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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. Glad i was able to help! Welcome to the vast world of PDN, where there is tonnes to learn!
  2. Ash, i think he means something along the lines of this: Simon made a tut on to create an effect close enough to it, in which Ash created a very similar effect. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24353 I think he used Powerstretch: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22701&hilit=powerstretch
  3. [off-topic] But that would mean that PDN v4.0 would never arrrive! :o [/off-topic]
  4. [*:1v9x6fmg]File > New [*:1v9x6fmg]Edit > Select All > Delete Alternatively you can use shortcuts, i.e. Ctrl + A then Delete. Also, i suggest you read the rules, specifically #6; there is a big orange box near the top of every topic that links to the rules, and when asking for help on a tut, it helps to post in the tuts own thread.
  5. What the.. Nadal as the Joker!? I just had to do one myself. This one was pretty hard as its tough changing the hair colour when you have black hair like that. Also, i'm not too happy with the lips and scars on either side but i suppose its ok..ish
  6. If you get stuck, or find it difficult to get a good texture going, take a look at some hair tutorials on dA. Some of them are really amazing.
  7. I should've posted in here ages ago.. :oops: Well, i'll comment now. Your gallery is amazing, you've done amazing, creative and colourful pieces which always look good. This woman WIP is brilliant! Great attention to detail, but i think the hair needs a bit more texturing. However, i just love the work done on the eyelashes! Keep up the great work!
  8. I have no idea why its too thin.. I guess i just created a canvas size and worked around that. Ah well, i guess i have much to learn on web-designing. I'll take in your tips though Stephan, if i do another web design. Thanks!
  9. Nab, i sense some Mutli-view Warp there.. Great text effect! Looks better in small size than when enlarged.
  10. LFC4EVER


    :shock: The Joker's wife!? We must flee, for the pair could cause much havoc in the world Wel Ash, the make-up is excelllent, with textures being spot on. I think the black circles around her eyes are a little too large, and i think the hair should have some elements of yellow, lime green, and dark green in it. But, all in all its a great manip, and i'm sure you'd do even better if you re-tried it again. :shock: Oh my, i just went against the laws of PDN and gave Ash some criticism. I must be going mad.. :?
  11. Thanks! Now all i gotta do is wait. I think expired is busy making his entry for it too, that's why he hasn't been on much.. His entry will be amazing. But then again, if CMD enters, then he will most definitely win! Lol.
  12. My entry for MSC #12. I've managed to finish it today. So, LFC4EVER proudly presents.. Click on the the image to see the blog! Stocks: PDN logo Line Brushes Sparkles and Comet Brushes
  13. My entry is officially in. I'm quite proud of it taking into account that its my first web-page design ever in my life. Ever. What do you guys think?
  14. Well, i guess i'll be the second to post my entry. I've managed to finish it today. So, LFC4EVER proudly presents.. Click on the the image to see the blog! Information on blog: [*:3mnjw0lo]The cursor is automatically changed to paintbrush on the home button once the page has loaded fully. [*:3mnjw0lo]The sidebar thing is displayed in tabs for ease of viewing. [*:3mnjw0lo]The real blog background would re-size itself to fit into the resolution of the viewer's PC, but everything else is kept in place, even the groove that splits the 2 sections. [*:3mnjw0lo]I only included 3 of the long posts in the blog for 2 reasons: [*:3mnjw0lo]Including all of them would make a very long canvas size [*:3mnjw0lo]I think 3 is a nice number for a blog preview. Stocks: PDN logo Line Brushes Sparkles and Comet Brushes Good Luck to all entrants!
  15. Oops, i must've missed the "Kermit" part. :oops: Then there's 3, but i see another 1 or 2 Muppets somewhere too.
  16. Uhhhhh.. Nab, your first 2 suggestions have already been done.. I'd like the 3rd one though! That would be very useful, but you'll have to stick with [ & ] for now.
  17. Max, you're doing some excellent photo-manips! They're really clean, and interesting too, although i wouldn't want to come face to face with a shark that has that many teeth. Great job!
  18. I like the wallpaper, the lighting is really nice! I'd change the colours on the lighting though, and the plain black background is too plain. Make it more exciting by adding some grungy effect perhaps, or some brushes and a football stadium at low opacity is a must. :wink:
  19. gofra, simply using Search would've given you threads, and plugins on how to curve text. Search is your best friend! (i think Ash said that some time long ago..) Search is located in the top right of every page on this forum, but here's a link anyway. search.php EDIT: Dang it! Ash got to it before me..
  20. Thanks tHs and Matoyak on my new sig! Matoyak, if you're looking for something Sin City like, then this link should help: [link]
  21. Pressing M twice activates the Move Selection tool, but pressing it once activates the Move Selected Pixels tool. Its the same for selection tools. Pressing S 3 times activates Ellipse select, and 4 times activates Magic Wand.
  22. Love the new sig expired! It flows really well, but i prefer it without the wireframe thingy at the front. It gets in the way a bit. ------ After viewing a few tuts on a site that pipp92 linked me to on TagFlow, i went back and re-did my nadal sig. Stocks & Brushes: Nadal Tennis Court Lighting Flowing Line Brushes
  23. Thanks man! Yeah, it is just Light Rays + Twist, but i made it look kind of glassy.. ------------- Well, this time i re-thought the whole concept of making a photoshop style sig. After viewing a few tuts on a site that pipp92 linked me to on TagFlow, i went back and re-did my nadal sig. Stocks & Brushes: Nadal Tennis Court Lighting Flowing Line Brushes Many thanks go to expired, as he gave me a tip on using the "Screen" blend mode. :wink:
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