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Dynamic Draw v4.0 (7/25/24)

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Version 3.3 released
You can now select a filter to apply and draw on the canvas using your chosen brush. This makes the defunct Brush Filter plugin fully obsolete.
A lot of operations are now slightly faster due to parallelization, mostly visible at high brush sizes.



How to use filters
Select the effect and adjust the settings in the dialog (if any). At the moment, canceling is the same as clicking OK -- that will change later. Use the gear button to adjust the settings. Hover over the dropdown or settings button to preview the full effect at any time.

- performing undo and redo is slower with an effect active, because it reapplies the effect after each undo or redo. If it's too slow, clear the active effect.
- the dropdown shows built-in effects/adjustments in alphabetical order, then custom effects/adjustments in alphabetical order.
- the way effects are applied by DynamicDraw is imperfect, so all plugin packs were tested for compatibility and certain ones were blacklisted.

Known effects compatibility list


Plugins that don't actually work in paint.net v4.3.11 natively
Asmageddon -> Strange Bulger
Asmageddon -> Strange Bulger B
Curtis -> Blur Map
Curtis -> Channel Mask
Curtis -> Displacement Map
Curtis -> Equations
Simon B -> That other app

Plugins that fail to work when selected
Asmageddon -> PS Only
TechnoRobbo -> TR's Brush Strokes
TechnoRobbo -> TR's DistortThis!
TechnoRobbo -> TR's FreeWarp
TechnoRobbo -> TR's SelfEeZ
Toehead -> Barcode

Plugins that always crash to desktop
Boltbait -> Paste Alpha (hangs on re-render, conditionally hangs if no image is on clipboard)
TechnoRobbo -> TR's Copy With Alpha (hangs on re-render, conditionally hangs if no image is on clipboard)
TechnoRobbo -> TRs Displacement Map 3D (hangs)
TechnoRobbo -> TR's Filaments (hangs)

Plugins that crash to desktop intermittently or conditionally
Asmageddon -> PS Mega (crashes on re-render)
Boltbait -> From Clipboard (intermittent hang on re-render, conditionally hangs if no image is on clipboard)
DYPY -> Spiral (intermittent crash when selected)
Pyrochild -> Random Effect (fully works, but may randomize to an effect that doesn't)
TechnoRobbo -> TR's Export Selection
TechnoRobbo -> TR's Intensity Warp (conditionally hangs if no image is on clipboard)
Toehead -> BlendModes Plus

Plugins that fail to render correctly / do anything
Ed Harvey -> Vitrious (does nothing)
Ed Harvey -> White Balance (does nothing)
Jesse Chunn -> Stencil (makes the canvas solid black)
Tim! -> Rounded Rectangle (doesn't update preview when adjusting settings)

List of all tested plugins by author (every usable plugin from every plugin pack thread):

Tested plugins: Black and White+, Color Balance, Combined Adjustments, Hue/Saturation+, Temperature/Tint, Transparency, Dream, Oil Painting+, Pastel, Gaussian Blur+, Complementary Colors, From Clipboard, From File, Bevel Object, Feather Object, Inner Shadow, Object Shadow, Object Shadow 3D, Outline Object, Pasta Alpha, Switch Alpha to Gray, Switch Gray to Alpha, Combined Adjustments, Level Horizon/Plumb Bob, Meme Maker, Remove Dust, Seam Carving - Horizontal, Seam Carving - Vertical, Sharpen Landscape, Vignette+, Calendar, Chart or Graph, Dimensions, Flames, Gradient, Grid/Checkerboard, Polygon/Stars, Bevel Selection, Blur Selection Edge, Feather Selection, Inner Shadow, Outline Selection, Floyd-Steinberg Dithering, Creative Text Pro, Outlined / Gradient Text, Paste Alpha

Tested plugins: Color Match, Curves+, Gradient Mapping, Splatter, Gradient Blocks, Pixelate+, Jitter, Stitch, Outline Object, Trail, Film, Borders N' Shapes, Gradient Bars, Gradient Grid, Random Shape Fill, Grid Warp, Liquify, Smudge, Twist, Random Effect

