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OMG! Now Paint.NET is an intergalactic affair! All I can say is, I pray for the fate of the Earth if 4.0 doesn't live up to the alimums expectations. :wink:

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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Yay check out my new sig!

@ drakaan - howd you make the background on that sig?

@ barkbark - what is that? whatever it is, i want to make it!

I don't remember precisely, but something like this:

make a line straight across the middle of the canvas

twist a lot

twist a lot again (should have nice spirals)

fill top half one color, bottom half another

gaussian blur a bit

dupe layer

top layer radial blur deluxe a medium amount at a small number of steps

top layer blend mode to negation (or difference, can't remember)

drakaan sig jan 2020.png

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