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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. There is an alternative to the recolor tool, it's a plugin called Conditional Hue & Stauration. Read about it (and how to use it) here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21134-how-can-i-create-a-shape-and-recolor-it/page__view__findpost__p__348884
  2. 1. Open your photo. 2. Adjustments > Black and White. 3. Select a random area and run Pixellate+ 4. Randomly rotate some of the pixellated blocks through 90 or 180 degrees. Close?
  3. You'll have to download and unzip the whole pack first. After that you can just copy across the feather.dll, but I really, really recommend installing all the *.dll's. BoltBait has some truly excellent plugins in there that you will surely find useful (that's why his plugin pack is pinned on the forum - it's considered one of the best ).
  4. Try Effects > Distort > Bulge. I explain it in this post:
  5. I think mountnman meant the Effects menu in paint.net. If you haven't got Feather installed, go download BoltBait's plugin pack: HERE.
  6. Like that? The first method you generally try is to put spaces in there. But that doesn't work, because the forum parses the extra spaces out. The trick is to fill in between the links with some characters (I used full stops in your sig) and then color them white (the color of the default forum theme background). If you highlight the whole line you'll see them (you probably need a few more full stops - I'll leave that up to you).
  7. No. At least you've learned how NOT TO uninstall a program
  8. @ RetroNonsese: Bumping your post after six minutes has to be some sort of record. Please read The Forum Rules, specifically number 25.
  9. I stand corrected - thanks for the info null54.
  10. BMP's do not support transparency. To get the image to have transparent areas you'll have to change the file format (*.png *.gif or *.ico will all support transparency).
  11. Not a bad effort! BTW I've replaced your image with a link. Rule #29 sets the maximum size of posted images on the forum to 800pixels in any one dimension.
  12. Please post problems relating to a particular plugin in the thread for that plugin. I.e. HERE This helps keep all the discussion about the plugin in one area. Thanks! BTW the first post of that thread tells you where to find the effect <closed>
  13. Other galley thread locked. ONE gallery at a time please TFprime.
  14. < Moved to Paint.Net Discussion & Questions (this is not a tutorial guys) >
  15. Just from the screenshots, I think you've a problem with the ROI (rectangle of interest). Read about the ROI and how paint.net uses it here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/overview.asp Here's another thread on the subject:
  16. You can constrain the rotation to exactly 15 degree increments by holding down the SHIFT key while you 'right mouse' . More > http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/MoveTools.html
  17. Hi Yedped, welcome to the forum. You can introduce yourself properly in this thread (that's what it is there for ): http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/7398-the-introduction-thread/
  18. There is a plugin that will enable loading and saving of photoshop files, Here. You can load and save *.ico (icon) files in their native format with this plugin: Icon, cursor & animated cursor
  19. This thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/19099-techno-crosswords/ Most of the recommendations begin with the Random Maze plugin (find it in the Plugin Index - link in my signature)
  20. Great job Red Ochre! I felt it was time you created a plugin pack! I've edited your post to include links to these three plugins: Tweak Transparency Psychocolour Highlight
  21. Thanks Yellowman. I'm sure it was a plugin..... Nevermind, I'm developing a little tool to do the job.
  22. You've probably inadvertently changed the flood mode from Contiguous to Global. Check for this setting in the toolbar with the Paint Bucket tool selected. More > http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/Toolbar.html
  23. Yes. Try the Grim Color Reaper or AlphaSpace plugin. I particularly like the AlphaSpace plugin for exactly this job. You'll find them in the Plugin Index, link in my signature.
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