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Going back to old version?

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I opted into the 4.0 beta... I don't remember which version I was on before it but that was a BIG MISTAKE!!! I don't want to spend the time learning this new interface (yet), how do I go back to ANY 3.0 version that is not 4.0??? HELP!!! (without losing any plugins or filetypes)

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The interface isn't really "new"


You can just re-run the installer for whatever version you want and it'll replace the version you currently have (whether you're going for older or newer)


Also, 4.0's final release is very soon, after which you'll have to be using it in order to participate on the forum.

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Hello, as of now you can still download version 3.5.11 on Paint.NET's home page here : http://www.getpaint.net/index.html
To help you with adjusting to 4.0 though, you can have both versions installed at the same time. This old thread explains how : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28279-how-to-open-3511-after-installing-40/
A few tips for 4.0, if you haven't already,

Now, I realize adjusting to the new Paint.NET is hard, as I've struggled with it too, mostly because some of my fave plugins didn't work and some still don't, also 3.5.11 works better with my PC since I don't have the best PC specs and I have very small amounts of ram, and another things is I remember being able to do more right-clicking functions in 3.5.11, such as better working functions with the Colors Window and nice functions with Gradients in Transparency Mode. And something which isn't too big, but I do miss it, is the "Reset Window Locations" ability.
However, 4.0 has plenty to love to help with coming to enjoy it.

  • Blending Modes for tools. (including the Gradient Tool, which is cool to play around with.)
  • New fun Shapes. (Finally, we can make pre-set hearts, stars, and lightning shapes!)
  • Layers move up and down by dragging them.
  • There is a special thing called "Copy Merged" found under the "View" tab in the menu bar. (it copies all visible layers as a single flattened image, which is great for those who don't want to have to "flatten image" then "copy", then "undo" to get their layers back.)
  • With one of the newer beta builds the Line/Curve tool now works similar to 3.5.11, but it has the updates and benefits that have been introduced in 4.0.
  • 4.0 is continually being updated, and with every update comes improvements.

Over all, if you're used to right clicking with expectations of something happening, you'll find yourself needing to learn new habits in 4.0. If the UI (User Interface) scares you, don't worry, that much is actually still pretty much the same, so learning your way around 4.0 is mostly just adjusting to the new visuals (the way things look). There are some missing tabs from the Menu Bar, like  “Windows” and "Utilities”, but over in the far right top corner of Paint.NET 4.0 are icons, they are now the way to toggle windows on/off, and then there is a Settings icon which is Utilities replacement. Despite the new things to get used to, there are some things you will quickly wonder how you ever lived without them, which makes 4.0 a definite "Update" especially when going back into 3.5.11.

I personally do like both 3.5.11 and 4.0 a lot, and I hope to love 4.0 more and more, since so much great and hard work is being put into it. :)

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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Also, 4.0's final release is very soon, after which you'll have to be using it in order to participate on the forum.

Does that mean unless v4 is what you use (when the final version is ready) you can't post in your own galleries or enter comps with something created with 3.5.11 ?





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Does that mean unless v4 is what you use (when the final version is ready) you can't post in your own galleries or enter comps with something created with 3.5.11 ?

I think it means any support for 3.5.11, crashes, plugin load errors and so on ;)

Edited by DrewDale



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I don't think Rick will be that draconian.

When 4.0x is released support for 3.5.11 will stop. This means you won't get help with technical issues. Tutorials, plugins and techniques posted on the forum following the release will be geared to 4.0x.

We're not going to kick people off the forum for using 3.5.11, or stop them from posting images made with earlier versions.This is much the same as now. We strongly encourage users to upgrade when we find they are using an older version. We don't ban them :)

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One of the reasons for not supporting older versions is that if someone has a problem & we try to help, we might end up with something like this as posted in the forum rules:


Person A: How do I do ______ ?
Person B: Oh just click on _____ and then do _____
Person A: I can't find it :'( :'(
Person B: Well make you sure you look over ______ and click on _____ first
Person A: I still can't find it!!! :'(
Person B: (suddenly gains psychic insight) Oh, make sure you have the latest version installed.
Person A: (suddenly gains the power of the latest version) Yes! It works now!


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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One of the reasons for not supporting older versions is that if someone has a problem & we try to help, we might end up with something like this as posted in the forum rules:


Person A: How do I do ______ ?

Person B: Oh just click on _____ and then do _____

Person A: I can't find it :'( :'(

Person B: Well make you sure you look over ______ and click on _____ first

Person A: I still can't find it!!! :'(

Person B: (suddenly gains psychic insight) Oh, make sure you have the latest version installed.

Person A: (suddenly gains the power of the latest version) Yes! It works now!


I'd been wondering about that. Jeez - guess I'd better start to play with v4 pretty soon tears.gif I do so hate change!

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I think you will like these changes.


So - I began to play and .....'wonderment' ..... loving the brush hardness option - this is really going to help me when I paint.  Thank you Bwana Mr. Brewster :D .


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Thank you Bwana Mr. BoltBait - that is so helpful and something I'd not have known until in the middle of a project ........ much appreciated, thank you hug.gif     


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Looking forward to the final release. I like sound of the merge selected layers function , it will make things so much easier.


As for the new UI being discussed , progress is always tricky sometimes ( just think of Win8! ) but once you get to know where things are you`ll wonder how you coped before. :)


I think the most time consuming thing I am not looking forward to is installing all the new v4 plugins. Still, it will be worth it in end. 


Many thanks to Rick for spending so much time developing the new version. It must be the most eagerly awaited version ever. Have a beer - you deserve it. ;):beer:

Edited by Goonfella



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