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46 is pretty much average for a decent piece that is made. I've been up to 130 layers.

Oma, I really like how much attention you pay to the smallest of details. Most abstract pieces I've seen made with PDN lack just that; people just fiddle around with a few effects and don't play much attention to small things. You really stand out from the rest by piling up lots of subtle things to make a very outstanding image. :wink:

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46 freaking layers!?! :shock: That'll slow down my 'puter.

:lol::lol::lol: actually way way more. if you take into account the number of layers when you merge about 20 or 30 then restart adding more the program will start counting again.

try it just add 10 blank layers merge them down to 4 left and then start adding what is the layer number you get 5! but you know you have already 10 layers and this new one is #11 in reality. . :lol::lol::lol:

I didn't count the actuall layers for flower 1 but it has to be at least 120... and don't forget I had two pdn's going on this flower. when I was satisfied with one portion in one pdn i just flattened that portion copied and added to the other pdn. so that could be another 20 layers or so flattened showing up as one layer in the work in progress shots.


Oma, I really like how much attention you pay to the smallest of details. Most abstract pieces I've seen made with PDN lack just that; people just fiddle around with a few effects and don't play much attention to small things. You really stand out from the rest by piling up lots of subtle things to make a very outstanding image. :wink:

thanks Crimson its not my best abstract work but I wanted to purge so many little ideas from my head before I started the flower. didn't want to get lost in a tangent. the realistic styles of the flowers really call for super attention no outside distractions of the other wonderful plugins calling my name. :lol::lol:

thanks everyone for looking



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thanks WelshBlue I've started work on second flower now different pdn (different angle of same fuschia flower) as you can see from the last picture I added on pg 35 in the hummingbird background I was getting anxious to check my idea was still on track.

hope you all take a look and please let me know what you think.



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@Layers convo: 46 layers is about the average for a good piece. I always lose count of how many layers i use. My spacescape piece is 100 layers+, and thats excluding all the merging and stuff i did when i made it..

@oma: the flowers are coming along great. the compo is great too. i'm sure the finished piece will we an awesome one. ;)

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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finished! oh at last I am so pleased with this one.

the work shots are back on page 35 (progress from start to finish ) absolutely 100% paint.net


below is the thumb of the picture before the little tiny tweeks. ( I show both in the larger size...before the tweeks and after on pg 35 with the work shots ...you can see the little things better there on pg 35)



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I was gradually scrolling down the page reading all the latest posts and suddenly this Humming bird flew out of the sceen! :shock:

To say I was stunned is a massive understatement. This has to be a candidate for the Galleria . I love the way you`ve blurred the wings to add movement, and the flowers and the colours. I could go on and on. :D

Well done Oma (again!) :D



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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... Ladies and Gentlemen, Queen Oma! *Fanfare Plays*

Truly. I admire your work. awesome. Definitely Purely, and Utterly Incredible.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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@yellowman thanks I see myself a few areas that need to be worked on just a touch more. In fact I have already done a tweek picture rounding out the hummers body a bit, giving more dimension.

the flower stamins are too flat. this also I've fixed in the tweek version.

and I've darkened a few areas in the background... they just were not correct.

everyone will see that version shortly. done!

@atypicalcarl why thanks you I'm glad you stopped by for a look and left a comment. It is nice to hear from my visitors. come back anytime.

@Goonfella oh that is so nice post... thanks you. I'm making very slight subtle changes and will post the actual finished tweeked version later today. very very small changes but they make me more pleased. the birdy was a little flat. let me get them up for you all to see shortly then you can decide if you want galleria submission or not. :lol::lol::lol: I would never turn that down. :lol::lol::lol::D :wink:

@welshblue are you ok now? I wouldn't want to be the one to do you in. As you see from the picture I sent you way back on the direction I was headed with this one I did some changes. For the better yes?

plain still but not dull.

@cazaron I can hear the beat of the drums. Oh no that's the wild kingdom theme song on the discovery channel I'm hearing. thanks you for your nice comments. and to think 100% my own art.

thanks everyone

I just love the plugin guys and Rick you are simply magnificent for allowing me to have this program to work with.

item 45 on my bucket list Learn to draw reasonably well Done!



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No matter what you keep telling me, I suspect that you're too good to be human. :wink: It's an OUTSTANDING image and I LOVE how you kept the focus on the hummingbird and flowers and blurred the background. It's so good!

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
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Are you too good? :shock:

no not too good just scratching the surface with Paint.nets possibilities. scratched #45 on bucket list because at least now you recognized what it was I was drawing. I refer you all back to my first humble posts...... wow were they so far removed from this one. :lol::lol::lol:

what's that advertisment say " you've come a long way baby ..."" :lol::lol::lol:

bucket list #45 learn to draw reasonably well scratched!

#125 added to bucket list, get better and better at drawing. :lol:

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Unlike WB, I didn't choke on tea or anything, but I'm out of witty things to say about your artwork. There's no possible way Oma can be a robot unless she is Roboma. :D

Your artwork, like everybody else said is : :shock:

So, what's next? I'm guessing something more realistic and life like.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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yellow man not sure what you mean is exact same bird copied flattened bird png and slipped into layer of the flowers. only difference is at end added the gray down the front edge of bird tummy that section should be darker for the roundness of the body. the fix of tail movement was just a matter of not cropping my png as small same exact picture just widened the crop a bit to not cut off tail movement?

?? not sure what you mean at all. maybe I color burn the bird in additional layer but in nature this bird is rather drab browns except for the red feathers chest and dark blue greens of head. .

there are 100's of fuschia species this is the colorization of the one called Coachman .. if anything I exagerated the highlights of white , that's what makes the flowers so shiny but I wanted them shiny to draw the eye to that spot. perhaps a little less shine next flowers, I don't know maybe, depends on the feel I go for in picutre. ...but the one thing for sure I must find how to do is to make more slightly fuzzy velvety texture of actual flower. frosted doesn't work and jitter is not fine enough to do it in this picture. I think if the terarrso tile was in rounded shapes I could have maybe added more texture to flower to reduce shine. it will be experiments for other projects. I do not know how to do this yet but will figure it out.

I think I leave as is, I like it.


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