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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. welshblue, he already knows how to get into the sig editing place. He just needs to know how to place an image there. Well, hageman55, you need to upload the image from your PC to an image hosting site, then you need to copy and paste the code provided by the image hosting site into your sig editing place.
  2. onion57, you can't select multiple layers and move selections about on them at once. If you're trying to move a few things on different layer to another position, then use the Panelling plugin: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3074&hilit=panelling then just press Ctrl + F on each layer. __________ subiewrex, like i said above you can't select multiple layers, but you can try the suggestion above. If it is what you need.
  3. Conditional Hue/Saturation viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1102
  4. Once you've installed the plugins in the Effects folder, you need to restart PDN for them to be visible. ____________________________________________ viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023
  5. [*:1ullwt6y]On a new, separate layer, draw a red dot where you want it with the paintbrush tool . Thickness depends on your liking. [*:1ullwt6y]Then Effect > Blurs > Gaussian Blur :GaussianBlur: . Blur to your liking. [*:1ullwt6y]Then add new layer :AddNewLayer: , make a smaller white dot and blur again. Merge down. [*:1ullwt6y]Effects > Photo > Glow :Glow: to make it brighter and more "glowy" [*:1ullwt6y]Then set the layer to have a blend mode via Layer > Properties :Properties: (or F4/double click on the layer).
  6. Paint.NET isn't a Word Proccessor, so it cannot do this in a single step. However, you can create a white rectangle on a new layer :AddNewLayer: with the rectangle tool and then use the text tool and just write your text.
  7. Everything in this OS was done in PDN by me, except the folder icons (came without the stuff added on them - see stock link for clarification). Well, this is it: Stock: Folder's The shown image is also a link to an approximate life-size image of the OS in a Sony Ericsson C902 (made in PDN by me).
  8. At least they've improved on MS Paint though, you can draw shapes easily now. Its no way in the league of Paint.NET though.
  9. Well, i guess i shall be the first to enter. I've gone for a black/teal colour scheme. Everything was done in PDN by me, except the folder icons (came without the stuff added on them - see stock link for clarification). Well, this is it: Stock: Folder's The shown image is also a link to an approximate life-size image of the OS in a Sony Ericsson C902 (made in PDN by me).
  10. After some experimenting, i got this: The raised molten metal part is ok, but doesnt look too real (a division between the metal and molten metal can be seen and its not too beveled). I think i've cracked the cut part though. It looks like its beveled in. Maybe i'm getting somewhere... :?
  11. Well Skitzo, thanks for the comment on my Murray sig. Now for some tips on yours: [*:1laaqyr5]You've added an interesting background which is good, but it kind of drags attention away from Murray. Try making those white rain-like things less visible. [*:1laaqyr5]You need to make the render more clear. Try not to use too many effects on top of the render. [*:1laaqyr5]Use some light textures on the sig to make it seem more "vibrant". Just search for light textures on dA and you'll find many. [*:1laaqyr5]Add some interesting text, and a more clear and "undeformed" light source is needed. [*:1laaqyr5]Visit UniqueGfx or Player-art for tutorials on how to make these kind of sigs. Hope i could help, and good luck!
  12. Kind of, but if it could actually fade into the metal then it would look much more real and better. I'm still experimenting too though. Blooper's method kind of covers a small part of it - i think.
  13. The tut: [link] I'm wondering how to get the cut effect with the "splodgy" metal next to it. Any suggestions how?
  14. Preview of my homepage. The padlock at the top is only shown when the phone is locked, but its there to show what it would look like. If a few more screenshots are needed to be made, then i shall, but if only the homepage is needed then i suppose i'm done. So, Helio, is the homepage enough or are more screenshots needed?
  15. Use the tutorial that Crimson linked to, along with this tutorials on Alpha Masking, to get a cleaner cut. Click me for tutorial
  16. Welcome to the forum. I look forward to seeing what you can do with PDN. You must be pretty good seeing as you've had it for 2 years.
  17. I agree with Mike and think that you should host the coming LAOTW's. After all you are one of the very very best PDN artists.
  18. :shock: :shock: :shock: That is absolutely awesomeness!! Great use of smudge.
  19. Jake, the style is very sleek and smooth. I love it - especially the black one. 2 Mac wallpapers i made: Simple, but i think they're still pretty cool.
  20. Yay, first to download and comment on it! :o This plugin is great!! Thanks BB! Have a and chill for a bit.
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