Tested plugins: TwoToneThreshold, ArtyThing, Contour, Cobweb, Scribble, Furblur, Overblur, EarthsnGreys, Psychocolour, Recolour Choice, Compo Grids, Poster, Vanishing Point, Aardvark, ClipDisplace, Squirkle Warp, CalliColour, Cuboids, Dryad, Facet, Gears, Gossamer, Helix, MultiSpline, slinky, String and Pin, NoiseChoice, Object Bevel, Object2colour, Objectedge, Compo tool, Bezncurve, Flourish, Gradients galore, Highlight, Squirkle, Table, Scintillate, ClipWarpNew, Alphathreshold, Selection2Clear

Tested plugins: Color Accent, Cyanotype, Duotone Ink on Paper, Duotone Light, Grayscale on Colored Paper, Make Color Transparent, Monochrome Ink on Paper, Sepia 2, Average Blur, Smart Blur, Zoom Blur, Drop Shadow, Center Both, Center Horizontally, Center Vertically, Horizontal: Left, Horizontal: Right, Vertical: Bottom, Vertical: Top, Fade Edge, Gradient, Gridlines

Tested plugins: Black and Alpha+, Color Balance+, Alpha_to_0, Alpha_to_255, Metallize, 1px Expansion, Perspective, Rotate/Zoom+, AA's Assistant, Circle Text, RotateText, RotateTextSUI, Speech bubble, SpiralText, TextPlus, WaveText, WaveTextSUI, Multi-Threshold

MADJIK' ALL PLUGINS (2018-04-07) PACK V4.21e
Tested plugins: Color Zoom Blur, Gradient Blur, Change Extreme Colors, Color Aberration, Expand Color, Recolor Gray, Reverse Colors, Displacement, Distorting Mirror, Donut, Gravity, Kaleidoscope, Magnifier, Melting, Motion Sharpen, Oblique, Page Curl, Paneling, Polar transformation, Seamless Texture Maker, Sin Waves, Tiles Reflection XY, Tube Oblique, TwistZ with zoom, Water Reflection, Waves, Wet Floor reflection, Auto Chrome Noise, Smooth Noise, Bars, Buttons, Fractal curly tree, Fractal fern leaf, Frames, Grid  Checker Maker, Hexagonal Grid, KaleidoGen, Lens Flare, Polygons, Random Lines, Random Maze 1, Random Maze 2, Roses, Shapes, Sparkles, Spiral, Spirograph, SpiroShapes, Splashes, Stars, Volutes, Spot the Center, Majority, Overliner, Star Glow, Animal texture, Auto Chrome - Grain Filler, Color Modulo, Fractal attractor, Hilbert filling curve texture, Julia Plus, Light Rays, Moire, Nebulous, Newton Fractal, Perlin Texture, Radial Colors, Rainbow Twist, Regular Noise Texture, Tournesol, Vibrato, Fill from Palette, Generate 96 distinct colors, List of Palettes, XYCoords, Signature stamp

Tested plugins: TR's Alpha Mapper, DH ShapeMaker, Line Tracer, TR's Brush Strokes, TR's Color Waves, TR's DoodleMatic, TRs Croquis, TR's TiltShift, CMY Ghost, Cycle HSV, FSPosterizer, Noise Bleacher, TR's BW Photo, TR's ColorizerHMS, TR's ColorReducer, TR's Contour Filler, TR's Coquin Filter, TR's Custom Palette Matcher, TR's Intense Filtration, Layer Cake, TR's DistortThis!, TR's Drum Skin, TR's Fish Eye, TR's FreeWarp, TR's Glass Vignette, TR's Intensity Warp, TR's Pixel Puller v1.1, TR's Pixel Pusher, TR's Radial Extruder, TR's ReverseFishEye, TR's ReverseFishEye35, TR's Smudger, TR's ZigZag, TRs Displacement Map 3D, TR's Filaments, TR's iPollock, TR's TreeMaker, TR's Kaboom, TR's KlumpNoiz, TR's Scatter, TR's AlphaCutter, TR's Keyframe, TR's PseudoSnap!, TR's Str8 Edge, TRs EFX, TR's Bokeh, TR's Dodge and Burn, TR's Film Stock, TR's FilmStrip, TR's PanoPDN, TR's Pixel Sharpener, TR's Portrait Retouch, TR's SelfEeZ, TR's SphereCuber, TR's Star Filter, Frames, TR's Custom Random Filler, TR's FireWorks, TR's Fuego, TR's Morpher, TR's Plasmatics v1.0, TR's Snow Flake Maker, TR's SplineMaster, TR's Strobe Motion, TR's Tesla Coil, TR's Third Dimension, TR's StrangeAttractor, TR's Copy with Alpha, TR's Export Selection, TR's Paste Fill, TR's Paste Frame, TR's Paste Warp, TR's QuickOutLiner, TR's Half Tone, TR's Tiled Pixels, TR's MonoLithic

