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Image Umbrella: Signatures, Avatars, Logos & Text


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@ Xander_Lyon, Much improved. I like the wires sparking in the lower right corner. The laser blasts look good as well except the one suspended above the main image. It looks a little out of place. I also like the idea of the panel smashed in. If you want, try this tut and it might be useful in giving the smashed panel a more realistic look by adding some wrinkles to the metal. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=27775&hilit=waving+flag Try looking through the text tuts, I know there is one in there that will help with the painted on look you are trying to get.

You're right about that other laser blast. I was trying to suggest different weapon types were hitting the hull. Instead, that blast just looks like a shadow, so I thought I could turn it into the shadow of whatever's attacking . . . but a better burn would likely make more sense. :) It's funny you showed me that flag tutorial. That's exactly what I used to give the panel a smashed in look. I'm not sure how to tweak it further to give a better busted in look. The key to the displacement map seems to be how much you blur the black and white parts on top of the greyscale map. Is that what you used on your curtains? I didn't think you could be that detailed and get such a subtle effect.

I gave it a try in photoshop :D I used two effects lol...

1) Liquify...

2) Photo filter + brightness/contrast filter

What do you think? Header.jpg



Power comes to those who least expect it, Ambition comes to those who want it. Sometimes Ambition rules the Powerful, many times Ambition Is Power. Remember that Frodo, that ring could have been yours!

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But I'm old and not very "hip". :lol:

Don't worry, sG has been waiting to know for months. We're just keeping it a secret for now. It's codenamed awesome redheads. :P

ar stands for a lot of things; african redheads, asian redheads, a revolution, a rabbit etc. xD

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But I'm old and not very "hip". :lol:

Don't worry, sG has been waiting to know for months. We're just keeping it a secret for now. It's codenamed awesome redheads. :P

ar stands for a lot of things; african redheads, asian redheads, a revolution, a rabbit etc. xD

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Any color looks good with gray, or any highly desaturated color (or absence thereof, for black). ;)

Sharp, what sets your signature apart from the many others the users here make? That's something you should ask yourself, always.

Aaaaggghhhh! Big words ! I'm just a small woodland creature with an internet connection. Ok, I know what you are talking about now, sort of. After reading a big long scientific explanation about wavelengths and nano whozies, then part of Abney's Law (optics) "The shift in apparent hue of spectral color that is desaturated by addition of white light is toward the red end of the spectrum if the wavelength is below 570 nanometers and toward the blue if it is above." (Yeah as if I understand that)

I finally ran across an article by a photographer who explained it in normal people terms and actually had pictures. Then I found this site that had color palettes. And voila,


Thanks ! I learned something else tonight. Ok brain is full, must go to bed now.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

To visit the Comps click HERE

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Any color looks good with gray, or any highly desaturated color (or absence thereof, for black). ;)

Sharp, what sets your signature apart from the many others the users here make? That's something you should ask yourself, always.

Aaaaggghhhh! Big words ! I'm just a small woodland creature with an internet connection. Ok, I know what you are talking about now, sort of. After reading a big long scientific explanation about wavelengths and nano whozies, then part of Abney's Law (optics) "The shift in apparent hue of spectral color that is desaturated by addition of white light is toward the red end of the spectrum if the wavelength is below 570 nanometers and toward the blue if it is above." (Yeah as if I understand that)

I finally ran across an article by a photographer who explained it in normal people terms and actually had pictures. Then I found this site that had color palettes. And voila,


Thanks ! I learned something else tonight. Ok brain is full, must go to bed now.

Here's another lesson for you :D

If you ever manage to get out of bed o.O"


[off topic: happy birthday to me :P]


Power comes to those who least expect it, Ambition comes to those who want it. Sometimes Ambition rules the Powerful, many times Ambition Is Power. Remember that Frodo, that ring could have been yours!

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I suggest that a new guideline is implemented. If someone disobeys the above rule, they are to be reminded of it, and their piece ignored. The piece that the offender(s) ignored are then to be given CC.

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yeah i was gonna post the avatar that is to the left of this post, but i saw this thread was overflowing and went to the "rate avatar above you" thread. ps - can somebody tell me how to get the white background out. i saved it as no background, but a white one appeared after saving it

well lets give out some comments (please keep in mind im not an expert):

really nice skitzo, probably took awhile

easy: basic but cool

pretty good pyromaniac

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Breathe, did you save it as a .png file? Only .pdn, 32-bit .bmp and .png files can handle transparency. .pdn can't be viewed outside of PDN, and .bmp has bigger file sizes, so you're better off using .png for all your images. .jpg lowers quality, too.

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Maybe I'll have better luck with comments on this in here:


I've had some comments on the dark corner, but it's pretty much supposed to be dark.

I understand, but could you make it dark in another way? Like maybe have the raptor jumping out of dark jungle foliage. Check out Goonfella's recent image in the Realistic Images thread and notice the foliage he put around the castle. Remember, your sig is telling a story about your raptor. People should be able to look at it and make up stories in their head about what is going on. Inspire them.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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