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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. The Custom Brush plugin is what you need. Its stickied in the plugins section of this forum, so you should find it easily. In the first post of the thread it tells you how to use PS brushes for the plugin, as well as how to install it. I also suggest that you read The Rules, in particular No. 6. Welcome to PDN and the PDN forum!
  2. That doesn't happen for me. When i select something, for example square or circular, my CPU usage remains under 10% according to Windows Task Manager. However, when i select something that is a very complicated selection, such as selecting all the noise when adding noise to a plain background, the CPU usage rises to above 90% until de-selected.


    Ash, that is one very impressive icy text you've made there. Its so cool (literally )! Could you tell me some of the methods used? Just a few hints is enough. You can PM it if you wish, but can just post it here too, its up to you.
  4. I like the last of your sigs Slimjimmy, it just needs a sun. :wink: Also, you don't need to make a new post for every sig, you can simply edit it into the post you made before.
  5. Surely not 100% PDN!? Except for the stock, how did you make the texture in the background? It looks so real, and unbelievable that it makes me go :shock: . A tut on the texture would be very nice! :wink:
  6. For the colour trimming one, you could draw rectangular bars of each channel each fading, and have a little scissor cutting one part of a channel. Alias, could be a :AntiAliasingOn: fading into :AntiAliasingOff: Its just something i thought of when i read the post in this topic.
  7. I think he did spell Chief right. If you look closely, then you can kind of make out a faint F at the end. The letter before is an E. Well, this is my second attempt at making a sporty photoshop style sig. I think its better than the first, considering i used no brushes. Its 100% PDN except for the stocks i used, which are listed at the bottom. I used these stocks: [*:1pgoxt6z]Clay Tennis court [*:1pgoxt6z]Grass Tennis court [*:1pgoxt6z]Nadal Yeah, i copied the same text from my gallery
  8. Well, this is my second attempt at making a sporty photoshop style sig. I think its better than the first, considering i used no brushes. Its 100% PDN except for the stocks i used, which are listed at the bottom. I used these stocks: [*:1kwoc4kk]Clay Tennis court [*:1kwoc4kk]Grass Tennis court [*:1kwoc4kk]Nadal
  9. That maybe due to the topic, as it i'm finding it quite hard to create a good idea for this competition. I think i've nearly got one though..
  10. I'm not that good at PDN, but i don't think even Ash could make a proper realistic kind of nuclear explosion using 100% PDN. Or maybe he could.. :? :? :? Well, techincally with a tablet or just using the paintbrush tool it would be possible, but it would take forever.. He is a robot after all.. hehe =P
  11. Yikes.. tHs, that sig looks like you didn't do much to it, but who cares!? It looks awesome anyway! Well, Beijing 2008 Olympics kicked off today, so i thought i'd make a quick sig to mark the day. I did this in about 10-15mins.. Don't really like it, but meh.. Text is a clipping mask :twisted:
  12. I know how to do Clipping mask's already. I just don't use it.
  13. Yippppppeeeee!!!! I had noticed that Channel Mask always crashed when i used it a second time, and i was going to report it but i never got round to doing so. Now, theres no need as you've sorted it! Thanks for the update and the new plugins are fantastic! Have a ! EDIT: In the dots plugin, is it possible if we could change to colour of the dots rendered and not just the background?
  14. :shock: You're saying the image re-sized it self when you saved it? It shouldn't do that? Hmmm.. :? What filetype did you save it as?
  15. Yes, you can. You'll have to download a plugin though. Here's a link: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/927-icon-cursor-and-animated-cursor-format-v37-may-2010/ You have to place the .dll file in: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\FileTypes
  16. There are 2 possibilities to replicate this function. Try Layers > Rotate/Zoom or Octagonal/Quad reshape/matte plugin
  17. Crimson, you forgot to mention that you used a screenshot of PDN in your stocks
  18. I like the new sig Max. Very powerful (literally ). Could do with some gradient colouring though. :wink:
  19. @Crimson: I'm not really a fan of Linkin Park, but you've made a very well placed wallpaper! Simple but really effective! Great job!
  20. Yeah, i decided to use the magic wand and not alpha mask as i would've had to make like 50 masks, which i'm too lazy to do. Basic Anti-alias did an ok job though. The shadows.. oops i forgot about them :oops: I'll go do them now.. and edit EDIT: realised i wouldn't need to make 50 masks Oh well, part of the reason i started as a large size was so that once its resized down, it would look very clean, which it does. EDIT2: Text on dA has been updated. Shadows and edges have been anti-aliased.
  21. I like them! I like the one in your sig more, as the Messi one doesn't really follow a colour scheme, and the stock is distorted a bit too much. The one in your sig is excellently done. Now all thats left to do is some of those amazing photoshop lighting effects. Its difficult, but makes it looks so much better! I kind of managed to replicate the lighting in my sig by zoom blur, paint brush, gaussian blur, glow etc. Great job though! @Nab & iKid: Thanks for the comments! Well, here's a high-res version. Clicky!
  22. That looks really realistic! Great job! I don't see any problems with it except the following.. [*:2iolmvtp]The Windows logo on the side is rectangular, shouldn't it be circular? [*:2iolmvtp]The text would look more professional if you had included capital letters. I'll use the slogan as an example. You wrote: windows 7. work. play. live. I think this would look better: Windows 7. Work. Play. Live.
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