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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. My third try at these tag thingys.. I think i'm getting better, but you guys are the judge of that. Compare: 1st) 2nd) 3rd) All done in PDN, except for render.
  2. Ummm.. well by improving it, i meant adding more ways to add depth, flow etc.. Then its up to the mods to sticky it.
  3. Once this is improved, if this doesn't get stickied then.. umm.. i'll do something .. :evil: :? Simply great tut!
  4. Batman on his bike, coming out the TV to get you! Original stock is on the official Dark Knight movie site.
  5. Sorry, but if i correctly understand what cque45 means, then it can be done with the displacement plugin. There are also 2 tuts which show how it can be used. Plugins: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22521&hilit=displacement viewtopic.php?f=16&t=24491&hilit=displacement viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21592&hilit=displacement Tuts: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24598&hilit=displacement viewtopic.php?f=15&t=25452&hilit=displacement
  6. My second attempt at a brushing sig. Use a render of the Batman on PlanetRenders and a stock for the background. ----- More like a TVp to me , but if you imagine the "f" being one of those fancy ones, then you can kind of make out a "Tf".
  7. When applying the Conditional Hue/Saturation rainbow effect, just slide the Saturation slider further to the right. Your colours should be more vibrant.
  8. Could you post a picture of the car? The way i normally change car colour is by cutting out the parts where it is painted, and then using curves. use this tut to cut out the body of the car: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4841&hilit=cutting Conditional Hue/Sat is quicker and better, but harder.
  9. Mike Ryan, that is a very nice & creative logo you've made there. Only thing that bugs me is the the top where the curve forms from the straight part of the "T". Its just me though This is my first try and creating a render/stock sig by using brushes. Turned out ok-ish... Stock Jackie Chan Brushes Abstract Lighting 1 by kimag3500 Abstract Lighting 2 by kimag3500 Abstract Lighting Set 01 by Metal-CX *goes to the "Rate the sig of the poster above you!" thread* EDIT: Sig changed - border added.
  10. Try making the image Black and White (Ctrl + Shift + G) first, then make the image darker by lowering the luminosity of the image by using Curves (Ctrl + Shift + M) or Curves +, then apply a surface blur.
  11. If you know the dimensions, you can easily apply them by using the line/curve tool, and selecting the arrowhead style to both ends. You can change the style by looking on the right of where the Brush width is found and clicking on the small arrow to change the end style.
  12. He's already posted in that thread Ash I think this tut by Wither would be better: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=22367
  13. Could you post a sample image please? It helps us to help you. Thanks in advance EDIT: AFAIK there is no way to colorize a B&W picture on a single layer. The best way i know of is to use the paintbrush tool to paint over the section you wish to colour on a separate layer, then set the blend mode to Overlay
  14. Adjustments > Hue/Saturation The hue slider changes the colour.
  15. Just thought i'd try some tuts for a change . Turned out quite well. I think.
  16. You could also apply sepia :Sepia: , then change the Hue/Saturation
  17. My entry is in for the Asterisk contest. Does it break any rules, as i'm not so sure about the second rule. :?
  18. New Sony Ericsson C902 with PDN: Stocks: PDN logo Sony Ericsson logo Cyber-shot logo C902 text Screenshot of PDN I know those kind of phones will never have PDN, but i just had to include PDN with this phone. The screen is touch-screen too, so you can draw! EDIT: I just realised that the concept in the image is similar to something that Ash created one day.. I guess i'll give hime some credit for the piece then
  19. Sony Ericsson C902 has been completed. Reference image Sony Ericsson Logo Cyber-Shot Text The numbers for the keypad were taken from the reference image, but everything else was done in PDN.
  20. Thats excellent so far, but you can still see the areas where you have used clone stamp. To make this less visible, download pyrochild's plugin pack; inside there is a Smudge plugin, which you should use to smudge out the visible clone stamp areas. Clone Stamp + Smudge = Very good Combo
  21. I have completed the Outer part of the phone, and have also completed the top-half of the inner part. I have not used the Paintbrush to shade any part of the phone so far, it is mostly just gradients. Here is what it looks like now: I did use a stock for the Sony Ericsson Logo and the text, but everything else was done in PDN. All that needs doing is the Key-pad, adding glossy looks, and some minor finishing touches. :shock: Making the iPod and making this is teaching me a lot about shading, lighting and gradients.
  22. Thanks Tendercrisp and oma! Now, for a new WIP. The new Sony Ericsson C902... I have only sketched it out so far, but i'm working on the shading. I will most likely use the same techniques as i used in the iPod.
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