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The whole 'Fractal' hype seems a bit overrated and fleeting. Besides, I'm not sure this qualifies as fractal art, or even a cheap knock-off...

Of course, "Twirly Wireframe Lines" doesn't sound any better...:lol:<----------my best guess!

I agree with you!

Hmm...Wireframe...I like it! :D


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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I sure love comming to the poictorium to see what everyone is doing, working on new sigs and the like.

Oma I think you have the pdn fractal down, nice!

Seasons greeting barkbark!

Nice to see you Ash, I was thinking about your tutorial when I posted my tree but just wanted to get it up so everyone could see how useful I think the fractals can be if you work with them. Still don't know what I would do with colored smoke though.

cjmc... are those hearts square dancing?

Smiles, it seems I am to have two new grandchildren. That will make 8.

And thanks for liking my tree.


"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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You guys never give it a rest, I catch up I can see you guys ahead and then zoom youre another 100 miles into pdn awesomeness. I just cant afford that kind of time all the time. I need to go make something . :oops:

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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You guys never give it a rest, I catch up I can see you guys ahead and then zoom youre another 100 miles into pdn awesomeness. I just cant afford that kind of time all the time. I need to go make something . :oops:

Don't think of it that way, just progress at your own pace :) (that's what I always do)

I like your new sig, btw :D


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Don't even bother telling me how to make this better. I hate it but it is what I have been working on. I never want to see it again. Maybe I have just been looking at it too long.



"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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@madjik :shock: now why didn't I think of how to do circular writing. I love it can see me using this ever so often in my digital scrapbooking and my little movies I make for the grandkids.

@janetsue don't trash that picture. reserve it for later revamps

I have a folder off to the back of my pictures I hold stuff like that. you never know when a new inspiration will strike and take that in an entirely new direction.

@BBthat's a great sig! like the progression shots really gives a feel for the processes you went thru. not just two layers bang bang a new sig. great work my friend.

@007 Nab that is awesome love the gif

reflection well today I went back and looked at some of the older pictures on the pictorium. The pictorium came into being on Mar 5 2006, well what can I say, leaps and bounds in talent, knowledge is to be gathered from reviewing whats been done prior.

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A Progression:

AC6.png <---Ironically enough, if I hadn't run out of time, this would have been my SOTW #9 entry...

You mean, I would have won the SOTW #9? :D


BTW, the swirls you posted on the last page seems like those in the OpenOffice.org banner that show at startup (don't remember the name ATM) edit: SPLASH SCREEN, finally got it :P.

Cause I log in from Ubuntu here there are white on orange, but on Windows there are white on blue.

So you may add it in you future tutorial's name :mrgreen:

edit: As always, I forgot to join the file...


No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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You mean, I would have won the SOTW #9? :D

Hey! I think the entry I went with has a fighting chance! :P

BTW, the swirls you posted on the last page seems like those in the OpenOffice.org banner that show at startup (don't remember the name ATM) edit: SPLASH SCREEN, finally got it :P.

Yeah, the OO.org splash was my inspiration. I'll probably post the tutorial tonight after work...


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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You mean, I would have won the SOTW #9? :D

Hey! I think the entry I went with has a fighting chance! :P

BTW, the swirls you posted on the last page seems like those in the OpenOffice.org banner that show at startup (don't remember the name ATM) edit: SPLASH SCREEN, finally got it :P.

Yeah, the OO.org splash was my inspiration. I'll probably post the tutorial tonight after work...

infrigggen creddibly cool. work.



retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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