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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. Its called Birth of a Hero. [link] Also, i like your gallery LJXD, as Saabo says your work is very creative and nice. Keep it up! This one is my favourite, very sleek and simple
  2. Thanks Crimson! Your kind words are much appreciated! @matt469: Thanks for the comment, but i don't think that the poker table is too good now. I thought it was amazing when i made it, but i've learned lots more from then, and it seems ok to me. As for the tut, i don't think it is tut worthy, its just a combination of different tuts and basic stuff (i think - did it a long time ago). I'll link you to a tut that inspired me to make it and its also how i made the cards and poker chips. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=21698 ----- Well, recently i've been making brush sig/tags, which can be found in the Signatures, etc Umbrella of the Pictorium. Today, i didn't really know what to do, so i decided to take my Sony Ericsson C902, one step further. [jeremy.clarkson.voice]I came up with this:[/jeremy.clarkson.voice] Larger version is on my dA, just click on the image to go there.
  3. I like Max's suggestion too, but in this thread Rick has already said no: [link] Its the last 2 posts. Oops.. :oops: How about Ctrl + Alt + F, it doesn't seem to be a short cut, so its possible it could become one. I'll edit the title.
  4. Hmmm, ok. Ctrl + Shift + F, doesn't do anything, so i suppose that can re-open the plugin window. I'll edit the title, and wait
  5. Is it possible for Ctrl + F to re-open the plugin window of the last plugin used. I think it would be quite useful as when applying effects, such as Drop Shadow, it would be much easier to apply new settings if Ctrl + F, re-opened the plugin window instead of applying the effect with the settings applied before?
  6. Create a new canvas. Add a new layer and write the logo text on a new layer. Delete the background layer. Crop the canvas so only the text is shown (Select the text with and Ctrl + Shift + x ). Now, save the file as a .png so the transparency is maintained.
  7. Speed Demon has it on the right lines. But it should be like this: [url= address of website][img= image ][/url]
  8. tHs, thats not finished and its already looking awesome! You gotta finish it and show us the finished sig/tag. So, i used your hints and did this: 1) 2) Which one?
  9. I made it for a [req] on TagFlow. Any good? Original Stock
  10. I normally press Enter but you can also press Esc
  11. Very ingenious then! You must be a future Escher
  12. It's amazing text Max, but how is it abstract? :?
  13. That "M" is amazingly awesome I love the slight transparency of the text. Very cool. Your coloured arrangement of the M's, is terribly bad IMO. Try organising it into something similar to: [link] It would look much, much better. Also, if you want to lose the jagged shadow, you'll have to re-do the shadow on a larger scale, then re-size down. Keep up the great work though!
  14. Brushing to make something look sad & evil? I think its hard..
  15. If you wish to make a dark image lighter and retain the colour, duplicate the layer, Invert Colours, then set the blend mode to Overlay (for the layer you inverted colours) and merge down.
  16. YAY! Can't wait tHs, i'm sure it'll be an excellent part *waits eagerly*
  17. :shock: I won!?!?! YAY! No.. :!: Thank you everybody, but i can't accept this win on my own, even though it would be my first. Helio announced me as the winner, but i wish to say that Olli is also a winner. I do believe Helio saying that a PM was sent to him by Matoyak, but in my mind, me and Olli have tied, as shown by the Poll count. So, people who wish to congratulate the winners, you must congratulate me and Olli. Thanks. EDIT: correct spelling error
  18. Ok tHs, thanks for the tip. How this: i made the render lighter, but i tried adding a bigger light source, but i've got too many blend modes at work, and it looks bad, so i left the light source as it is. EDIT: Removed old image, added this new one:
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