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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. How many did you use in the last week? And yet you loaded every one of them every time you opened paint.net
  2. Return to the DPI link and re-read the section that begins... 2. How can I optimize my image for print? The solution is as pdnnoob suggested - make the logo much larger when you also need to print it. You can shrink it easily, but not increase the size without incurring pixelization. As a rough guide monitors are around 96ppi (pixels per inch) & printers commonly do their work at 300dpi (dots per inch). So upscale your image by a minimum of 3x (300/96) on the screen to retain clarity when printing. Actually I recommend upsizing the image dimensions by a factor of four so that when you resize down for the web it is a factor-of-two reduction. In summary: A 2 inch square on your screen at 96ppi will be exactly filled with an image 192x192 pixels in size. To print a 2 inch square image at 300dpi you'll need the image to be 600x600 pixels.
  3. @perry47: pdnnoob is right you know. Unless you want bags of spam in your Inbox, it's not a good idea to post your email address in an open forum. I've removed it for you. I've also edited your thread title to make what you're asking a little clearer. Oh and welcome to the forum
  4. It's caused by your edges being antialiased (smoothed). The pixels that are used to 'smooth' the edge are not being colored along with the rest of the region. This is because they are not similar enough to the pixel you clicked the tool on. Try fine tuning the tolerance setting in the toolbar. Increasing the % will fill more pixels, decreasing the % will fill less pixels.
  5. You've been sleep-moderating again haven't you?
  6. You can't change the resolution on just part of the image. It's an all-or-nothing deal. Can you upload both pics and post the links here?
  7. Sounds like you have a DPI issue. Read all about it: Printing uses a lot more dots-per-inch than your screen. I suspect that this is the reason the web image is fine (probably 96 pixels per inch) and the print is lousy (probably printing @ 300ppi). The print image will need to be stretched to make it the same size as the screen version, hence the blurring. Try printing the image smaller (= sharper).
  8. Nonono, always follow the line of least resistance As an experienced slacker I often come up with these time saving methods Here's another one: Search the Plugin Index for a plugin that will do the job for you. I'm not certain there is one there...., but it's worth a look.
  9. Some clarification of the term 'object' might be in order...., An 'object' is a region of the layer that is surrounded by transparent pixels (the grey & white checkerboard). Text on a transparent layer is considered a collection of objects. Text (even contrasting text) on a colored surface within the same layer are not objects. So in order to use Pyrochild's 'Outline Object', you need to render your text onto a canvas that is otherwise transparent. If you draw your text onto a filled layer, the plugin will not find the edges of the text & will not work as you anticipate. You will see many recommendations on the forum about putting your text onto a transparent layer - it's a good habit to get into.
  10. You could write a plugin that removes everything but red. Open image, duplicate layer, then run plugin on duplicated layer. Presto!
  11. Install it in the Paint.net/Filytypes/ folder (see post 997 above for a link to a how-to-install-plugins tutorial). NOTE: Paint.net has nothing to do with MS Paint.
  12. Taking nothing away from the tutorial, but there is a plugin which automates the Pleasantville tutorial: Extract Color
  13. Try the Clone Stamp tool More >> http://www.getpaint....CloneStamp.html BUT FIRST, turn it off in your camera settings!
  14. TIF support in paint.net is minimal and provided on a "Gee if it works - that's great" basis ( http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/19468-lab-color-space/page__view__findpost__p__330287) If possible, you would be better to change the type of file you're exporting to. Alternatively, use paint.net to create your image: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12198-hdr-image-blending-tone-mapping/
  15. .... and Rick is very busy. That's why he has Mods to share the workload.
  16. Your file associations are messed up. No way the downloaded file should be opened by Excel. Help is at hand: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/19449-default-file-type-associations-restore.html
  17. This thread might provide some insights and solutions: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22067-feature-request-open-pdn-with-no-addons/
  18. Because it's not Photoshop. You can with this plugin: Editable Text Please read the FAQ which answers this.
  19. Wrong outline effect. Try looking under the Effects/Object menu for "Outline Object" (assuming you have downloaded and installed the plugin: Outline Object v2.6 ) This is not really a Troubleshooting or Bug issue, so I'll move this to the paint.net discussion area.
  20. Move every plugin you haven't used for two weeks into a sub folder in the /Effects/ folder (mine is called /Effects/Unloaded/). Paint.net will load much faster if you have fewer plugins - so be ruthless. Q: What on earth are you doing with 300 plugins? Have you actually used them all, or are you just hoarding them?
  21. See my post here: The plugins listed will also work with white backgrounds.
  22. Plugin Index - look for Grim Color Reaper or AlphaSpace. There are many others that will do the job just as well, check out some of the other plugins in the list that start with "Alpha" and also "Black and Alpha+" and "Color to Alpha".
  23. If you're feeling so magnanimous: lend me 50 bucks? no? Ah well, I'll just go create another account and anonymously hassle you to teach me c#....,
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