy).

The background is stunning and the planets are perfect :D

I just love the little planet-(did some of the texture come from an Australia satellite image?)


100% Paint.net

"I'm the evil fairy witch. Since I'm so evil, I'm locking this pointless thread" -Pyrochild

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you all again for commenting! I've decided to rework the main planet, the one whose texture is not completely satisfactory. I'll go about finding some better textures soon.

@Lance: I've experimented with Tube Oblique and it may just do the trick.

@Falkken, no Australia, but I bet the land down under does have some great texture possibilities. :)

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Spectacular work. Can't really add any extra improvements, they've pretty much been said already.

Only problem for me is the orange planet, not feeling the colour of it, but thats just me, proabably. :P

Can't wait to see the finished piece.

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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  • 7 months later...

Hey, looky here. That old Sozo guy isn't dead after all. What's more, I have a new WIP for your viewing pleasure. :)


Obviously it's in space. The original picture is much larger too. The black balls are where I'm thinking about putting planets.

And as for how I'm making this silly little image, I've mixed pictures of real clouds (the dark parts) with cloud-like things I've made in Paint.NET.

I probably won't abandon this one, so stay tuned. ;)

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