Tested plugins: ThatOtherApp, Printer+, Find Edges, Olden, Extend Border, DragFrom

Tested plugins: Color Mixer, Alpha Blur, Bidirectional Blur, Color to Alpha, Grain, Basic Adjustments, Black and White Converter, Eyeshine Removal, Local Contrast, Red Eye Quick Fix, Shadow / Highlight Recovery, Sharpen+

ED HARVEY EFFECTS v4.0 2012-02-13
Tested plugins: Vibrance, Simplify, Splinter, True Blur, Color Filter, Color Flip/Rotate, Color Tint, Extract Channel, Filtered Black and White, Invert Intensity, Single Hue, Solarize, Threshold, Vitrious, White Balance, Drop Ripple, Glass Blocks, InsideOut, Lens, MultiView Warp, Pixelate (Cairo Pentagonal), Pixelate (Hexagon), Ripple, Wobble, Cross Processing, Vignette EH, Halftone, Seismograph

Tested plugins: Alpha works, Channel multiplier, Channel Shift, Channel works+, Color Percentage+, From P to S, From P to S simple, HSV inversion, Hue (Red<--->Psychodelic), Hue Channeling multiply, Image coder, Inverto pushing, Inverto pushing Kaleidoscope, Inverto pushing plus, Multiplo uniqua, PS Mega, PS Only, Quadro Disorter, Quadro Disorter B, Render-Border, Render-Quadro bumperoo, Render-Quadro inverto, Render-Quadro sharper, RGB tricks, Strange Bulger, Strange Bulger B, Strange Bulger Kaleidoscope, Water

Tested plugins: Alpha Transform, Dynamic Contrast, Intensity RGB, Saturation RGB, Transparency RGB, Color Sketch, Dragan Effect, Linocut, Reticulation, Scratch Art, Sponge, Averaged Color Blur, Color Range, Eliminate Dark/Light, Lines/Grid, Emboss+, Neon Edges, Center Lines

Tested plugins: CellMaker, ChessFEN, Fibonacci Fill, Organigram, Polaroid Frame, TileWorld, MathLaTex

TOE_HEAD2001'S PLUGINS (Sept 29, 2018)
Tested plugins: SubLCD, Gaussian Blur (Clamped), Distort This!, Droste, Screen Pixel, Blur Fill, Rubber Stamp, Green Tint Reduction, Inset Box Shadow, Barcode, Bulletin Board Trim, Coordinate Plane Points, Gingham, Isometric Cuboid, Jigsaw Puzzle, Pie Chart, Postage Stamp, Ruler, Spoked Wheel, Tattersall, Two-point Perspective, Radius Corners, Text Window, Tartan, BlendModes Plus, Quadrilateral Correction

Tested plugins: Unblend, Barcode, Band Pass Filter, High Pass Filter, Low Pass Filter, Edge Detect+, Fast Fourier Transform, Inverse Fast Fourier Transform

Tested plugins: Clean Transparent, Color Ramp, Erode, Isolate Channel, Move Seams, Outline, Remove Transparent

Tested plugins: posterize+, Cartoonize, InkSketch+, Apply Color, Quick Gravity, Vibration, Clarifaction+, Clarify, 

Tested plugins: invert channels, Rainbow Loom, Sound waves, X Rainbow bars

Tested plugins: Effects Lab, Blur Map, Selective Palette, Displacement Map, Jumble, Tile Image, Channel Mask, Equations, Fern Fractal, Rounded Rectangle, Dots

Tested plugins: Conditional Hue/Saturation, Quadrilateral Reshape, Mirror over line, Mirror bottom half over top half, Mirror top half over bottom half, Mirror left half over right half, Mirror right half over left half, 3D Object, Pie Chart, Polygonal Transparency

NULL54'S PLUGIN PACK (2019-09-14)
Tested plugins: 8bf Filter, Kuwahara

STUS EFFECTS (1/10/2010)
Tested plugins: Advanced Rotate, AlphaContrast, iPhone TabbarIcon Maker Alpha From RGB Intensity, Vignette1, RGB_Remap, Obscure

Tested plugins: Stencil, Focal Point, Soften Edges, Bricks, Varicose, Color Replace

