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  1. Thanks! I've recently developed an interest in captioned images. This tool looks like it could be a bit more useful than Paint.NET's native text tool, at least as far as fixing errors discovered after having moved on to something else. There is one glaring omission though. There's no 'center' or 'right' alignment option that I saw. Could this be added?
  2. The opening is slightly smaller due to the roof overhang I'm thinking. Cheers, Calamity Edit: Okay, thanks. Any suggestions on a technique to produce the shadows? I tried various gradients and blurred black lines, but nothing looked right. --- There are no shadows in the picture at the moment (other than the one extending from the post which was more a lack of highlighting than an actual shadow). There is a gradient on the inner shoji panels, but that was me trying to give them more depth than intentionally shading them. But, yes, the main area of concern is the rafter area. They look illuminated slightly where they should be fairly dark. I'm thinking there should also be shadows on the upper portions of the walls as well.
  3. Hiya, I'm currently making a picture of the inside of a central corridor of a Japanese-style building. However, I've run into a little snag. I can't figure out how to do the shading for the various shadowed areas like the ceiling rafters. I'm also having difficulty with the secondary light source, an opening in the roof over a hole in the floor. I've tried various shadowing techniques described in the Tutorials, but while they work great for single items, they don't work very well for larger environmental shadows. The image is below. Mind your step and try to ignore the huge shaft to the pits of despair (I haven't decided if I want a rock garden there or a reflecting pool), and the view outside is just temporary to help me envision the lighting. If I missed a post that described how to resolve this when I searched for it, please direct me to the correct post. Any assistance will be appreciated. Thanks, Calamity ================================================================= Edit (9-26-09): I think I have the shadows worked out now. Thanks for the assistance! It's nice to know when you get stuck on something there is a resource you can turn to.
  4. Thanks, Superferd and Nemo. @Nemo: It's supposed to be shiny. The case is supposed to be nickle plated, giving it a chromed look. At least that's what I was trying for.
  5. Oh! I see the difference now! Thanks muchly! Cheers, Calamity
  6. Thanks yy10 and Yellowman. Really though I've only been doing this sort of thing for about a week. I give all the credit for any fledgling skillz I have to those great folks that wrote those informative tutorials in the Tuts section. Much thanks to those folks as well. I embellished the pic a bit. Turned it into a purely fictitious ad, lol. The '57' comes from the number of pixels the bullet diameter was in the original image. Cheers, Calamity Cordite.
  7. Hiya, I have a question on Bezier Curves vs. Standard Curves. If this has been answered before, please forgive me and point me toward the appropriate post. I've already looked in the help file and done a forum search for "Bezier Curves" and didn't find anything that answered my question beyond the vague statement that Bezier Curves give you more functionality than Standard Curves do. Anyway, on to the question... What is this extra functionality that everyone seems to rave about with Bezier Curves? I mean, I've played around with both types and I haven't created anything with Bezier Curves that I couldn't reproduce with standard mode. (That statement will have some people thinking 'if that's the case then she should just keep her mouth shut', but bear with me...) I just want to know if there's some hyper-kewl, uber-useful trick I'm missing out on because I'm not creative enough to figure it out for myself. Right now, it just seems to me that Bezier mode just requires a lot more screen space to produce the same result since with more extreme sweeping curves that leave me having to zoom out to be able to get the right sweep. Thanks, Calamity
  8. Hiya, I'm a noob and I've spent the last week looking though the tutorials learning things. I decided to experiment with what I've learned so I created a picture. It's kinda simple, no elaborate background or anything, but I thought it came out pretty good. I'd love to hear any suggestions on what I could have done to make it better. Thanks. Calamity
  9. I kinda liked Expired's method better as well because I was able to get more color with it. No matter what I did with the first technique, I always ended up with a white line with barely a hint of color. Thanks to both you and Expired though for edumacating us noobs. It's a really kewl technique. Here's my version. (Hopefully it doesn't violate any rules...) Chou'un Shiryuu from the anime Ikkitousen about to open a can o' wupp-< no swearing >. ^_^
  10. Um...wow, okay. I'm like a total noob to the Paint.Net. I've had it for a few months but never really used it except for to crop a few pics here and there. However, last week I got interested in photo editing and on Sunday I started to read some of these tutorials. Excellent stuff and immensely helpful. Anyway, Oma, I can't necessarily say that I followed your tut, but it did mega-inspire me. I just had to create my own sword, just to get in some practice with some of those other great techniques and plug-ins I'm encountered. However, I wanted to do something a little more elegant and cleaner than the example shown. Loosely following your (and quite a few others) guidelines, I manage to create something I never thought in a million years I could manage. Here it is... Hopefully that worked. I'm still a bit shaky on the code stuff. Anyway, the only thing borrowed in the pic is the dragon shape which came from Ikkitousen anime logo. Everything else was done from scratch with the help of these tutorials. Thanks for the great inspiration! Calamity
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