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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. To add to expired's tip, the optimal tolerance level he said only works for outlines that have a brush width of 2 or more. If it is a brush with of 1, then 49% tolerance is best (50% doesn't work for brush width of 1. For the odd shaped gradients, you can do it by making a selection and filling with with a gradient. You just need to de-select, then use the Basic Anti-alias plugin, so the shape is now anti-aliased.
  2. I made some leafy text Followed this PS vector tut: [link]
  3. Thanks for the feedback on the Torres sig guys! Well, i made some leafy text now, i follwed a PS vector tut and did it in PDN. The .pdn is 3000x1000 in size, but i resized it down for the .png. Here's the tut: [link]
  4. In addition to BB (can i call you that? ), it helps selecting the object then cutting & pasting it on its own layer then applying the blur.
  5. There is a much easier way Kat, if you have difficult images that are difficult to select with the magic wand. Just use this tut to cut-it out: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4841 Alpha mask it, here's a link if you don't know how: [link] Then just Adjustments > Black & White or Ctrl + Shift + G on the background. Its longer though.
  6. Well, i've started creating the blog so far, and i've completed the header & top part of the page (kind of). This is a little cut of what i've done:
  7. No problem! I think you must've increase the spacing of the bars. Have fun with the tut!
  8. Well, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong on what you're doing. Can you show me the gradient bar settings? It may be them that are causing the problem. I used these settings and it worked fine: [*:3cjy58vj]Alignment - 1.00 [*:3cjy58vj]Scale - 1.00 [*:3cjy58vj]Width - 1 [*:3cjy58vj]Spacing - 0 [*:3cjy58vj]Angle - 90.00 [*:3cjy58vj]Antialias box was checked
  9. Are you sure you're setting the blend mode to Color Burn and not Color Dodge? I don't think you are, as i just tried it myself now, and got this:
  10. Try deselecting after rendering gradient bars. Then do the linear reflected gradient.
  11. That is some very cool (literally ) glass text you've got there worldnewser! Great..no.. Excellent job! Wireframe Text! Just something i did out of boredom..
  12. The linear reflected gradient layer should be below the gradient bars layer. You apply the blend mode the the gradient bars layer not the linear reflected gradient layer.
  13. They're my favourites. The avatar, because it just appeals to me, and "Crunchy" as it just looks funny
  14. :shock: LFC shot down in flames!? Where? When? BBC doesn't say anything.. Hmm.. :?
  15. Yay! I have something to do on PDN now except make sig/tags!
  16. Well, both Crimson and KonArtist have got it wrong, although Crimson's method does produce a nice effect! This is how i think i did it: How to create a wood type background thing, found in my Rainbow sig found in my gallery 1) Fill the layer black. 2) Effects > Noise > Add noise, intensity up to you but saturation must be 0. 3) Effects > Blurs > Radial Blur, default settings although you can change quality to the max. 4) Effects > Blurs > Splinter, settings are your choice, but for great results a medium-high distance is good. Also, the Mode must be on darken. That is vital. 5) Effects > Stylize > Relief, angle of your choice. That was how the effect was created, i dunno if i did other things to it as it was a while ago.
  17. LFC4EVER


    :shock: :shock: As always Ash, you never fail to impress us.
  18. I think this should go here.. :? All PDN, obviously
  19. Thanks expired, but this was my first attempt at this type of sig, so i suppose with practice i'll get better and better. I might do another one tomorrow, taking on board your advice and see how it turns out. Or, i may even redo this whole sig, focusing on making Torres stand out more. I'll go back to the .pdn and see what i can do tonight, and see how it turns out. Thanks again expired.
  20. Thanks Nab! Much appreciated What i've highlighted bold & italic, is not true . The avatar is just a cut-out from the sig. @Max: Well, in the stock i gave, Torres did have kinda long hair (took ages to cut-out, wish i had PS and Fluid Mask ) @Saabo: Thanks! The black hole/galaxy type thing started of as Clouds + Twist & Ctrl + Shift + Z, plus a transparency gradient to get it to fade out. ----- Well, after a few comments on the sig on TagFlow and a few opinions here, i decided to patch up the sig. I reduced the lighting on Torres, so he can be seen more clearly now. Also did a few colouring changes. I think its better now, but you guys are the judges
  21. xEL1T3xH1TM4Nx, your sigs are very promising for a new user. I like the fact that you use different effects; normally its the usual Polar Inversion + Twist sigs. Keep experimenting and you'll be able to make some awesome sigs! ------- New sig and avatar. Who says PDN can't do Photoshop style sigs!? :twisted:
  22. Thanks Max, Overkill and Speed Demon! Your compliments are always appreciated Well, recently i've noticed that a few people have been asking on how to make those photoshop style sigs. So, naturally i decided to give it a go myself. After an inspiring look at sigs by Robin-2k7 i have come up with this combo: I'm quite pleased with it. It was all done in PDN except for the stocks, which are: Torres Liverpool logo
  23. This is already possible. You can easily rotate images by: 1) Select the image , then using right click and drag to rotate or 2) Layers > Rotate/Zoom (Ctrl + Shift + Z)
  24. No problem! and.. Yay! Yet another person joins Paint.NET! Only about..6.251561 billion to go..
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