Tested plugins: Smooth, 1st Diagonal Mirror, 2nd Diagonal Mirror, Horizontal Mirror, Vertical Mirror, Rotate 90 Clockwise, Rotate 180 Clockwise, Rotate 270 Clockwise, Engrave / Emboss, Mirror / Rotate

Tested plugins: (GPU) Channel Blur, (GPU) Gaussian Blur, (GPU) Motion Blur, (GPU) Radial Blur, (GPU) Zoom Blur

Tested plugins: Color Stretch, Color Target, Target Panel

MIKE RYAN'S PLUGIN'S (September 2, 2008)
Tested plugins: Input To Output, Invert Alpha, Brightness / Darkness to Alpha, Color Timming, Alias, Silhouette Plus

TIM'S EFFECTS (Feb 27 2017)
Tested plugins: Mosaic, Rounded Rectangle


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Love to hear the positive feedback! It's pretty much the reason I've been developing this for about 5 years now. I started it as a free, simple photoshop-like brush system (and later learned that both Krita and FireAlpaca existed already). I'm not planning on doing too much development on it now that some of those programs have matured a bit and do brush drawing better.


I definitely had to add the brush filter option since I chose to deprecate that plugin; I'd hate to let it die without a replacement. There's a few things I might still investigate, like redesigning the UI, adding better pixel brush tooling (a pixel-perfect pencil is still a rare tool in drawing software!), smudge brush, etc. The one thing that's sorely missing is layers, though. It's kinda hard to make this plugin convenient for its purpose unless I get the option to read/write layers, and I don't see that happening (and honestly, even if it did, layer masks and layer groups don't exist in paint.net, so competing programs built-to-purpose will always have an obvious edge).

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One idea for this plugin is pixel-art related stuff. Grafx2 would be a great starting point, but I realized getting there would be too much work, and that's not the focus anyway.

G'MIC Filter Developer


I am away from this forum for undetermined amount of time: If you really need anything related to my PDN plugin or my G'MIC filter within G'MIC plugin, then you can contact me via Paint.NET discord, and mention me.

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1 hour ago, Reptillian said:

One idea for this plugin is pixel-art related stuff. Grafx2 would be a great starting point, but I realized getting there would be too much work, and that's not the focus anyway.

Pixel art is already on the list since it's less dependent on layers (easier to select and modify pixels when everything is solid color). So is a bunch of tool concepts, like line, bezier, polygon, etc. There's enough to keep me occupied for some years. I'm just going to focus on the more interesting and impactful features more than code plumbing considering how long this plugin's been around already. Eventually I need to add defaults for other locales, and tutorials to show people how to use DD.

The pixel art ideas and more are at https://github.com/NinthDesertDude/Dynamic-Draw/wiki/Change-Log-&-Roadmap#roadmap.
Let me know if anything's extra interesting and maybe I'll prioritize it for next time I'm working on DD.

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@NinthDesertDude, are you using the Win32 Pointer API (WM_POINTER), or exclusively WinTab? (like for pressure, etc.)


I may want to surface the pointer stuff for plugins to use at some point. Maybe not for the first release of 4.4, there's already a lot on that plate, but I think it'd be really useful. As well as the ability to have a WinForms Control that renders using Direct2D. (internally I have something called Direct2DPointerControl that could be cleaned up and made public)

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6 minutes ago, Rick Brewster said:

@NinthDesertDude, are you using the Win32 Pointer API (WM_POINTER), or exclusively WinTab? (like for pressure, etc.)


I may want to surface the pointer stuff for plugins to use at some point. Maybe not for the first release of 4.4, there's already a lot on that plate, but I think it'd be really useful. As well as the ability to have a WinForms Control that renders using Direct2D. (internally I have something called Direct2DPointerControl that could be cleaned up and made public)

It sounds like you're describing an abstraction that provides the x,y coordinates and LMB press info from whatever device is in use (mouse, or tablet via windows ink) which would be welcome. If that includes stylus info like current pressure, that'd give me windows ink support almost for free. Either way, I'd be happy.

I'm not too familiar with how native Winforms controls deal with paint events, but if they're not using Direct2D to do it and D2D is faster (which I'm guessing is the case, if you're offering), then that's another offer I'd happily take.

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Yes Direct2D is a much better rendering system than GDI+ (System.Drawing), which is what WinForms uses, and it's pretty much garbage-tier. Even in software rendering mode, D2D is a lot better than GDI+.


