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Image Umbrella: Realistic Images


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@ Nemo, Very nice helmet. Is it Trojan or Roman? You might want to try the finish with some of the techniques from the Chrome 101 tutorials. That would look sooooo cool.

Thanks Possum, i was kind of aiming for a roman helm but i think it has a bit of trojan thrown in :lol:. Quite like that idea of chrome, i may look into it :)

I also recall a brushed metal tut that would look good on your helmet as well.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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the bow is nice but the arrow is disproportionate to the image as a whole. Try re sizing the arrow head and the arrow shaft to fit in in better.


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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@ YY10 I like the drawing but I agree that the arrow is a little large for the bow. Also, the shadow is all around the bow and arrow, I think it might look better as a drop shadow on one side.

This is a landscape I started on today and just finished. I was going for a more painted look as opposed to being more photo realistic. I've been wanting to broaden my style a little, so what do you think? Is this different from what I usually do?

This is the original image and the thumbs are variations run through the artistic filters.











SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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I like this style very much.

two things strike me right off looking at this.

#1 is the black tree. I see you want something middle distance which is great for composition. but for some reason it looks like its floating to me. Are you sure you want the tree to draw the eye away from the waterfall? Perhaps try moving the water fall to the left about where that dark patch is on the mountain. That way it would draw your eye from the outer edge of the picture in towards the centre. Then on towards the tree.

and #2 the nearer the subject matter is to the viewer the more detailed it would look. you grass needs to be crisper in relation to the mountains. I wouldn't change the color of the grass that gives nice contrast

ciao OMA

ps the oil is my favourite, the pastel the least. (if you go the pastel route try the method Janetsue told us about. It gives a bit softer look. If you can't find it using search drop me a PM I've it written down in my cardfile.)

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I like this style very much.

two things strike me right off looking at this.

#1 is the black tree. using the rule of thirds it is almost positioned as your focal point. I see you want something middle distance which is great for composition. but for some reason it looks like its floating to me. Are you sure you want the tree to draw the eye away from the waterfall? Perhaps try moving the water fall to the left about where that dark patch is on the mountain. That way it would draw your eye from the outer edge of the picture in towards the centre. Then on towards the tree.

and #2 the nearer the subject matter is to the viewer the more detailed it would look. you grass needs to be crisper in relation to the mountains. I wouldn't change the color of the grass that gives nice contrast

ciao OMA

ps the oil is my favourite, the pastel the least. (if you go the pastel route try the method Janetsue told us about. It gives a bit softer look. If you can't find it using search drop me a PM I've it written down in my cardfile.)

Thanks for your help Oma. I see what you mean about the tree. I started the tree early on in the image and set it aside because it wasn't working out for me. Then I figured out how I wanted it to look and was able to finish it. But in the mean time, the image took on a different feel than when I started it. That happens to me a lot. :lol: I was going to leave the tree out and then talked myself out of it because I had spent so much time on it. Maybe I should have listened to my instinct to begin with. I guess I need to read about the rule of thirds. Not really good with rules though :lol: I agree it is distracting from the waterfall though. I do like the waterfall as the central point though, so I think the tree needs to be in a different image. I'll clean it up tomorrow and see what I can do about the grass as well. I'm not sure how to make it crisper though. I'll have to look at it again in the morning. I didn't realize how late it was. I still have to put my parrots to bed ! Boy will they be mad ! Thanks again ! I appreciate the help. :D


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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@ yy10, Very creative image ! I really like it. I agree that it would benefit from some feathering. The fork/knife is very clever and the finish is really good. The spoon should match the fork's finish more. Maybe if you try other gradients you might also get a more 3-D effect on the spoon. The ant and the crack in the plate are very humorous touches and really make the image. The checkerboard tray is awesome. It looks like it was rendered with a 3D program. Very good, very, very clever !

This is a robot I've been messing around with for awhile. It's inspired by the sci-fi movies from the 1950's and 60's I used to watch as a kid.



SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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I'm a noob and I've spent the last week looking though the tutorials learning things. I decided to experiment with what I've learned so I created a picture. It's kinda simple, no elaborate background or anything, but I thought it came out pretty good. I'd love to hear any suggestions on what I could have done to make it better.




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@Possum: wow...can't believe my own eyes. I would've thought it was something in Terminator if you hadn't told me.

@Calamity: Seriously, you actually call yourself a noob? You are so not a noob! That is awesome! But the background is a bit plain. You should add some patterns. But seriously, that's awesome.

Anyone like this? 100% PDN.



sigs n stuff

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@nemo good one

@flip, wonderful space image, the planets are very nice, stars are nice too, can't see anything wrong with them.

@yy10, nice 100% arrow, I am sure you can do one much better with more details, try it, I like the idea, and the plate, spoon and fork are nice, but they need some more work on the edges, I like the 3D-effect of it.

Is that welcome to the galaxy 100% PDN? Even the green creature, woow that's awesome.

@Possum Roadkill, that night landscape is awesome, my fav. is the Oil it looks real oil painting, agree about changing the tree, it doesn't fit the view, see these two parts video tutorials, on a fast way of doing a template of a tree using the Smudge plugin:

And I like that Robot also, his hands are so dangerous :lol:

@Calamity271, it is just great you don't need( as I think) to change or add anything to it.

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Thanks yy10 and Yellowman. Really though I've only been doing this sort of thing for about a week. I give all the credit for any fledgling skillz I have to those great folks that wrote those informative tutorials in the Tuts section. Much thanks to those folks as well.

I embellished the pic a bit. Turned it into a purely fictitious ad, lol.


The '57' comes from the number of pixels the bullet diameter was in the original image.


Calamity Cordite.

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don't change it based on my opinion only. wait for some other critiques. I'm just learning same as you.

I should have said my prference would be the tree out, and I like off centre focal points in images the best.

now go tuck those parrots in for the night, and get some shut eye yourself.

ciao OMA

Oh I wouldn't, but when you're right, you're right ! I also found some other errors ( :shock: ) that I cleaned up, and added a few small stars to the night sky. I think it looks much better (and I have a tree for another image to boot !).



SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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