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Nice result Vern, looks mad.

More pics :D You may have noticed they all feature Orbs now. Many thanks to whoever translated Shape3D, I can use it happily now, and it's working a treat. However knowing what everything takes out some of the randomness :(


Made this today, took me ages to get it right. I'm pretty stoked with end result. Comments, thoughts etc welcome.


Also made this one yesterday, didn't know what else I could do to it. Template for something perhaps? Or more to be added to it? Have a go and repost results :P

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Yea Madjik, that's where I did it from. I changed some of the numbers etc, and then used a Grid Pattern with Median Blurs to get the circles.

I could never get the Spheres as close together as you did though :S

It's a great texture, but I can't use it for wallpaper coz it owns my eyes, and I don't know what else to do to it.

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Yea Madjik, that's where I did it from. I changed some of the numbers etc, and then used a Grid Pattern with Median Blurs to get the circles.

I could never get the Spheres as close together as you did though :S

It's a great texture, but I can't use it for wallpaper coz it owns my eyes, and I don't know what else to do to it.

It's because it was done with an older version of the Shape3D. The sphere was rendered bigger. Now you should use the scaling...

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looking very nice oma ^^

another *unfinished* pic lol


some of you will probably recognize this pic, i dug it out from somewhere... yeah...

i did put the full res photo on my dA just cause... well my dA's very depressed right now T_T


"No. Dreaming is illegal."~Pyrochild

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Yea Madjik, that's where I did it from. I changed some of the numbers etc, and then used a Grid Pattern with Median Blurs to get the circles.

I could never get the Spheres as close together as you did though :S

It's a great texture, but I can't use it for wallpaper coz it owns my eyes, and I don't know what else to do to it.

It's because it was done with an older version of the Shape3D. The sphere was rendered bigger. Now you should use the scaling...

Ahk cool. I'll have a look at it later tonight.

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from cmjcguinness' wasteland tut. I call it pirates den :P (cuz it aint my original)

Very nice, verndewd; I like what you did with it.

I am working on throwing a river in there(kind of) got the makings of a lava flow so far; i will probably set it aside until I formulate some Ideas on it.

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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