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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Echo.dll (unreleased plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14832-stereogram-tools-betas/) might do some of what the poster wants - so will Panelling
  2. I thought of adding more alignment tools for points of interest in a given image. There are lots of diagonals and ways to divide up an image (http://www.photos-of...etouche/golden/) I found many of them entirely subjective, and ended up fitting a template to an image rather than the other way around. "Harmonious Triangles" .... my bottom In the end, simplicity won: Users that don't know about composition can use this simple tool to assist them. More advanced users will already know cool stuff about how to lay out an image. Thanks for the 'ups' for WhichSymbol+ and Stereograms
  3. Nope, not offended . You're welcome to post new (better) versions! Please feel free to do so. Rick has said that he will look at possibly adding a 'rule of 1/3rds' option into v4.0 - which is why I stopped working on this. Look forward to downloading your plugin with interest.
  4. Shame on you mountnman! WhichSymbol+ is my best plugin. Install it instantly or it shall go very hard for you
  5. Hi 100%, Is the logo you want to create similar to this tutorial? If so, post a sample here so we can see what you're trying to achieve. If the logo is not similar, please repost your request in this forum (also with sample image): http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/4-paintnet-discussion-questions/ Thanks & welcome to the forum!
  6. I think you would be better raising this is the Troubleshooting section, as it's not really a plugin installation issue. Repost your last post here as a new topic: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/3-troubleshooting-bug-reports/
  7. Did you restart Paint.net? Are you sure you put in in the right place? Generally, the default location is C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects If yes to the above questions, post a screenshot of your effects folder contents (including the path to the folder).
  8. Development halted! Rick can do this way better than I can! I'll leave the plugin in the Developers section so it is still available if people really want to fiddle with it. I'll add a little more explanation of how to use it in that thread (using the above discussion as a base).
  9. You mean the 3D bit? Try Trail, Trail 3D or Add Depth
  10. Not in codelab Make your selection first. Then run the plugin to create the guidelines. Your selection will remain after the plugin closes. The up/down buttons affect the slider position. Down deceases the value of the slider. A negative value moves the horisontal line up away from the centre. This is not going to be changed. If you don't like the action, just use the slider which is marked up and down. I'll think about it....,
  11. I can do that. There are three tools. Each is activated by a checkbox. You have the "Cropping Guide" checked - that is why you see the black box - it's the cropping guide. Cropping guide colors a region that is outside the bounds of height vs width. The actual ratio is set in the aspect ratio. So in the following screenshot, you have a portrait orientation selected, and a ration of 1.618, so the cropping guide is showing you a height of 1.618 * the width. Everything else is coloured black to indicate that its outside the cropping area for this orientation and aspect ratio. Just make a selection and run the plugin - no frame required. Zoom in. The lines become inaccurate if they are thicker - does 1/3 start on the left, middle or right hand side of a 5 pixel width line? it's not optimized. Its a work in progress. Working on this. Run the plugin on a new layer for each set of guidelines you want. Change the primary color in between layers.
  12. It is meant to be run on it's own layer. The center guidelines give you a horizon to rotate to. This guideline can be shifted up or down as required. It is. Make a selection and run the plugin - the rule of 1/3rds guidelines will only extend as far as the selection edges. You'll have to eyeball the rotation yourself. This plugin just gives you a guideline to work to. Run the plugin on its own layer & adjust the horizontal guideline (with the slider) to roughly match the image horizon (slider is in pixels and measured from image/selection center). Select the image layer press CTRL + A (select all) then M (move tool) right click and move the mouse to rotate the image until the image horizon matches the guideline. Apply them one at a time on separate layers. Have noticed that the cropping tool isn't limited to the current selection - I'll fix this.
  13. This: And also these too, please : Forum rules. Enjoy your time here on the forum.<moved>
  14. Something to play with: Let me know if you have ideas for improving it. Oh and if you can find and equation for the Golden Spiral, I'd like to add that too!
  15. I've been playing with this for a day or two. Basically it draws alignment lines on a layer to give the user guidelines to centering, rotating horizons, rule of 1/3rds and cropping to a fixed ratio. This plugin is designed to be run on a transparent layer, above the existing image. All renderings will be in the Primary color (unless the Secondary color checkbox is selected). *New* The UI Explained: Center Guidelines: Draws centered vertical and horisontal lines through the image, as near to the image centre as rounding will allow. The lines are linked to sliders so they can be moved. The idea is that this feature allows you to quickly divide your image into quarters and/or find the center of the image. The adjustable horisontal guideline gives you something to (re)align your image horison to (especially useful the wonky way I take pictures!). 'Rule of 1/3rds Guidelines: Divides the image (selected region) into 1/3rds horisontally and vertically. This guide can be used to find the 'rule of 1/3rds' intersections (the points of interest in an image should be closely aligned to these intersections. See this thread for more info: http://forums.getpai...rule-of-thirds/). Cropping guide: Shades a portion of the image that would be out of bounds if the images height and/or width were adjusted by the given orientation and aspect ratio. Say you wish to crop an image to 4:3 ratio in portrait orientation: simply select the cropping guide & portrait orientation then locate and select the 4:3 ratio in the dropdown list. The primary color will be used to shade the portion of the image that would lie outside this cropping area. EDIT: this feature does now work on selections. Question: Is it useful? Photo Alignment Tool.zip
  16. Alweiss, thank you for your contribution. However, we have a rule about not replying to very old posts (also known as necroposting). You can find it here: Rule #11
  17. Exactly. Here's another take on the same subject: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22088-plugin-for-font-effects/page__view__findpost__p__355892
  18. Your choice, I'll post this link in case you change your mind & want to try again: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/16459-vista-35b2-install-problemsstaging-folder-now-fixed/. It just _might_ help. I'm not sure about your "paint shop folder" (post #8). Did you try a custom installation or the default location?
  19. The problem probably could have been solved - if you had been a little more patient.
  20. If you like plugins, here are two more options: Silhoette or Silhouette Plus
  21. Woah. Five year necropost!! Please read Rule #11 <locked>
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