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lynxster creations ~ NEW - More Stained Glass ~ 8/31/24 🍷


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Thank you @Pixey and @Maximilian    I love those kitties, too!  <3 


I can't stop using ShapeMaker...it's like an addiction...I may need help!   :lol:


Thank you @MadJik and @toe_head2001  for the reps!   :)


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Back with a new knitted composition!   I call this one 'Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty'  (little ball of fur...happy kitty, sleepy kitty purr...purr...purr...)

Had been looking for a way to make knitting stitches.  Lo and behold, @MJW's Trail Blur helped me achieve it.  It's all in the 'curvature' slider! 

Not true, sorry. It's other settings in the plugin that make it possible.  Thank you MJW!




Hope you all enjoy it!  ?



Edited by lynxster4
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Thank you, @Pixey!  Had real fun playing around with that plugin.  Kitties are always super cute...?  ?

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Thank you @LionsDragon, @ReMake, @Maximilian and @Eli for the rep points on 'Soft Kitty'!   ?

You guys are the greatest!  ?


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Playing with a new stained glass technique.  This one is so VIBRANT!   It reminds me of church stained glass on a sunny day.  ?


What does everybody think?  Please let me know...?




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I'm not one to re-hash old images but I kept wondering if I could make my Angelfish shape more realistic.


Remember this one from Sept. 2016?   Of course, I was going for a glass look here.




So I started tinkering, and, yes, I used @MJW's wonderful HeightMap plugins and  came up with this:




Not too bad I think.  What does everyone else think?  ?

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Thank you @Pixey    There is surprisingly a lot of layers in this particular composition...took me awhile to get it 'just right'.  ?


Wow, what is going on with the new smileys?  Now they're all black and white.   :noes:

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