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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. BB, you just kinda killed this tutorial now. I'll go check out the plugin.
  2. Why not make a spacescape with that starry background? I know you've done a few of them, but maybe with this background you could try something different?
  3. I suggest posting each image as a thumbnail link. As you're using Photobucket, if you look at your album, select any image and go to the bottom of the page and click on Generate HTML and IMG code once thats done, look for the code with the title: IMG clickable thumbnails for message boards - recommended Copy and paste that. I made your Ace of Hearts into a thumbnail link in the quote. This was the code for that specific image. [url=http://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr107/pitos9/AceofHearts.png][img=http://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr107/pitos9/th_AceofHearts.png][/url] Notice that "th_" in the IMG code to make it into a thumbnail. Making each image into a thumbnail link enables other to look at you gallery easier and more enjoyable as it doesn't clutter their browser too much.
  4. Lower the opacity of the stadium, add a few more effects on Nani, and create text that suits the sig. The text you've done is too simple.
  5. In Layers > Rotate/Zoom is it possible to have a button (called spin button in Excel) like this along with a slider too: It'd be useful so you can get finer Zoom measurements.
  6. Well, first i'd get a better render and not blur the render. Then you need to add effects around him. Take a look at my sig to see what you could do, using a lot of smudge, blurring, gradients and blend modes. If you want tutorials, then you could try looking at tutorials on these sites: Player-Art Uniquegfx You'll have to register to get access to them though.
  7. Its nice, but needs a lot of :AntiAliasingOn: . Its a lot :AntiAliasingOff: now. Instead of using Magic Wand, try using alpha mask and feather.
  8. Ok, thanks for the cc. I'll give it a shot tomorrow and see how it looks, as its bed-time now.
  9. Its quite cool. The blue and grey go well together, and the faded reflection is also a nice touch. Great job! Made a new Andy Murray sig. It was all done in PDN except for the stadium, Murray stocks, and the lighting by the text. Used a lot of Smudge. cc?
  10. A WIP of my Andy Murray sig coming soon. The effect behind was created with smudge. I love smudge. What do ya guys think?
  11. [off-topic] We used CuSO4 in school today [/off-topic]
  12. Sorry, but it hasn't changed much. It has little flow, look at the arm direction. Thats the flow (blooper said that somewhere). The text needs more effects, and try including more in the left side of the sig. Its a bit too empty IMO. KIU
  13. Darn it. Recolour. I should use it more often. I rarely use it.
  14. The easiest way would be to download Simon's Custom Brush plugin, and line brushes from deviantArt and then brush and colour the whole background. If you want more flexibility, then you can use the line tool in PDN to sketch out what you want, and then colour and shade in using paintbrush , gradients and blend modes (F4). Those wallpapers are amazing, i'm going to try and recreate them in PDN after i finish my pixel art piece. Bookmarked.
  15. But in testing it doesn't. If you want to colour white text, then just use colour filter on it.
  16. Really, you think so? Thanks man! I was just messing around with smudge a lot in it though. Thats how i got the wispy thing coming out of the text.
  17. Hue/Saturation doesn't work on black, any grey or white.
  18. Use alpha mask to give it clean edges. Don't use magic wand too much.
  19. Needs to be :AntiAliasingOn: and to make the actual can look shinier and more realistic, add distorted reflections onto the can.
  20. Transparency gradients - Gradient tool in this mode :AlphaChannel:
  21. I just found an unfinished Joker sig on my PC, so i decided to mess around with it and finish it. I think its ok, and could be better, but i really like the text effect i created. 100% PDN (so no brushes or any of that stuff) except for render.
  22. Great stuff, and you're creating much better artwork! I really like the fruit piece and the sword. I'm guessing the the fruit piece was inspired from PSD tuts? KIU The champagne glass is great, and it looks good in the base, but the top, doesnt look too glassy. It tempts me to go get a drink. Yeah.. i'm getting myself a drink
  23. I third it, as i do exactly what Max does. I check which layer is which a lot as i very rarely name them, unless i have to.
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