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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. Ok, i'm double posting. Meh The topic title says most of it, and ESB stands for Empire state building. So far, only the base is almost completed. Watch this space, some of the tower will be coming up soon.
  2. Gladi8or2, its a nice laptop and you've captured the shape really well. I like how you made the highlight on the edge of the laptop. Nice detail, but you should shade more. Just use gradients. Well, a couple of days ago i said i was going to make a roller coaster in PDN. Now, that idea is in the bin. So, i came up with a new idea, and i'm recreating the Empire State Building (ESB) in pixel art. The bottom/base is kind of done (i think the glares on the small windows are a bit too strong). If i feel confident enough at the end of the whole piece, i may add textures onto the walls. This is it so far, and all i used was tools in the toolbox: Its hard working on a pretty small scale, and it takes forever.. The base on its own looks pretty neat too.
  3. This piece is amazing! It looks to me like some kind of flowerfield, so maybe to take it further you could develop it into that? Also, what kind of techniques did you use to make it - i'd love to know!?
  4. Nice manip. I see you lightened the mountain and greenery around it. Most users would use the water reflection plugin on the reflection but you used wobble. Great job! I'd make the stones less visible though.
  5. .... and with my vote Max's vote count rises to 4! :shock: My 10 minute job got 2 votes. wow.. :shock: *falls over in shock, gets up then dance*
  6. Nice work! I see you're fond of the Visitor font, and diagonal lines. I see my tut in your sig! :D Great job on the tut! KIU! (Keep it up)
  7. Alternatively, you could change the Canvas Size (Ctrl + Shift + R). Double the width only, then anchor it to the left center or right center depending on which side you wish to keep the image. Then just copy, paste and position.
  8. Just Duplicate the render layer, and mess around with it. It what i do Also, paste something linked to the render in the background but at low opacity. It just makes it better.
  9. Nothing really, i just think its immoral to do so thats all.
  10. Look at the small print after the "KIU!" bit. :wink:
  11. Some people just vote for themselves if its a poll thread. If its a PM vote, then those who vote for themselves can be identified very easily.
  12. Yes, but his latest tut teaches placement of where brushes can be placed. For example, the flow section of the guide can be used to place certain brushes in a certain way to show flow. I suppose you're right about about the tut not being exactly about how to use brushes, but a bit of thinking can convert parts of the tut into where to place brushes. Here's a link to the tut i think that Crimson was talking about: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24398&hilit=photoshop
  13. Take a look at this tut by tHs/Phase: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=25777 It helps. A lot. :wink:
  14. To make it not so pixelated you'd have to resize it, and then trace it using the line/curve tool :LineCurveTool: and then colouring it in with & :PaintBucketTool:
  15. Heh, very interesting & colourful pieces topezia! The first looks like something under a microscope, and the last two look very much like some glass block design. KIU! keep it up
  16. Thanks! People have said its too thin, which is quite true, but i suppose the style and layout is nice. I think Mike will win, even though he hasn't entered. Yet.
  17. I think he means removing spots/acne/freckles from skin. You could try using Clone Stamp, or Smudging it out.
  18. Oh my! All the other entries are 100% PDN. Guess i'll be the first to use stocks. Stocks: Volcano Iceberg Don't think it'll win, but i thought it was quite a funny & good idea. I mean, an iceberg erupting?
  19. Exactly what i thought, and he uses photoshop.. I know that my Nadal render got too bright as i used too many screen blend modes.. haha Thanks! Some users on that forum do have amazing sigs though. What does KIU mean? :oops: EDIT: ZAP!
  20. Look what the pro's said about my sig: [link] They're really harsh.. Its all true what they say though, i s'pose. Maybe i'll do another one, taking on board what they say. They all use PS, and IMO, some of the sigs that they've made are 10 times worse than mine, but some are 100 times better Lousy PS users..
  21. Use this tut to cut out the white stuff around your other picture: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4841
  22. Avoid saving as a .jpg unless you wish to save disk space. Save as a .png to retain quality, and it doesn't take up much more space than a .jpg.
  23. Yep! Try it! I think i used Gaussian blur, but i can't remember much.. I had to lower the opacity of the layer, and blend mode was additive.
  24. Thanks for the comment, and the lines in the hair.. i don't have a clue how they got there, i can't even check as i closed the .pdn and can't see the history again. The face paint, that was just too easy, just ran clouds and blurred it a bit and called it done! Well, i'm not gonna do another Joker, but i may enter LAOTW #3 with a manip. I'm thinking Iceberg erupting lava..
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