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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. Clicky! It should help. ________ Soleil, nice job on the planets! Great textures and nice compostition of the Earth. I'll look forward to seeing more of what you can do. Keep it up!
  2. I was thinking more on the lines of changing a person into having nature like features - animals, plants, birds, even rocks.
  3. Excellent job oma on "Living in a prism". It really does look like you're inside a prism with the spectrum of colours. You really must make a tut on how to make an abstract, i'm sure it'd teach everyone a lot - especially about using polar inversion.
  4. Thanks! Now that i look at it, the letter does look out of perspective. Maybe outline object isn't the best approach to make a 3D letter after all. The floor is in perspective, used Ctrl + Shift + Z for that. Yay, Ash posted in my gallery hehe Thanks, and i'll take your tips on board - especially the one on creating the floor first, then the 3D object. Thanks on the comment though, and the highlights were really easy. I didn't use the line tool at all to make them.
  5. Try Effects > Photo > Glow :Glow: or Adjustments > Levels (Ctrl + L) Lower the top nubs in the output and input columns until you get something you like.
  6. Very nice and clean. Great job. :wink: Now all you need to do is colour it.
  7. Cristiano Ronaldo or Rooney? Nice smudging though. I'd redo the left side though, it doesn't blend too well.
  8. LAOTW seems to be becoming more and more like the Photo-manip competition. :?
  9. Thank you! _____________ Hmmm.. realistic 3D text? 100% PDN
  10. An "OK" attempt at recreating PS's beveled text. Boltbait's Bevel selection plugin was not used in this method at all. ...and with gradients and transparency:
  11. So, with this method you could get some sort of gradient zoom blur.. Ok, i stand corrected.
  12. Well written tut, but i think it does the same effect as Gradient Blur.
  13. Well, yeah. I did it manually because i wanted to. Without using a lot of the line tool as i did, just flip the text vertically and use outline object at the correct angle. Make sure the the text isn't 3D when you flip it. Hope it helped. :wink: _______________ The Thiery text is good, but i don't really like the Henry text. Its just too simple. Henry blends well with the fractals and the colour scheme fits the render (the blue and the orange on his shirt match the fractals). The fractals give some depth, but it looks as if the flow is all wrong. I'd say the flow is bottom left -> top right, instead of top left -> bottom right. Apply some adjustments on Henry as well, make it seem as if the fractals are coming out of him, so lighting adjustments on Henry will be needed.
  14. No, it was the font. The text is quite simple to make and I did not use outline object even though i could've. That is quite possibly the most well-blended signature I've ever seen O_____o Thanks, but i dont think it is the best blended, though i like the smudging i did to create red flames out of federer. _____________ Your abstract sig is nice. It looks good and i like the glowy areas in the middle blue bit. A suggestion for you though, it looks like you used line tool and dragged the nubs with the left mouse button to create curves. Use the right mouse button to drag the nubs, so you get nice smooth curves.
  15. Pluberus, try giving the tank some motion to give it more dynamics. ________ Saw some text that looked quite cool on VectorTuts, recreated in PDN. Notice that the reflection has no lighter parts. It is purposely black & white, for reasons i don't know (even though i did make it). It just is.
  16. :shock: I got a vote. *faints* I was expecting no votes, but someone.. someone out their voted for me
  17. LJXD, your 500th post sig is nice, and looks a bit firey. I agree with pipp92, as the 500's are a bit too well blended, especially the two 5's at the front. _____ Kemaru, i like it, its got a nice antique feel to it. Made a federer sig, first go at using c4d's and fractals in a sig.
  18. Max, will probably.. no definitely win, but i'll enter anyway. Took me an hour, 100% PDN. Went for a cartoony look, and not too happy with the plane.
  19. New 1000th Post sig. Used the "Dock" image from Vista's sample pics, as stock. Rest was done in PDN.
  20. That is some amazing effect you've achieved there. It definitely looks crayon'y. Did you use a tablet to sketch it, or a mouse. Either way, its incredibly realistic, and i request a tutorial, and i'm sure others will too.
  21. Instead of using a paintbrush to colour in the drawing, why not outline it with the line tool :LineCurveTool: on a new layer, and fill it :PaintBucketTool: in with a tolerance of about 65-70%. It would look much better. :wink:
  22. You got some nice glassy text coming along there! :wink: Put it on a different background though, white is a too boring and plain.
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