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Effects -> Tools -> Liquify...

This plugin is similar to Photoshop's Liquify or GIMP's IWarp, but better because it's in Paint.NET.

Compatible with Photoshop's mesh files.




To change the background color or use a picture, right-click on the image in Liquify.

To change the frame color, right-click on the frame.

Coming soon:

  • Optimizations!
  • Bicubic interpolation (i.e. better quality)!
  • Bugfixes!
  • And more!


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For developers: Liquify is on GitHub! https://github.com/bsneeze/pdn-liquify

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ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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not sure what the mesh does, haven't a photoshop mesh to try it out on

You don't need Photoshop. It lets you save and load the distortions you made for use on other images.

ps it really moves quickly!

I think Photoshop's is faster for now, but that won't last ;)


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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WOW! This is astonishing. Very, very impressive indeed.

Thank you - this is absolutely my favorite plugin. B)


Great work Pyro, yeah the zoom is missing, can't wait to have all those features in it.

One minor thing, when you open a small image the plugin doesn't center it correctly in the window, but when you minimize and re maximize it will shift to center, BTW this doesn't happen every time.

Yeah, known issue... WinForms is so finicky sometimes!


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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WIN!!! I'd hit the donate button for more things like this, but I don't have any money lol. MOAR!! and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo


Pyro is there a zoom feature in the works for liquify?

Coming soon:

  • Zoom!
  • Selection preview!
  • Masks!
  • Optimizations!
  • Bicubic interpolation (i.e. better quality)!
  • Scrolling!
  • Bugfixes!
  • And more!



ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Don`t know if you already know about this Pyro but I`ll mention it anyway just in case. I used Liquify on one layer of an image , clicked OK and that was fine. But when I went to repeat the effect on a different layer by going to Effects>Repeat Liquify it crashed PDN and I got this message -


Just thought you would like to know. ;)

It`s just occurred to me - I forgot to look at the Error Details. Sorry.



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Don't know how I managed to break that between testing and release, but I did test it, I promise!



ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Coming soon:

  • Zoom!
  • Selection preview!
  • Masks!
  • Optimizations!
  • Bicubic interpolation (i.e. better quality)!
  • Scrolling!
  • Bugfixes!
  • And more!

is the more in Bicubic interpolation bicubic spline interpolation

and wrinkle?

no rush but hurry fast....LOL! actually having loads of fun already with this plug in

Pyro have I told you lately you are just the best!

ciao OMA


What does everyone think of having the window start out maximized? Do you prefer this behavior or that of Smudge (where the window is just big enough for the image)?


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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I prefer maximized...although that may have something to do with my OCDness about having all my windows equal and lined up. =)

Also, I enjoy this new plug in...I've actually really been wanting something like it...now I have to find a good use for it ^_^


Agreed with everyone that maximized the window is much preferred, that way I can immediately get to work without having scroll down. I got to say this plug-in has already exceed my expectation. Well done, pyro, and I know it's far from a finished product.

The reconstruct part of it is incredible! It's basically a undo with brush! :trophy:

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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