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Is that going to be your signature?

for the forum? iono mike said he was going to make some avs etc, i just was trying to find inspiration for working on my bands cd cover. Sigs are pretty easy to make so ive been making a lot of them lately lol in hopes of finding somthing i really like for an album cover


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@Individualized-I think that your current one, the one with the white waves all over the name, isn't as nice as the second one, the darker one. The darker one could also have less transparent letters, so as to be easier on the reader's eyes.

Does anyone have any comments for my avatar? (Yes, I know, it isn't my avatar yet, but I'll resize it as soon as I finish my accursed homework)

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Yeah, that was awesome, MadJik. Great job!

Nice work for you, too, mama. I like it. It has an excess of white space under it, though, so I would consider cropping it.

it had made itself bigger when I add the pic in the blue boarder and wasn't sure how to get rid of it but since u said crop I'll give it a try. Thanks, Livewrong

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Two contest entries for the Firefox 3 T-shirt Design Contest, which just so happens to end tonight.

Tell me what you think?



Wish me luck!*

*contrarily, if you hate me for whatever obscure reason, don't

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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Those are really good!

:DI wish i could do that :cry:


Firefox is the best! So is Relient K!

~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this in your sig if you're one of the 4% who will.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

Bye Paint.NET!

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Is that going to be your signature?

for the forum? iono mike said he was going to make some avs etc, i just was trying to find inspiration for working on my bands cd cover. Sigs are pretty easy to make so ive been making a lot of them lately lol in hopes of finding somthing i really like for an album cover

LoL, dont make the others curious. And the sigs and avatars will be based off the banner on the beta home page, student raising hand and what not saying our names and our roles in the whole project. Speaking of which, I need to hop on over there and get some work done, lol


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A new Sig:


Still searching a Name for it^^

that's pretty cool. its looks like people morphing in a disco bar or something. im not good with titles though lol..


here are my latest abstracts:




and also my photomanip(make-over) entry:


^ click for full size please :) ^

ahhh, too many images for one day, im gonna take a rest now. :P

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