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The Pictorium! Post your created or edited images here!


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Alright, I said I'd do it once voting was complete, and here they are, the Reworked MSC Mocks of Joy!




[ Full Size ]

It's a little blech. Too many colors all over the place, too difficult to focus on anything. So..




[ Full Size ]


[ Full Size ]

Better color combinations, saturations, and variations. Easier to look at, and easier to focus. And, if you'll notice the break in the white bar above the header, yes, that would actually move for each link that has a drop-down menu. The intended effect is that the supplementary link bar above is extending down, behind the banner and over the link to reveal the sub-options.

So yeah, great, great, super great! :D

Very impressive. However, there is one major problem that I see...

You didn't include ads or space for the ads.

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Sorry there BB, I seem to have forgotten to disable AdBlock+ on my Paint.NET before I exported. :wink:

The ads could go where they currently are on the existing site, below the header and on the top above the News on the right side.

Thanks for the compliment, though. :)

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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Hi, this is one of my first works with paint.net. I know its very simple but I use paint net for two or three weeks, and ı haven't used a single image editing program before.


Thats pretty cool. Nice gathering of pics.

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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@aron it very well could be did you notice the title (right click and properties) Its called the queen!

@thanks mustang I've still to do your tut but it looks real good

try it when I get back from holidays.

ps for all those who just hate polar inversion (take a look at her hair) loads of cutting and pasting various portions but its still there :wink:

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Hi, this is one of my first works with paint.net. I know its very simple but I use paint net for two or three weeks, and ı haven't used a single image editing program before.


Thats pretty cool. Nice gathering of pics.

thank you very much, in every new image its getting better.

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@thanks mustang I've still to do your tut but it looks real good

try it when I get back from holidays.

ps for all those who just hate polar inversion (take a look at her hair) loads of cutting and pasting various portions but its still there

I'll hold you to that Oma. :wink:

To address polar inversion; You have what I like to call a good understanding of the effect. You use it well. Polar inversion in the right hands is a wonderful tool. Oma I believe you are one who has these said hands.




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Hi, this is one of my first works with paint.net. I know its very simple but I use paint net for two or three weeks, and ı haven't used a single image editing program before.


Thats pretty cool. Nice gathering of pics.

And the image in your signature is magnificent..

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Thank you, bb00. Now that I have created a navigation bar design, I would really like to use it on a website I'm creating. I don't know if you're the right person, but how can I do this using HTML, CSS, and/or JavaScript?

Hi. This is my signature. :)

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Hi, this is one of my first works with paint.net. I know its very simple but I use paint net for two or three weeks, and ı haven't used a single image editing program before.


Thats pretty cool. Nice gathering of pics.

And the image in your signature is magnificent..

Its actually very easy PDN stuff , but thank you for the mention. :D


retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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Thank you, bb00. Now that I have created a navigation bar design, I would really like to use it on a website I'm creating. I don't know if you're the right person, but how can I do this using HTML, CSS, and/or JavaScript?

I'm the wrong person! :(


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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