I don't think Microsoft refers to the Pointer API as "Windows Ink," but I believe they've become synonymous elsewhere. It's what I'm using for handling pens and drawing tablets since v4.2.6 (albeit w/o pressure or anything other than X,Y). In 4.4 I'm using it for pressure as well as high-resolution X,Y values (sub-pixel precision), and once I'm comfortable with its stability it could be very useful for plugins that do custom UI and input. And DynamicDraw is basically the canonical example of something like that.

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Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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  • 6 months later...
Paint.Net 4\Effects\DynamicDraw\DynamicDraw.dll, version

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'PaintDotNet.Effects, Version=4.311.8179.42221, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Не удается найти указанный файл.
File name: 'PaintDotNet.Effects, Version=4.311.8179.42221, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
 ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'PaintDotNet.Effects, Version=4.311.8179.42221, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Не удается найти указанный файл.
File name: 'PaintDotNet.Effects, Version=4.311.8179.42221, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoad(ObjectHandleOnStack assemblyName, ObjectHandleOnStack requestingAssembly, StackCrawlMarkHandle stackMark, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, ObjectHandleOnStack assemblyLoadContext, ObjectHandleOnStack retAssembly)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoad(AssemblyName assemblyName, RuntimeAssembly requestingAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, AssemblyLoadContext assemblyLoadContext)
   at System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.LoadFromAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyName)
   at PaintDotNet.Runtime.Loader.TrustedPlatformAssemblyResolver.Load(ILoadContext loadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName, String assemblyPath) in D:\src\pdn\src_4_3_x\PaintDotNet\Runtime\Loader\TrustedPlatformAssemblyResolver.cs:line 94
   at PaintDotNet.Runtime.Loader.CombinedAssemblyLoader.Load(ILoadContext loadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName, String assemblyPath) in D:\src\pdn\src_4_3_x\PaintDotNet\Runtime\Loader\CombinedAssemblyLoader.cs:line 51
   at PaintDotNet.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyResolver.ResolveAssembly(ILoadContext loadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName) in D:\src\pdn\src_4_3_x\PaintDotNet\Runtime\Loader\AssemblyResolver.cs:line 68
   at PaintDotNet.Runtime.Loader.LoadContext.AssemblyLoadContextImpl.Load(AssemblyName assemblyName) in D:\src\pdn\src_4_3_x\PaintDotNet\Runtime\Loader\LoadContext.cs:line 168
   at System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.ResolveUsingLoad(AssemblyName assemblyName)
   at System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.Resolve(IntPtr gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName)

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'PaintDotNet.Core, Version=4.311.8179.42221, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Не удается найти указанный файл.
File name: 'PaintDotNet.Core, Version=4.311.8179.42221, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
 ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'PaintDotNet.Core, Version=4.311.8179.42221, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Не удается найти указанный файл.
File name: 'PaintDotNet.Core, Version=4.311.8179.42221, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoad(ObjectHandleOnStack assemblyName, ObjectHandleOnStack requestingAssembly, StackCrawlMarkHandle stackMark, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, ObjectHandleOnStack assemblyLoadContext, ObjectHandleOnStack retAssembly)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoad(AssemblyName assemblyName, RuntimeAssembly requestingAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, AssemblyLoadContext assemblyLoadContext)
   at System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.LoadFromAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyName)
   at PaintDotNet.Runtime.Loader.TrustedPlatformAssemblyResolver.Load(ILoadContext loadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName, String assemblyPath) in D:\src\pdn\src_4_3_x\PaintDotNet\Runtime\Loader\TrustedPlatformAssemblyResolver.cs:line 94
   at PaintDotNet.Runtime.Loader.CombinedAssemblyLoader.Load(ILoadContext loadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName, String assemblyPath) in D:\src\pdn\src_4_3_x\PaintDotNet\Runtime\Loader\CombinedAssemblyLoader.cs:line 51
   at PaintDotNet.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyResolver.ResolveAssembly(ILoadContext loadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName) in D:\src\pdn\src_4_3_x\PaintDotNet\Runtime\Loader\AssemblyResolver.cs:line 68
   at PaintDotNet.Runtime.Loader.LoadContext.AssemblyLoadContextImpl.Load(AssemblyName assemblyName) in D:\src\pdn\src_4_3_x\PaintDotNet\Runtime\Loader\LoadContext.cs:line 168
   at System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.ResolveUsingLoad(AssemblyName assemblyName)
   at System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.Resolve(IntPtr gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName)


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7 hours ago, gendalf said:
'PaintDotNet.Effects, Version=4.311.8179.42221,


It seems you are using an older version of Paint.net.  Please update it to version 5.0 :) 


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/31/2023 at 7:17 AM, Segal03 said:


Is there a way to rotate image with pen, and not slider?


