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Image Umbrella: Abstract Images


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Ash is right ;)

You guys want a tut?

I will make one if you like :)

One should really try to solve the mystery than just ask for the answer right away.

Trust me, it does the brain good.

Like milk, it does the body good :)

I know how he made it, using Inside Out, good placement, nice selection of colors, blurs, and the like. BUT, in my honest opinion I think something like that would be great tutorial material. Much better than some of the 'blegh' stuff in there.


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A storybook page I have been working on. Just for fun and I was thinking of the LAOTW contest. This is not what I posted there. I like this one better, I've work on it more. Just pdn and my imagination at work. I have so very many images that I have saved in the past year. I have begun to use them layering and blending them with new images. This one was fun to do. For the little girl and the yellow flowers I used my wacom. It is getting easier to use with practice but I am far from great.



"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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Tada! :D

My first piece of art 'all by myself'!

(As in: not playing around with a tutorial 8) )

I named it 'Chain', no idea why... :wink:


By the way:

I think pdn is awsome and I do learn a lot from this forum!

And this umbrella contains some fine artwork.

@janettsue: it's sweet, I like it

@welshblue: cute hatz 8)

@mike ryan: is that pdn? :shock:


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Olli: I love the way you changed the text! :D

Djeebie: The colors you used work very well together, and help bring the complex designs in the piece together. :)


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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@ Zizoiz: thanks! :D (I know the design looks complex, but I wanted to experiment with the possibilities of layers.)

@ KonArtist: wow! The edge seems to be on fire. It has some beautiful details! Don't think it's 'rusty' at all. (But, ey, I'm still a noob...)


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I was adjusting the contrast on glow on this image and it turned weird so i turned it into a gif


Its a picture of the band rammstein (german rock)

If something is true that means the opposite is false and if that is true that means the opposite of that is false. So nothing is true or false. So what is this signature true false or nothing or everything? Confused much?


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Hi everyone, see we have some new abstract artists joining us lately.

I especially like the one by Titus Allen and the last two by excelsior 69, Killthehorde (lovely name) that's one is quirky for sure. love the dithering on it.

here is one of my latest abstracts enjoy

"I Beleive..."


thats a good pic :) and thanks for the recognition :D i dunno if this is abstract but meh


If something is true that means the opposite is false and if that is true that means the opposite of that is false. So nothing is true or false. So what is this signature true false or nothing or everything? Confused much?


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Like it? You can give me criticism, I don't care. I'm pretty new at this.

Is there a way to make the image smaller within the forum or use a thumbnail to link it to photobucket?

Hey, its alright! we were all new at one point, dont worry about it. Plus its abstract!

I am still new and I learn something new everyday.. Just keep at it and your skills will grow!!

Here is something I made.. Hope it inspires you to keep working..


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