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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. No problem . I like yours better than mine though *goes and switches wallpaper*
  2. Or click on the "Create Sparkles..." link in my sig, and it'll take you to a tut i made on how to create nice stars and sparkles. Madjiks plugin linked by renrob also works well.
  3. Congrats Xpired! Have some and some more cake Served on a plate with a fork too
  4. I don't think there is a way, but there is a work-around. Download the panelling plugin, apply the settings and then use Ctrl + F.
  5. Thanks, but i didn't use Shape3D. I suck at using Shape3D . Here's how i did do it though. Read on... Tuts requested by X-Boy. How I made some realistic iPod headphones: NOTE: I did use a reference image for the headphones to see the shading etc. This mini-tut should give you an idea of how i made the headphones in this image: 1) Add a new layer and draw the outline of the headphone and name the layer outline. Once that is done you then need to decide how many inside sections you need to also draw and duplicate the outline layer by how many sections there are. In this headphone, there are 3 sections, (left grey bit, white middle bit and right grey bit), so i duplicated the outline layer 3 times. Then draw each section as best as you can, and erase any excess lines. I used the line tool for this, and it also helps to use the line tool in Bezier mode (right click the nubs) to get smooth curves. Hopefully the image below will clarify any confusion that may have occured in the explanation. 8) These were the sketches i made: 2) Once you have sketched each outline, you now need to shade it all in to look as realistic as possible. There are 2 ways i did this in the headphone: Gradients and Paintbrush. Paintbrush This method was used a lot for shading in the headphones, as it is quite simple. All you need to do is pick the right shade of colour, and paintbrush in the correct area (this is where the reference image is useful ). IMPORTANT: Make sure that each brush stroke in a different colour is on a different layer. Once each brush stroke has been make, you then need to Gaussian blur it. The values will be different on most occasions, so i can't tell you which values to use. Once you have shaded the headphone to how you would like the headphone to look like, then just merge all the blurred layers together, and then merge that layer with the gradient backing layer explained in the next paragraph. Gradients I used this method to add as a backing for each section in the correct colours. The reason for this is that during the Paintbrush method, Gaussian blurring the brush strokes leaves transparency, and the correct gradient takes care of it. Gradients were also used in the right grey bit to shade it, mainly because it was easier to get the correct angle. I also used the gradient method to create the little black hole things on the side of the headphone, by selecting elliptical selections, then applying a radial gradient. Most of that probably did not make sense, but i'm not too good at explaining, so i hope it did make sense. With a bit of practice, you'll be able to draw anything in PDN! If you have any questions, please don't refrain from asking. And now for the pixel art cube: All i did for the cube was follow a tut and adapted it to make it look more interesting. [link to tut]
  6. Ooh, very sleek and glassy. Must be quite heavy and fragile. That cue stick and ball must cost thousands of ££££!!!
  7. :shock: worldnewser, you continue to amaze me with your ability to produce spacescapes and planets. You've created some amazing textures on those planets, and i especially like the blue one more, but the orange one is also incredible. I don't think it would pass of as Mars yet as its a little too saturated and bright. However, on both planets, there are a few stray pixels around the edges which need cleaning . Some iPod nano's: First iPod nano in PDN: Then i added some headphones : It was all done in PDN, but i used these images for reference: [link1] [link2]
  8. Promising work everybody! I'm glad that you all played around with the effects and produced something different each. Well done! Can you expand on "it won't let me"? What happens when you try to download? This is most likely a problem with the Custom Brushes plugin. Try downloading and installing the latest version (v3.9). If the problem still occurs, then post more information on your problem in the Custom Brushes plugin thread.
  9. That probably because i never updated my gallery for ages.. Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a new iPod nano - with added headphones : Also 100% PDN. Reference image
  10. :shock: Well, what can i say? oma, you have shocked many of us yet again, with the amazing sealife piece again! Like topezia, I also prefer the blue version. I reckon it is worthy for the Galleria! *reports the image post*
  11. I made an iPod. 100% pure PDN This image used for reference
  12. I also like the xylophone; clean and well made! I'll look forward to seeing more of your work. Also, in your Wii, i suggest making it without the black outline, and changing the perspective, as it looks wrong right now (take a look at picture of a Wii, and you'll see the difference. In the end it'll look much better. :wink:
  13. My entry was in yesterday. Took me a couple of hours, including finding the stocks. What do you guys think of it?
  14. The following movie is a real shocker on global warming. Watch it if you haven't already... Stocks: Factory Smoke Brushes Earth The long bottom text
  15. You have produced some great work! Well done! I'll look forward to seeing more of your work Looks like Line/Curve + Dents to me :wink:
  16. It may be a bit too difficult, but how about manipulating a young child into a teenager?
  17. Use the color picker tool in the Tools Window. It looks like this: :ColorPicker: When using the tool, left click to select a colour for your primary colour, or right click to select a colour for your secondary colour.
  18. oma, i see you have and are using Polar Inversion well in your abstract. Great piece! Nice piece topezia! I like the way the red fish has its eyes sticking out in shock . Mine started off as the bottom of a spinning top, and kind of phased into this: (its a link)
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