Maybe hold the pan key (H key), and use pen to rotate. Once H key is released, rotation stops?


Very useful for none touch drawing tablets like Huion :)

No way to rotate by pen, but you don't have to rotate by slider because you can use the shortcuts: Shift + mouse wheel or Shift + arrow keys

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/22/2020 at 5:33 PM, NinthDesertDude said:

He's asking for the ability to make the brush strokes lag behind the cursor to a distance, which allows the brush strokes to be smoother. They're currently made by repeating the brush image X amount of times along a line based on the "density" of the brush stroke which is measured relative to the size of the brush. This is how paint.net draws lines as well (you can see the actual lines if the program lags while you draw, or if you draw really fast in circular motions). The main advantage to this method is that there are no "gaps" as would occur if you just draw at the current mouse position every frame. But I digress.

You're in luck because this is a listed feature I intend to support anyway. I might as well get around to it. All I need is to set the draw point as soon as the mouse is clicked. Instead of creating a line from the draw point to the mouse position every frame, I need to get the angle and magnitude of the vector and use some % of the magnitude towards the mouse point, then update the draw point to the new location. This should simulate what you get from most other programs, where the brush stroke lags behind the cursor position.

There is a better way to do it, which is to adjust the positions of the points so they're "smoother". This is a lot harder and requires drawing on a separate surface and updating the drawn image as the points adjust. The advantage is that the brush strokes are simply smoother without lagging the cursor. Both methods have their merits. I'll go with the first because I don't have to change the entire way that Brush Factory draws. I'll see what I can do when I get off work later.

Hey Josh, have you made this plugin yet?

I'd like to use it cause I'm trying to use a drawing tablet in Paint.NET and I'm really missing a good stabilizer, tahnks anyway!!

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I haven't dealt with stabilizers yet. iirc I wrote some simple tests that weren't adequate back in 2020 and just got sidetracked by other things to do. It's something I really ought to get back to, still on my list. There's a bunch of things I need to support with PDN 5 too in order for the plugin to work without Rick's code that stops it from breaking. It's been half a year-ish since I started writing Dynamic Draw v4, which has a laundry list of improvements, but I left off in some tricky math with recreating clone stamp. I really need to finish that

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7 hours ago, NinthDesertDude said:

I haven't dealt with stabilizers yet. iirc I wrote some simple tests that weren't adequate back in 2020 and just got sidetracked by other things to do. It's something I really ought to get back to, still on my list. There's a bunch of things I need to support with PDN 5 too in order for the plugin to work without Rick's code that stops it from breaking. It's been half a year-ish since I started writing Dynamic Draw v4, which has a laundry list of improvements, but I left off in some tricky math with recreating clone stamp. I really need to finish that

ohhh ok, ty tho, and pls keep me updated on taht :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello @mashed potato jhonson and welcome :) 


Please tell us a bit more.


1.  Which Plugin?

2.  Do you have classic or store version of paint.net?

3.  Did you unzip the plugin and put it into the Paint.net Effects folder?


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Make sure you're installed the plugin correctly.

You should have 4 files within a subfolder.


Within Paint.NET, you will find it in the menus:  Effects -> Tools -> Dynamic Draw



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(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

My Gallery  |  My Plugin Pack

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  • 3 months later...
5 hours ago, MaRaT said:

Can you make rotate canvas in PaintNet, not in another window? Like in Krita. 


No, plugins cannot do that.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Minor (unfortunate) update

After some attempts and lots of frustration, I don't have the time or know-how to update this plugin for newer versions of Paint.Net. I know a lot of people do like to use this plugin; if there's features you love, request them in Paint.net itself so Rick knows. Of course, it's still open source and if anyone wants to bring it up to date, feel free! I will merge your request as long as it works. Fair warning, I began this plugin long before I nailed down good programming patterns, and it's a bit of a tangle (keep in touch with me if you make significant progress, I'll help test and fix things I can). I just don't have lots of time anymore, either and that's reducing my ability to work on things like this. Sorry!

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