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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. First post in this thread - second link, where it says "Complied DLL". The link downloads a ZIP file with the compiled DLL in it AND the OptiPNG application. Follow the instructions in that post.
  2. Another option might be CellMaker. I created it to easily create a grid within a given selection. I.e. if you want specifically sized cells, this plugin will fill your selection only with complete cells. The updated version (minus screenshots) can be found here: CellMaker Rev
  3. Yes it's possible, but we're not going to do your homework for you. YOU find out the file format and size required - search the Joomla site if necessary. <closed>
  4. That's a poor excuse. I don't travel to the USA very often, but I'm obliged to drive on the right hand side of the road and follow local road rules when I'm there. Please take the time to read the forum rules. They are mandatory for ALL users.
  5. Sounds like you need the template trick: 1. Open a new image and adjust the size to suit. 2. Save it in *.pdn format with a filename like : "Movie image template" Close paint.net. Navigate to the file you just saved and double click on it to reopen it. The trick here is to immedaitely use Save As... to save a copy of the first image using a new filename (for the image you are going to be working on). In this way the initial image does not get overwritten and becomes a template for each of the subsequent images. To start a new (correctly sized) image, double click on the template!
  6. How to install plugins: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php
  7. Pdnnoob & mountnman: you're welcome! (It's a bad habit of mine to have an encyclopedic knowledge of plugins).
  8. If you have javascript turned on, then this is beyond my Mod powers I think you need help from CMD or Pyrochild....,
  9. You need to save it as a *.png. Go to File > Save As.., and change the dropdown filetype "save as type" to "PNG (*.png)" if it is not already selected.
  10. You're going to need this plugin: Mosaic Maniac Collage Paint, and a host of smaller images to make up the larger image (like the bullets for hair in your example). The plugin thread has a pretty good description of how to use it, unfortunately the images don't seem to be loading
  11. I have it on good authority that IrfanView will also open pdf's. This thread has a link to a converter pdf>image : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21677-importopen-high-res-pdf-files/ More on the subject of importing images from pdf's: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/17850-wish-open-pdf-and-extract-images/
  12. Are you clicking your username or the dropdown arrow that sits to the right of your username? What browser?
  13. Remeber to save the file in a format that supports transparency (*.png or *.gif). A file that doesn't support transparency will fill the devoid areas with......... white.
  14. What board theme are you using? The Default one?
  15. You are probably best to do a screenshot of the opened pdf and paste that into paint.net.
  16. Hi GODCHICKEN, welcome to the forum. Your images were just a little raunchy for this forum, so I've removed them for now. Please note that we have a strict policy on images posted here (you can find this in the Forum Rules). For those interested in the question, here is a cropped version of the before & after images: A couple of tutorials spring to mind to help you create these effects. Try searching for "Sharp's line sig" and "wrapped Glow'y line" here: http://searchpaint.net/
  17. Hi Tony, You've made a post, and I'm replying. I hope you'll be able to read this! ( Note: I removed your email address from your post. It's not a good idea to post such information in an open forum unless you want to be spammed.) Now are you referring to the PM (Private Message) system or posts in threads? If the latter, and you can read this then case closed & solved. If the former, do private messages simply not show up or are you unable to access (open) them?
  18. Thread is over a year old eaton1 - you should consider it closed as per Rule #11
  19. I use "hobby" glasses. They simply magnify by a factor of 1.5 - though you can get them up to 3x. At $12.95 they are MUCH cheaper than a visit to your optometrist!
  20. Wrong forum. This is a support forum for paint.net which runs under Windows.
  21. My bugbears are spelling and grammar - I'm never going to win, but I keep fighting! ^^ I hear you and agree entirely. You ARE appreciated
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