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:lol::lol: Welsh that is just so funny... :lol::lol::lol: you are just lucky I'm not quick enough at drawing to do an old nag horsey for the swap. :lol::lol:

LFC4Ever & Lance..... yes way too shiny. Looks like this horse has been into that fancy shampoo Ash was telling whisper2u about in the image hospital .

Get a better hair brush for her, and better shampoo / conditioner would help also. :lol:

Would something like this work?

I'll have to think on how to tone it down some at the end. likely some sort of dither or some other little tricks .

pg 56 updated the horse a bit. started leg shading this part is going to be the most difficult .

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Thank you very much, got your gift, Lovely yellow flowers oma, they are really so beautiful, and real, the most thing impressed me is the brown part of the petals around the center looks great, although, the texture of the petals themselves is awesome, and the drop shadow gave them an excellent depth.

And that mare looks so proud of herself ( I don't why I feel it has a female soul) the drawing steps are going so fast, and making a wonderful progress, and from the one leg it looks svelte, I like the eye and the way she looks at, body color is very nice may be needs some red, and the highlights are very good, wow love those flying tufts of freedom :lol: .

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@thanks you yellowman transparency of skin is just pure illusion. if I was to draw something behind it you would see it is total opacity.

good catch on the twist. that took about 10 passes to get correct tail . one time too much twist, hit the back arrow and try again sort of thing. I didn't realize that the different size sphere and placement mattered so much. I knew it mattered but not by that much. :D learn something every day.

Add into the equation I wanted that light portion coming from the top to reflect off top of the twist. I think that portion took the longest to get just so.

@Possum Roadkill :lol: yess Goonfella drew me in with that cosmic energy of his lovely space scapes.

you should recognize some of the steps to shiny what we spoke of in PM's about the ablone shell is in there.

@Goonfella glad you liked that abstract! and the horse is coming along. the circles are just the under work. to remind me there needs to be a knob here and a rounded portion there sort of thing. If I was to do a sculptur I'd mound up the playdo in those areas and start scraping and adding from there for a 3d model.

once I get a bit better at a new program I've been trying to learn I may retry something like this. (google sketchup)

ciao OMA

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. The picture gamerworld was asking about is this one

th_midnightattheoasis.png. It shows better in large size. The larger size is on pg 58 of this gallery. It is the picture that will be the frame at the end of the short film, for rolling the credits on.

answer for Gamerworld from question on DA. . The one on the right (below) is the one I needed to adjust the .xml file for displaying the video


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@Kemaru thanks you for the coments on Cosmic Energy. It is always nice to hear feedback on an art piece.

@Janettsue. trust such a sweet person to think of sweet candy. Love your cheerful nature. Oh I'm glad you like the horse. I had a look at your daughters paintings on her site again the other day. I'm not sure if I told you just how talented I think she is. You take care Janettsue, drop me an email sometime just for a chat session.

@Welshblue hope that horsey doesn't look too much like "My little pony" or you might end up with a funny looking western picture when this little pony comes cantering thru.

Its amazing what some blend modes will do for a sickly sweet pink. LOL! remind me to post over the other site the original flower.

@goonfella that's funny. even though you don't think your style influences mine let me tell you, I've learned a bit from looking at your work. and I always enjoy the quick uptakes I get from your end. LOL! you make me smile and laugh and that my friend is one of the most important things for me to have in a friendship.

@Helen thanks that is high praise coming from such a great artist. Remember that first picture you pm'd me about how to do the the highlights in paint.net..... I could see how great an artist you were and I've watched you become an outstanding PDN'er

thanks all for looking and leaving comments. I truly appreciate it.

ciao OMA

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That frame is beautiful, so you are planning to make a slide show, and the images will be shown through the screen of the frame? That will be very nice and don't forget to add a music file, I like WMM but unfortunately it doesn't support HD vids, the maximum resolution -if I am not wrong is- 680 X 480 for WMV and 740 X 480 for AVI, and that affects very much the clarity of the pictures, try some other programs which they produce HD and deal with layers, those are excellent for slide shows, like WaxInvoker it is free.

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Thanks you yellowman for comments on the frames.

I will pop the still pictures of the flowers I've made over the past 2 years (well some of the ones I kept copies of) into photo story 3 add some pans and zooms etc. . save the file as a moving picture . and then insert into windowsmovie maker. The pan and zooming makes for just a bit more movement than just flashing a series of images on a screen. I also like the transistions in that program wmm better for the final video . It is in wmm I can add my custom overlays frames (with modifications to the addition of titles xml) and put in running tickers across screen etc. I do plan to add music, but need to figure out how to record my cd's as music files on the computor.

I don't have a HD tv so have not made any HD videos... but beleive the ratio is 16:9.... if you go to the tools and options under advanced tab you can change the ratio there. I'm not sure if the preview windows will look like HD. I know vista handles things a bit differently but I was reading in that forum that Blaine made some sort of conversion program. worth taking a look at if you use vista.

I've not tried WaxInvoker but will look into it a bit down the road. for now the two photostory 3 and movie maker cover my needs.

ciao OMA

ps not done the video yet but I'll figure out a way for you to look at it when it is done.

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Sorry I haven't commenting on here for so long Oma. I love your looking through your gallery, its just taxing on my dial up! Though since they've updated firefox, they've increased the usability of the reload image button, and they no longer have to be loaded so much before you can stop the page and reload just one image! Makes me greatly happy. :) I love your horse! She's wonderful! You were asking suggestions about the shine, and I think she could use a bit less on the face. You did a wonderful job on it and I think it obscures it a little. I love your new abstracts, you're very good at them! And the glass baby elephant is so cute! I wish he were real so I could have him! The boarder, title and credit page you'll be using for the movie of your flowers is soo amazing! I'm beginning to think you need a job in graphic design. It looks like it was professionally done.(as in someone who went to school for it :P) I'm don't think I missed anything, everything is just so great! *bows down to Teh Oma" :lol:


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@InteractiveBuddy, well welcome to my gallery. The door is always open. I hope some of my images inspire you to pursue this program. It is an awesome program with many many possibilities.

@Shadow of Tears I'm glad you stopped by. I know its a slow loading gallery, but I hope worth the effort once you get past the front gates. The horse is just about finished. and thanks you so much for the nice comments about the little baby glass elephant, and the work I've done on my frames for the video. My goodness you think I need a job in graphic design..... :lol::lol: I retired from working almost 14 yrs ago now, certainly wouldn't want to go back to earning my bread and butter at this late stage in my life. Although a job in graphic design would be interesting. Maybe in my next life, first job I would be trying for would be at Pixar. :lol: Thanks for taking the time to drop by and leave a message. I always love to hear from the people that visit.

@AFleetingGlimpse thanks you for the nice comments about the Peony. I hope you enjoy this one as well.



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